2022-02-20 23:00:31 +01:00

1130 lines
29 KiB

package headscale
import (
func (s *Suite) TestWrongPath(c *check.C) {
err := app.LoadACLPolicy("asdfg")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
func (s *Suite) TestBrokenHuJson(c *check.C) {
err := app.LoadACLPolicy("./tests/acls/broken.hujson")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
func (s *Suite) TestInvalidPolicyHuson(c *check.C) {
err := app.LoadACLPolicy("./tests/acls/invalid.hujson")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
c.Assert(err, check.Equals, errEmptyPolicy)
func (s *Suite) TestParseHosts(c *check.C) {
var hosts Hosts
err := hosts.UnmarshalJSON(
`{"example-host-1": "","example-host-2": ""}`,
c.Assert(hosts, check.NotNil)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
func (s *Suite) TestParseInvalidCIDR(c *check.C) {
var hosts Hosts
err := hosts.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(`{"example-host-1": ""}`))
c.Assert(hosts, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
func (s *Suite) TestRuleInvalidGeneration(c *check.C) {
err := app.LoadACLPolicy("./tests/acls/acl_policy_invalid.hujson")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
func (s *Suite) TestBasicRule(c *check.C) {
err := app.LoadACLPolicy("./tests/acls/acl_policy_basic_1.hujson")
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
rules, err := app.generateACLRules()
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(rules, check.NotNil)
func (s *Suite) TestInvalidAction(c *check.C) {
app.aclPolicy = &ACLPolicy{
ACLs: []ACL{
{Action: "invalidAction", Users: []string{"*"}, Ports: []string{"*:*"}},
err := app.UpdateACLRules()
c.Assert(errors.Is(err, errInvalidAction), check.Equals, true)
func (s *Suite) TestInvalidGroupInGroup(c *check.C) {
// this ACL is wrong because the group in users sections doesn't exist
app.aclPolicy = &ACLPolicy{
Groups: Groups{
"group:test": []string{"foo"},
"group:error": []string{"foo", "group:test"},
ACLs: []ACL{
{Action: "accept", Users: []string{"group:error"}, Ports: []string{"*:*"}},
err := app.UpdateACLRules()
c.Assert(errors.Is(err, errInvalidGroup), check.Equals, true)
func (s *Suite) TestInvalidTagOwners(c *check.C) {
// this ACL is wrong because no tagOwners own the requested tag for the server
app.aclPolicy = &ACLPolicy{
ACLs: []ACL{
{Action: "accept", Users: []string{"tag:foo"}, Ports: []string{"*:*"}},
err := app.UpdateACLRules()
c.Assert(errors.Is(err, errInvalidTag), check.Equals, true)
// this test should validate that we can expand a group in a TagOWner section and
// match properly the IP's of the related hosts. The owner is valid and the tag is also valid.
// the tag is matched in the Users section.
func (s *Suite) TestValidExpandTagOwnersInUsers(c *check.C) {
namespace, err := app.CreateNamespace("user1")
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
pak, err := app.CreatePreAuthKey(namespace.Name, false, false, nil)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
_, err = app.GetMachine("user1", "testmachine")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
hostInfo := []byte(
machine := Machine{
ID: 0,
MachineKey: "foo",
NodeKey: "bar",
DiscoKey: "faa",
Name: "testmachine",
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{netaddr.MustParseIP("")},
NamespaceID: namespace.ID,
Registered: true,
RegisterMethod: RegisterMethodAuthKey,
AuthKeyID: uint(pak.ID),
HostInfo: datatypes.JSON(hostInfo),
app.aclPolicy = &ACLPolicy{
Groups: Groups{"group:test": []string{"user1", "user2"}},
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:test": []string{"user3", "group:test"}},
ACLs: []ACL{
{Action: "accept", Users: []string{"tag:test"}, Ports: []string{"*:*"}},
err = app.UpdateACLRules()
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(app.aclRules, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].SrcIPs, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].SrcIPs[0], check.Equals, "")
// this test should validate that we can expand a group in a TagOWner section and
// match properly the IP's of the related hosts. The owner is valid and the tag is also valid.
// the tag is matched in the Ports section.
func (s *Suite) TestValidExpandTagOwnersInPorts(c *check.C) {
namespace, err := app.CreateNamespace("user1")
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
pak, err := app.CreatePreAuthKey(namespace.Name, false, false, nil)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
_, err = app.GetMachine("user1", "testmachine")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
hostInfo := []byte(
machine := Machine{
ID: 1,
MachineKey: "12345",
NodeKey: "bar",
DiscoKey: "faa",
Name: "testmachine",
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{netaddr.MustParseIP("")},
NamespaceID: namespace.ID,
Registered: true,
RegisterMethod: RegisterMethodAuthKey,
AuthKeyID: uint(pak.ID),
HostInfo: datatypes.JSON(hostInfo),
app.aclPolicy = &ACLPolicy{
Groups: Groups{"group:test": []string{"user1", "user2"}},
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:test": []string{"user3", "group:test"}},
ACLs: []ACL{
{Action: "accept", Users: []string{"*"}, Ports: []string{"tag:test:*"}},
err = app.UpdateACLRules()
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(app.aclRules, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].DstPorts, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].DstPorts[0].IP, check.Equals, "")
// need a test with:
// tag on a host that isn't owned by a tag owners. So the namespace
// of the host should be valid.
func (s *Suite) TestInvalidTagValidNamespace(c *check.C) {
namespace, err := app.CreateNamespace("user1")
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
pak, err := app.CreatePreAuthKey(namespace.Name, false, false, nil)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
_, err = app.GetMachine("user1", "testmachine")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
hostInfo := []byte(
machine := Machine{
ID: 1,
MachineKey: "12345",
NodeKey: "bar",
DiscoKey: "faa",
Name: "testmachine",
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{netaddr.MustParseIP("")},
NamespaceID: namespace.ID,
Registered: true,
RegisterMethod: RegisterMethodAuthKey,
AuthKeyID: uint(pak.ID),
HostInfo: datatypes.JSON(hostInfo),
app.aclPolicy = &ACLPolicy{
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:test": []string{"user1"}},
ACLs: []ACL{
{Action: "accept", Users: []string{"user1"}, Ports: []string{"*:*"}},
err = app.UpdateACLRules()
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(app.aclRules, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].SrcIPs, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].SrcIPs[0], check.Equals, "")
// tag on a host is owned by a tag owner, the tag is valid.
// an ACL rule is matching the tag to a namespace. It should not be valid since the
// host should be tied to the tag now.
func (s *Suite) TestValidTagInvalidNamespace(c *check.C) {
namespace, err := app.CreateNamespace("user1")
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
pak, err := app.CreatePreAuthKey(namespace.Name, false, false, nil)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
_, err = app.GetMachine("user1", "webserver")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
hostInfo := []byte(
machine := Machine{
ID: 1,
MachineKey: "12345",
NodeKey: "bar",
DiscoKey: "faa",
Name: "webserver",
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{netaddr.MustParseIP("")},
NamespaceID: namespace.ID,
Registered: true,
RegisterMethod: RegisterMethodAuthKey,
AuthKeyID: uint(pak.ID),
HostInfo: datatypes.JSON(hostInfo),
_, err = app.GetMachine("user1", "user")
hostInfo = []byte("{\"OS\":\"debian\",\"Hostname\":\"user\"}")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
machine = Machine{
ID: 2,
MachineKey: "56789",
NodeKey: "bar2",
DiscoKey: "faab",
Name: "user",
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{netaddr.MustParseIP("")},
NamespaceID: namespace.ID,
Registered: true,
RegisterMethod: RegisterMethodAuthKey,
AuthKeyID: uint(pak.ID),
HostInfo: datatypes.JSON(hostInfo),
app.aclPolicy = &ACLPolicy{
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:webapp": []string{"user1"}},
ACLs: []ACL{
Action: "accept",
Users: []string{"user1"},
Ports: []string{"tag:webapp:80,443"},
err = app.UpdateACLRules()
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(app.aclRules, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].SrcIPs, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].SrcIPs[0], check.Equals, "")
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].DstPorts, check.HasLen, 2)
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].DstPorts[0].Ports.First, check.Equals, uint16(80))
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].DstPorts[0].Ports.Last, check.Equals, uint16(80))
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].DstPorts[0].IP, check.Equals, "")
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].DstPorts[1].Ports.First, check.Equals, uint16(443))
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].DstPorts[1].Ports.Last, check.Equals, uint16(443))
c.Assert(app.aclRules[0].DstPorts[1].IP, check.Equals, "")
func (s *Suite) TestPortRange(c *check.C) {
err := app.LoadACLPolicy("./tests/acls/acl_policy_basic_range.hujson")
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
rules, err := app.generateACLRules()
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(rules, check.NotNil)
c.Assert(rules, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].DstPorts, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].DstPorts[0].Ports.First, check.Equals, uint16(5400))
c.Assert(rules[0].DstPorts[0].Ports.Last, check.Equals, uint16(5500))
func (s *Suite) TestPortWildcard(c *check.C) {
err := app.LoadACLPolicy("./tests/acls/acl_policy_basic_wildcards.hujson")
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
rules, err := app.generateACLRules()
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(rules, check.NotNil)
c.Assert(rules, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].DstPorts, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].DstPorts[0].Ports.First, check.Equals, uint16(0))
c.Assert(rules[0].DstPorts[0].Ports.Last, check.Equals, uint16(65535))
c.Assert(rules[0].SrcIPs, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].SrcIPs[0], check.Equals, "*")
func (s *Suite) TestPortNamespace(c *check.C) {
namespace, err := app.CreateNamespace("testnamespace")
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
pak, err := app.CreatePreAuthKey(namespace.Name, false, false, nil)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
_, err = app.GetMachine("testnamespace", "testmachine")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
ips, _ := app.getAvailableIPs()
machine := Machine{
ID: 0,
MachineKey: "12345",
NodeKey: "bar",
DiscoKey: "faa",
Name: "testmachine",
NamespaceID: namespace.ID,
Registered: true,
RegisterMethod: RegisterMethodAuthKey,
IPAddresses: ips,
AuthKeyID: uint(pak.ID),
err = app.LoadACLPolicy(
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
rules, err := app.generateACLRules()
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(rules, check.NotNil)
c.Assert(rules, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].DstPorts, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].DstPorts[0].Ports.First, check.Equals, uint16(0))
c.Assert(rules[0].DstPorts[0].Ports.Last, check.Equals, uint16(65535))
c.Assert(rules[0].SrcIPs, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].SrcIPs[0], check.Not(check.Equals), "not an ip")
c.Assert(len(ips), check.Equals, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].SrcIPs[0], check.Equals, ips[0].String())
func (s *Suite) TestPortGroup(c *check.C) {
namespace, err := app.CreateNamespace("testnamespace")
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
pak, err := app.CreatePreAuthKey(namespace.Name, false, false, nil)
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
_, err = app.GetMachine("testnamespace", "testmachine")
c.Assert(err, check.NotNil)
ips, _ := app.getAvailableIPs()
machine := Machine{
ID: 0,
MachineKey: "foo",
NodeKey: "bar",
DiscoKey: "faa",
Name: "testmachine",
NamespaceID: namespace.ID,
Registered: true,
RegisterMethod: RegisterMethodAuthKey,
IPAddresses: ips,
AuthKeyID: uint(pak.ID),
err = app.LoadACLPolicy("./tests/acls/acl_policy_basic_groups.hujson")
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
rules, err := app.generateACLRules()
c.Assert(err, check.IsNil)
c.Assert(rules, check.NotNil)
c.Assert(rules, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].DstPorts, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].DstPorts[0].Ports.First, check.Equals, uint16(0))
c.Assert(rules[0].DstPorts[0].Ports.Last, check.Equals, uint16(65535))
c.Assert(rules[0].SrcIPs, check.HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].SrcIPs[0], check.Not(check.Equals), "not an ip")
c.Assert(len(ips), check.Equals, 1)
c.Assert(rules[0].SrcIPs[0], check.Equals, ips[0].String())
func Test_expandGroup(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
aclPolicy ACLPolicy
group string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want []string
wantErr bool
name: "simple test",
args: args{
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
Groups: Groups{
"group:test": []string{"user1", "user2", "user3"},
"group:foo": []string{"user2", "user3"},
group: "group:test",
want: []string{"user1", "user2", "user3"},
wantErr: false,
name: "InexistantGroup",
args: args{
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
Groups: Groups{
"group:test": []string{"user1", "user2", "user3"},
"group:foo": []string{"user2", "user3"},
group: "group:undefined",
want: []string{},
wantErr: true,
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := expandGroup(test.args.aclPolicy, test.args.group)
if (err != nil) != test.wantErr {
t.Errorf("expandGroup() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, test.wantErr)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {
t.Errorf("expandGroup() = %v, want %v", got, test.want)
func Test_expandTagOwners(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
aclPolicy ACLPolicy
tag string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want []string
wantErr bool
name: "simple tag expansion",
args: args{
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:test": []string{"user1"}},
tag: "tag:test",
want: []string{"user1"},
wantErr: false,
name: "expand with tag and group",
args: args{
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
Groups: Groups{"group:foo": []string{"user1", "user2"}},
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:test": []string{"group:foo"}},
tag: "tag:test",
want: []string{"user1", "user2"},
wantErr: false,
name: "expand with namespace and group",
args: args{
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
Groups: Groups{"group:foo": []string{"user1", "user2"}},
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:test": []string{"group:foo", "user3"}},
tag: "tag:test",
want: []string{"user1", "user2", "user3"},
wantErr: false,
name: "invalid tag",
args: args{
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:foo": []string{"group:foo", "user1"}},
tag: "tag:test",
want: []string{},
wantErr: true,
name: "invalid group",
args: args{
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
Groups: Groups{"group:bar": []string{"user1", "user2"}},
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:test": []string{"group:foo", "user2"}},
tag: "tag:test",
want: []string{},
wantErr: true,
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := expandTagOwners(test.args.aclPolicy, test.args.tag)
if (err != nil) != test.wantErr {
t.Errorf("expandTagOwners() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, test.wantErr)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {
t.Errorf("expandTagOwners() = %v, want %v", got, test.want)
func Test_expandPorts(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
portsStr string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want *[]tailcfg.PortRange
wantErr bool
name: "wildcard",
args: args{portsStr: "*"},
want: &[]tailcfg.PortRange{
{First: portRangeBegin, Last: portRangeEnd},
wantErr: false,
name: "two ports",
args: args{portsStr: "80,443"},
want: &[]tailcfg.PortRange{
{First: 80, Last: 80},
{First: 443, Last: 443},
wantErr: false,
name: "a range and a port",
args: args{portsStr: "80-1024,443"},
want: &[]tailcfg.PortRange{
{First: 80, Last: 1024},
{First: 443, Last: 443},
wantErr: false,
name: "out of bounds",
args: args{portsStr: "854038"},
want: nil,
wantErr: true,
name: "wrong port",
args: args{portsStr: "85a38"},
want: nil,
wantErr: true,
name: "wrong port in first",
args: args{portsStr: "a-80"},
want: nil,
wantErr: true,
name: "wrong port in last",
args: args{portsStr: "80-85a38"},
want: nil,
wantErr: true,
name: "wrong port format",
args: args{portsStr: "80-85a38-3"},
want: nil,
wantErr: true,
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := expandPorts(test.args.portsStr)
if (err != nil) != test.wantErr {
t.Errorf("expandPorts() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, test.wantErr)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {
t.Errorf("expandPorts() = %v, want %v", got, test.want)
func Test_listMachinesInNamespace(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
machines []Machine
namespace string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want []Machine
name: "1 machine in namespace",
args: args{
machines: []Machine{
{Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"}},
namespace: "joe",
want: []Machine{
{Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"}},
name: "3 machines, 2 in namespace",
args: args{
machines: []Machine{
{ID: 1, Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"}},
{ID: 2, Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"}},
{ID: 3, Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"}},
namespace: "marc",
want: []Machine{
{ID: 2, Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"}},
{ID: 3, Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"}},
name: "5 machines, 0 in namespace",
args: args{
machines: []Machine{
{ID: 1, Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"}},
{ID: 2, Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"}},
{ID: 3, Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"}},
{ID: 4, Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"}},
{ID: 5, Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"}},
namespace: "mickael",
want: []Machine{},
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := filterMachinesByNamespace(test.args.machines, test.args.namespace); !reflect.DeepEqual(
) {
t.Errorf("listMachinesInNamespace() = %v, want %v", got, test.want)
// nolint
func Test_expandAlias(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
machines []Machine
aclPolicy ACLPolicy
alias string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want []string
wantErr bool
name: "wildcard",
args: args{
alias: "*",
machines: []Machine{
{IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{netaddr.MustParseIP("")}},
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{},
want: []string{"*"},
wantErr: false,
name: "simple group",
args: args{
alias: "group:accountant",
machines: []Machine{
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"},
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "mickael"},
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
Groups: Groups{"group:accountant": []string{"joe", "marc"}},
want: []string{"", "", ""},
wantErr: false,
name: "wrong group",
args: args{
alias: "group:hr",
machines: []Machine{
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"},
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "mickael"},
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
Groups: Groups{"group:accountant": []string{"joe", "marc"}},
want: []string{},
wantErr: true,
name: "simple ipaddress",
args: args{
alias: "",
machines: []Machine{},
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{},
want: []string{""},
wantErr: false,
name: "private network",
args: args{
alias: "homeNetwork",
machines: []Machine{},
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
Hosts: Hosts{
"homeNetwork": netaddr.MustParseIPPrefix(""),
want: []string{""},
wantErr: false,
name: "simple host",
args: args{
alias: "",
machines: []Machine{},
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{},
want: []string{""},
wantErr: false,
name: "simple CIDR",
args: args{
alias: "",
machines: []Machine{},
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{},
want: []string{""},
wantErr: false,
name: "simple tag",
args: args{
alias: "tag:hr-webserver",
machines: []Machine{
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
HostInfo: []byte(
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
HostInfo: []byte(
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"},
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:hr-webserver": []string{"joe"}},
want: []string{"", ""},
wantErr: false,
name: "No tag defined",
args: args{
alias: "tag:hr-webserver",
machines: []Machine{
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"},
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "mickael"},
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
Groups: Groups{"group:accountant": []string{"joe", "marc"}},
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:accountant-webserver": []string{"group:accountant"}},
want: []string{},
wantErr: true,
name: "list host in namespace without correctly tagged servers",
args: args{
alias: "joe",
machines: []Machine{
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
HostInfo: []byte(
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
HostInfo: []byte(
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "marc"},
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:accountant-webserver": []string{"joe"}},
want: []string{""},
wantErr: false,
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := expandAlias(
if (err != nil) != test.wantErr {
t.Errorf("expandAlias() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, test.wantErr)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {
t.Errorf("expandAlias() = %v, want %v", got, test.want)
func Test_excludeCorrectlyTaggedNodes(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
aclPolicy ACLPolicy
nodes []Machine
namespace string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want []Machine
wantErr bool
name: "exclude nodes with valid tags",
args: args{
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:accountant-webserver": []string{"joe"}},
nodes: []Machine{
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
HostInfo: []byte(
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
HostInfo: []byte(
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
namespace: "joe",
want: []Machine{
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{netaddr.MustParseIP("")},
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
wantErr: false,
name: "all nodes have invalid tags, don't exclude them",
args: args{
aclPolicy: ACLPolicy{
TagOwners: TagOwners{"tag:accountant-webserver": []string{"joe"}},
nodes: []Machine{
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
HostInfo: []byte(
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
HostInfo: []byte(
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
namespace: "joe",
want: []Machine{
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
HostInfo: []byte(
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
HostInfo: []byte(
IPAddresses: MachineAddresses{
Namespace: Namespace{Name: "joe"},
wantErr: false,
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := excludeCorrectlyTaggedNodes(
if (err != nil) != test.wantErr {
"excludeCorrectlyTaggedNodes() error = %v, wantErr %v",
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {
t.Errorf("excludeCorrectlyTaggedNodes() = %v, want %v", got, test.want)