package templates import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" ) func OidcCallback(node *types.Node, user *types.User, verb string) string { styleMgr := styles.NewStyleManager() styleBody := styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Props{ styles.FontSize: styles.Pixels(14), styles.FontFamily: "system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, \"Segoe UI\", \"Roboto\", \"Oxygen\", \"Ubuntu\", \"Cantarell\", \"Fira Sans\", \"Droid Sans\", \"Helvetica Neue\", sans-serif", }) styleHr := styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Props{ styles.BorderColor: "#fdfdfe", styles.Margin: "24px 0", }) classContainer := styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Props{ styles.Display: "flex", styles.JustifyContent: "center", styles.AlignItems: "center", styles.Height: styles.ViewportHeight(70), }) classLogo := styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Props{ styles.Display: "block", styles.MarginLeft: styles.Pixels(-20), styles.MarginBottom: styles.Pixels(16), }) colorMessageSuccess := styles.Props{ styles.Background: "#fafdfa", styles.Border: "1px solid #c6e9c9", } colorMessageWarning := styles.Props{ styles.Background: "#fff9f2", styles.Border: "1px solid #f7d7b0", } styleMessage := styles.Props{ styles.Display: "flex", styles.MinWidth: styles.ViewportWidth(40), styles.MarginBottom: styles.Pixels(12), styles.Padding: "12px 16px 16px 12px", styles.Position: "relative", styles.BorderRadius: styles.Pixels(2), styles.FontSize: styles.Pixels(14), } var classMessage string if node.Approved { classMessage = styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Merge(styleMessage, colorMessageSuccess)) } else { classMessage = styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Merge(styleMessage, colorMessageWarning)) } classMessageContent := styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Props{ styles.MarginLeft: styles.Pixels(4), }) classIconSuccess := styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Props{ "fill": "#2eb039", }) colorMessageTitleSuccess := styles.Props{ styles.Color: "#1e7125", } colorMessageTitleWarning := styles.Props{ styles.Color: "#d58525", } styleMessageTitle := styles.Props{ styles.FontSize: styles.Pixels(16), styles.FontWeight: styles.Int(700), styles.LineHeight: styles.Float(1.25), } var classMessageTitle string if node.Approved { classMessageTitle = styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Merge(styleMessageTitle, colorMessageTitleSuccess)) } else { classMessageTitle = styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Merge(styleMessageTitle, colorMessageTitleWarning)) } colorMessageBodySuccess := styles.Props{ styles.Color: "#17421b", } colorMessageBodyWarning := styles.Props{ styles.Color: "#824c0b", } styleMessageBody := styles.Props{ styles.FontSize: styles.Pixels(12), styles.Margin: styles.Int(0), styles.Padding: styles.Int(0), styles.Border: styles.Int(0), styles.MarginTop: styles.Pixels(4), } var classMessageBody string if node.Approved { classMessageBody = styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Merge(styleMessageBody, colorMessageBodySuccess)) } else { classMessageBody = styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Merge(styleMessageBody, colorMessageBodyWarning)) } styleA := styleMgr.AddCompositeStyle(styles.CompositeStyle{ Default: styles.Props{ styles.Display: "block", styles.Margin: "8px 0", styles.Color: "#1563ff", styles.TextDecoration: "none", styles.FontWeight: styles.Int(600), }, PseudoClasses: map[string]styles.Props{ styles.PseudoHover: {styles.Color: "black"}, }, }) classIcon := styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Props{ styles.AlignItems: "center", styles.Display: "inline-flex", styles.JustifyContent: "center", styles.Width: styles.Pixels(21), styles.Height: styles.Pixels(21), styles.VerticalAlign: "middle", }) styleH1 := styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Props{ styles.FontSize: "17.5px", styles.FontWeight: styles.Pixels(700), styles.MarginBottom: styles.Pixels(0), }) styleH1P := styleMgr.AddStyle(styles.Props{ styles.Margin: "8px 0 16px 0", }) var messageText string var icon *elem.Element if node.Approved { messageText = fmt.Sprintf( "%s as %s, you can now close this window.", verb, user.DisplayNameOrUsername(), ) icon = iconSuccess(classIconSuccess) } else { messageText = fmt.Sprintf( "%s as %s, but not connected!", verb, user.DisplayNameOrUsername(), ) icon = iconWarning() } description := &elem.Element{ Tag: "span", } if !node.Approved { description = elem.Div( nil, elem.P( attrs.Props{ attrs.Class: classMessageBody, attrs.Style: styles.Props{ styles.MarginTop: "1rem", }.ToInline(), }, elem.Text("However, it can't connect until approved by the administrator a network."), ), elem.P( attrs.Props{ attrs.Class: classMessageBody, }, elem.Text("Once approved, your node will connect automatically."), ), ) } return HtmlStructure( elem.Title( nil, elem.Text("headscale - Authentication Succeeded"), ), elem.Body( attrs.Props{ attrs.DataAttr("translate"): "no", attrs.Class: styleBody, }, elem.Div( attrs.Props{ attrs.Class: classContainer, }, elem.Div( nil, logo(classLogo), elem.Div( attrs.Props{ attrs.Class: classMessage, }, icon, elem.Div( attrs.Props{ attrs.Class: classMessageContent, }, elem.Div( attrs.Props{ attrs.Class: classMessageTitle, }, elem.Text("Signed in via your OIDC provider"), ), elem.P( attrs.Props{ attrs.Class: classMessageBody, }, elem.Text(messageText), ), description, ), ), elem.Hr( attrs.Props{ attrs.Class: styleHr, }, ), elem.H1( attrs.Props{ attrs.Class: styleH1, }, elem.Text("Not sure how to get started?"), ), elem.P( attrs.Props{ attrs.Class: styleH1P, }, elem.Text(" Check out beginner and advanced guides on, or read more in the documentation."), ), elem.A( attrs.Props{ attrs.Href: "", attrs.Rel: "noreferrer noopener", attrs.Target: "_blank", attrs.Class: styleA, }, elem.Span( attrs.Props{ attrs.Class: classIcon, }, iconExternalLink(), ), elem.Text("View the headscale documentation"), ), elem.A( attrs.Props{ attrs.Href: "", attrs.Rel: "noreferrer noopener", attrs.Target: "_blank", attrs.Class: styleA, }, elem.Span( attrs.Props{ attrs.Class: classIcon, }, iconExternalLink(), ), elem.Text("View the tailscale documentation"), ), ), ), ), ).RenderWithOptions(elem.RenderOptions{ StyleManager: styleMgr, }) }