/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 * Vencord Desktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors */ import { app, BrowserWindow, BrowserWindowConstructorOptions, Menu, Tray } from "electron"; import { join } from "path"; import { IpcEvents } from "shared/IpcEvents"; import { once } from "shared/utils/once"; import { ICON_PATH } from "../shared/paths"; import { createAboutWindow } from "./about"; import { initArRPC } from "./arrpc"; import { DEFAULT_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT, MIN_WIDTH, VENCORD_FILES_DIR } from "./constants"; import { Settings, VencordSettings } from "./settings"; import { createSplashWindow } from "./splash"; import { makeLinksOpenExternally } from "./utils/makeLinksOpenExternally"; import { downloadVencordFiles, ensureVencordFiles } from "./utils/vencordLoader"; let isQuitting = false; let tray: Tray; app.on("before-quit", () => { isQuitting = true; }); export let mainWin: BrowserWindow; function initTray(win: BrowserWindow) { const trayMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { label: "Open", click() { win.show(); }, enabled: false }, { label: "About", click: createAboutWindow }, { label: "Update Vencord", async click() { await downloadVencordFiles(); app.relaunch(); app.quit(); } }, { type: "separator" }, { label: "Relaunch", click() { app.relaunch(); app.quit(); } }, { label: "Quit Vencord Desktop", click() { isQuitting = true; app.quit(); } } ]); tray = new Tray(ICON_PATH); tray.setToolTip("Vencord Desktop"); tray.setContextMenu(trayMenu); tray.on("click", () => win.show()); win.on("show", () => { trayMenu.items[0].enabled = false; }); win.on("hide", () => { trayMenu.items[0].enabled = true; }); } function initMenuBar(win: BrowserWindow) { const isWindows = process.platform === "win32"; const wantCtrlQ = !isWindows || VencordSettings.store.winCtrlQ; const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { label: "Vencord Desktop", role: "appMenu", submenu: [ { label: "About Vencord Desktop", click: createAboutWindow }, { label: "Force Update Vencord", async click() { await downloadVencordFiles(); app.relaunch(); app.quit(); }, toolTip: "Vencord Desktop will automatically restart after this operation" }, { label: "Relaunch", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+Shift+R", click() { app.relaunch(); app.quit(); } }, { label: "Quit", accelerator: wantCtrlQ ? "CmdOrCtrl+Q" : void 0, visible: !isWindows, role: "quit", click() { app.quit(); } }, { label: "Quit", accelerator: isWindows ? "Alt+F4" : void 0, visible: isWindows, role: "quit", click() { app.quit(); } }, // See https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/14742 and https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/5256 { label: "Zoom in (hidden, hack for Qwertz and others)", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+=", role: "zoomIn", visible: false } ] }, { role: "fileMenu" }, { role: "editMenu" }, { role: "viewMenu" }, { role: "windowMenu" } ]); Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu); } function getWindowBoundsOptions(): BrowserWindowConstructorOptions { const { x, y, width, height } = Settings.store.windowBounds ?? {}; const options = { width: width ?? DEFAULT_WIDTH, height: height ?? DEFAULT_HEIGHT } as BrowserWindowConstructorOptions; if (x != null && y != null) { options.x = x; options.y = y; } if (!Settings.store.disableMinSize) { options.minWidth = MIN_WIDTH; options.minHeight = MIN_HEIGHT; } return options; } function initWindowBoundsListeners(win: BrowserWindow) { const saveState = () => { Settings.store.maximized = win.isMaximized(); Settings.store.minimized = win.isMinimized(); }; win.on("maximize", saveState); win.on("minimize", saveState); win.on("unmaximize", saveState); const saveBounds = () => { Settings.store.windowBounds = win.getBounds(); }; win.on("resize", saveBounds); win.on("move", saveBounds); } function initSettingsListeners(win: BrowserWindow) { Settings.addChangeListener("tray", enable => { if (enable) initTray(win); else tray?.destroy(); }); Settings.addChangeListener("disableMinSize", disable => { if (disable) { // 0 no work win.setMinimumSize(1, 1); } else { win.setMinimumSize(MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT); const { width, height } = win.getBounds(); win.setBounds({ width: Math.max(width, MIN_WIDTH), height: Math.max(height, MIN_HEIGHT) }); } }); VencordSettings.addChangeListener("macosTranslucency", enabled => { if (enabled) { win.setVibrancy("sidebar"); win.setBackgroundColor("#ffffff00"); } else { win.setVibrancy(null); win.setBackgroundColor("#ffffff"); } }); } function initSpellCheck(win: BrowserWindow) { win.webContents.on("context-menu", (_, data) => { win.webContents.send(IpcEvents.SPELLCHECK_RESULT, data.misspelledWord, data.dictionarySuggestions); }); } function createMainWindow() { const win = (mainWin = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, autoHideMenuBar: true, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: false, sandbox: false, contextIsolation: true, devTools: true, preload: join(__dirname, "preload.js"), spellcheck: true }, icon: ICON_PATH, frame: VencordSettings.store.frameless !== true, ...(Settings.store.staticTitle ? { title: "Vencord" } : {}), ...(VencordSettings.store.macosTranslucency ? { vibrancy: "sidebar", backgroundColor: "#ffffff00" } : {}), ...getWindowBoundsOptions() })); win.on("close", e => { if (isQuitting || Settings.store.minimizeToTray === false || Settings.store.tray === false) return; e.preventDefault(); win.hide(); return false; }); if (Settings.store.staticTitle) win.on("page-title-updated", e => e.preventDefault()); initWindowBoundsListeners(win); if (Settings.store.tray ?? true) initTray(win); initMenuBar(win); makeLinksOpenExternally(win); initSettingsListeners(win); initSpellCheck(win); win.webContents.setUserAgent( "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" ); const subdomain = Settings.store.discordBranch === "canary" || Settings.store.discordBranch === "ptb" ? `${Settings.store.discordBranch}.` : ""; win.loadURL(`https://${subdomain}discord.com/app`); return win; } const runVencordMain = once(() => require(join(VENCORD_FILES_DIR, "vencordDesktopMain.js"))); export async function createWindows() { const splash = createSplashWindow(); await ensureVencordFiles(); runVencordMain(); mainWin = createMainWindow(); mainWin.once("ready-to-show", () => { splash.destroy(); mainWin!.show(); if (Settings.store.maximized) { mainWin!.maximize(); } }); initArRPC(); }