/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 * Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors */ import { BuildContext, BuildOptions, context } from "esbuild"; import { copyFile } from "fs/promises"; import { composeTrayIcons } from "./composeTrayIcons.mts"; import vencordDep from "./vencordDep.mjs"; const isDev = process.argv.includes("--dev"); const CommonOpts: BuildOptions = { minify: !isDev, bundle: true, sourcemap: "linked", logLevel: "info" }; const NodeCommonOpts: BuildOptions = { ...CommonOpts, format: "cjs", platform: "node", external: ["electron"], target: ["esnext"], define: { IS_DEV: JSON.stringify(isDev) } }; const contexts = [] as BuildContext[]; async function createContext(options: BuildOptions) { contexts.push(await context(options)); } async function copyVenmic() { if (process.platform !== "linux") return; return Promise.all([ copyFile( "./node_modules/@vencord/venmic/prebuilds/venmic-addon-linux-x64/node-napi-v7.node", "./static/dist/venmic-x64.node" ), copyFile( "./node_modules/@vencord/venmic/prebuilds/venmic-addon-linux-arm64/node-napi-v7.node", "./static/dist/venmic-arm64.node" ) ]).catch(() => console.warn("Failed to copy venmic. Building without venmic support")); } async function composeTrayIconsIfSupported() { if (process.platform === "darwin") return; return composeTrayIcons({ icon: "./static/icon.png", badgeDir: "./static/badges/", outDir: "./static/dist/tray_icons", createEmpty: true }); } await Promise.all([ copyVenmic(), composeTrayIconsIfSupported(), createContext({ ...NodeCommonOpts, entryPoints: ["src/main/index.ts"], outfile: "dist/js/main.js", footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VCDMain" } }), createContext({ ...NodeCommonOpts, entryPoints: ["src/preload/index.ts"], outfile: "dist/js/preload.js", footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VCDPreload" } }), createContext({ ...NodeCommonOpts, entryPoints: ["src/updater/preload.ts"], outfile: "dist/js/updaterPreload.js", footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VCDUpdaterPreload" } }), createContext({ ...CommonOpts, globalName: "Vesktop", entryPoints: ["src/renderer/index.ts"], outfile: "dist/js/renderer.js", format: "iife", inject: ["./scripts/build/injectReact.mjs"], jsxFactory: "VencordCreateElement", jsxFragment: "VencordFragment", external: ["@vencord/types/*"], plugins: [vencordDep], footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VCDRenderer" } }) ]); const watch = process.argv.includes("--watch"); if (watch) { await Promise.all(contexts.map(ctx => ctx.watch())); } else { await Promise.all( contexts.map(async ctx => { await ctx.rebuild(); await ctx.dispose(); }) ); }