/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 * Vencord Desktop, a desktop app aiming to give you a snappier Discord Experience * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and Vencord contributors */ import { contextBridge, ipcRenderer, webFrame } from "electron"; import { readFileSync, watch } from "fs"; import { IpcEvents } from "../shared/IpcEvents"; import { VencordDesktopNative } from "./VencordDesktopNative"; contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("VencordDesktopNative", VencordDesktopNative); require(ipcRenderer.sendSync(IpcEvents.GET_VENCORD_PRELOAD_FILE)); webFrame.executeJavaScript(ipcRenderer.sendSync(IpcEvents.GET_VENCORD_RENDERER_SCRIPT)); webFrame.executeJavaScript(ipcRenderer.sendSync(IpcEvents.GET_RENDERER_SCRIPT)); // #region css const rendererCss = ipcRenderer.sendSync(IpcEvents.GET_RENDERER_CSS_FILE); const style = document.createElement("style"); style.id = "vcd-css-core"; style.textContent = readFileSync(rendererCss, "utf-8"); if (document.readyState === "complete") { document.documentElement.appendChild(style); } else { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => document.documentElement.appendChild(style), { once: true }); } if (IS_DEV) { // persistent means keep process running if watcher is the only thing still running // which we obviously don't want watch(rendererCss, { persistent: false }, () => { document.getElementById("vcd-css-core")!.textContent = readFileSync(rendererCss, "utf-8"); }); } // #endregion