/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 * Vesktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors */ import { readdir, stat } from "node:fs/promises"; import { format as pathFormat, join, parse as pathParse } from "node:path"; import sharp from "sharp"; import { type ImageData, sharpsFromIco } from "sharp-ico"; interface BadgePosition { left?: number; top?: number; anchorX?: "left" | "right" | "center"; anchorY?: "top" | "bottom" | "center"; } interface BadgeOptions extends BadgePosition { width?: number; height?: number; resizeOptions?: sharp.ResizeOptions; } const DEFAULT_BADGE_OPTIONS: Required = { width: 0.5, height: 0.5, left: 0.8, top: 0.8, anchorX: "center", anchorY: "center", resizeOptions: { kernel: sharp.kernel.cubic } }; export async function composeTrayIcons({ icon: iconPath, badgeDir, outDir, outExt = ".png", createEmpty = false, iconOptions = { width: 64, height: 64 }, badgeOptions = undefined }: { icon: string | Buffer | sharp.Sharp; badgeDir: string; outDir: string; outExt?: string; createEmpty?: boolean; iconOptions?: ImageDim; badgeOptions?: BadgeOptions; }) { const badges: string[] = []; for (const filename of await readdir(badgeDir)) { const path = join(badgeDir, filename); if (!(await stat(path)).isDirectory()) { badges.push(path); } } const badgeOptionsFilled = { ...DEFAULT_BADGE_OPTIONS, ...badgeOptions }; const { data: iconData, info: iconInfo } = await resolveImageOrIco(iconPath, iconOptions); const iconName = typeof iconPath === "string" ? pathParse(iconPath).name : "tray_icon"; const resizedBadgeDim = { height: Math.round(badgeOptionsFilled.height * iconInfo.height), width: Math.round(badgeOptionsFilled.width * iconInfo.width) }; async function doCompose(badgePath: string | sharp.Sharp, ensureSize?: ImageDim | false) { const { data: badgeData, info: badgeInfo } = await resolveImageOrIco(badgePath, resizedBadgeDim); if (ensureSize && (badgeInfo.height !== ensureSize.height || badgeInfo.width !== ensureSize.width)) { throw new Error( `Badge loaded from ${badgePath} has size ${badgeInfo.height}x${badgeInfo.height} != ${ensureSize.height}x${ensureSize.height}` ); } const savePath = pathFormat({ name: iconName + (typeof badgePath === "string" ? "_" + pathParse(badgePath).name : ""), dir: outDir, ext: outExt, base: undefined }); const out = composeTrayIcon(iconData, iconInfo, badgeData, badgeInfo, badgeOptionsFilled); const outputInfo = await out.toFile(savePath); return { iconInfo, badgeInfo, outputInfo }; } if (createEmpty) { const firstComposition = await doCompose(badges[0]); return await Promise.all([ firstComposition, ...badges.map(badge => doCompose(badge, firstComposition.badgeInfo)), doCompose(emptyImage(firstComposition.badgeInfo).png()) ]); } else { return await Promise.all(badges.map(badge => doCompose(badge))); } } type SharpInput = string | Buffer; interface ImageDim { width: number; height: number; } async function resolveImageOrIco(...args: Parameters) { const image = await loadFromImageOrIco(...args); const { data, info } = await image.toBuffer({ resolveWithObject: true }); return { data, info: validDim(info) }; } async function loadFromImageOrIco( path: string | Buffer | sharp.Sharp, sizeOptions?: ImageDim & { resizeICO?: boolean } ): Promise { if (typeof path === "string" && path.endsWith(".ico")) { const icos = sharpsFromIco(path, undefined, true) as unknown as ImageData[]; let icoInfo; if (sizeOptions == null) { icoInfo = icos[icos.length - 1]; } else { icoInfo = icos.reduce((best, ico) => Math.abs(ico.width - sizeOptions.width) < Math.abs(ico.width - best.width) ? ico : best ); } if (icoInfo.image == null) { throw new Error("Bug: sharps-ico found no image in ICO"); } const icoImage = icoInfo.image.png(); if (sizeOptions?.resizeICO) { return icoImage.resize(sizeOptions); } else { return icoImage; } } else { let image = typeof path !== "string" && "toBuffer" in path ? path : sharp(path); if (sizeOptions) { image = image.resize(sizeOptions); } return image; } } function validDim>(meta: T): T & ImageDim { if (meta?.width == null || meta?.height == null) { throw new Error("Failed getting icon dimensions"); } return meta as T & ImageDim; } function emptyImage(dim: ImageDim) { return sharp({ create: { width: dim.width, height: dim.height, channels: 4, background: { r: 0, b: 0, g: 0, alpha: 0 } } }); } function composeTrayIcon( icon: SharpInput, iconDim: ImageDim, badge: SharpInput, badgeDim: ImageDim, badgeOptions: Required ): sharp.Sharp { let badgeLeft = badgeOptions.left * iconDim.width; switch (badgeOptions.anchorX) { case "left": break; case "right": badgeLeft -= badgeDim.width; break; case "center": badgeLeft -= badgeDim.width / 2; break; } let badgeTop = badgeOptions.top * iconDim.height; switch (badgeOptions.anchorY) { case "top": break; case "bottom": badgeTop -= badgeDim.height / 2; break; case "center": badgeTop -= badgeDim.height / 2; break; } badgeTop = Math.round(badgeTop); badgeLeft = Math.round(badgeLeft); const padding = Math.max( 0, -badgeLeft, badgeLeft + badgeDim.width - iconDim.width, -badgeTop, badgeTop + badgeDim.height - iconDim.height ); return emptyImage({ width: iconDim.width + 2 * padding, height: iconDim.height + 2 * padding }).composite([ { input: icon, left: padding, top: padding }, { input: badge, left: badgeLeft + padding, top: badgeTop + padding } ]); }