3354 lines
110 KiB
3354 lines
110 KiB
* @param this
declare function $extends(this: Client, extension: ExtensionArgs | ((client: Client) => Client)): Client;
declare type AccelerateEngineConfig = {
inlineSchema: EngineConfig['inlineSchema'];
inlineSchemaHash: EngineConfig['inlineSchemaHash'];
env: EngineConfig['env'];
generator?: {
previewFeatures: string[];
inlineDatasources: EngineConfig['inlineDatasources'];
overrideDatasources: EngineConfig['overrideDatasources'];
clientVersion: EngineConfig['clientVersion'];
engineVersion: EngineConfig['engineVersion'];
logEmitter: EngineConfig['logEmitter'];
logQueries?: EngineConfig['logQueries'];
logLevel?: EngineConfig['logLevel'];
tracingHelper: EngineConfig['tracingHelper'];
accelerateUtils?: EngineConfig['accelerateUtils'];
export declare type Action = keyof typeof DMMF.ModelAction | 'executeRaw' | 'queryRaw' | 'runCommandRaw';
declare type ActiveConnectorType = Exclude<ConnectorType, 'postgres'>;
export declare type Aggregate = '_count' | '_max' | '_min' | '_avg' | '_sum';
export declare type AllModelsToStringIndex<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, Args extends Record<string, any>, K extends PropertyKey> = Args extends {
[P in K]: {
$allModels: infer AllModels;
} ? {
[P in K]: Record<TypeMap['meta']['modelProps'], AllModels>;
} : {};
declare class AnyNull extends NullTypesEnumValue {
export declare type ApplyOmit<T, OmitConfig> = Compute<{
[K in keyof T as OmitValue<OmitConfig, K> extends true ? never : K]: T[K];
export declare type Args<T, F extends Operation> = T extends {
[K: symbol]: {
types: {
operations: {
[K in F]: {
args: any;
} ? T[symbol]['types']['operations'][F]['args'] : any;
export declare type Args_3<T, F extends Operation> = Args<T, F>;
* Original `quaint::ValueType` enum tag from Prisma's `quaint`.
* Query arguments marked with this type are sanitized before being sent to the database.
* Notice while a query argument may be `null`, `ArgType` is guaranteed to be defined.
declare type ArgType = 'Int32' | 'Int64' | 'Float' | 'Double' | 'Text' | 'Enum' | 'EnumArray' | 'Bytes' | 'Boolean' | 'Char' | 'Array' | 'Numeric' | 'Json' | 'Xml' | 'Uuid' | 'DateTime' | 'Date' | 'Time';
* Attributes is a map from string to attribute values.
* Note: only the own enumerable keys are counted as valid attribute keys.
declare interface Attributes {
[attributeKey: string]: AttributeValue | undefined;
* Attribute values may be any non-nullish primitive value except an object.
* null or undefined attribute values are invalid and will result in undefined behavior.
declare type AttributeValue = string | number | boolean | Array<null | undefined | string> | Array<null | undefined | number> | Array<null | undefined | boolean>;
export declare type BaseDMMF = {
readonly datamodel: Omit<DMMF.Datamodel, 'indexes'>;
declare type BatchArgs = {
queries: BatchQuery[];
transaction?: {
isolationLevel?: IsolationLevel;
declare type BatchInternalParams = {
requests: RequestParams[];
customDataProxyFetch?: CustomDataProxyFetch;
declare type BatchQuery = {
model: string | undefined;
operation: string;
args: JsArgs | RawQueryArgs;
declare type BatchQueryEngineResult<T> = QueryEngineResult<T> | Error;
declare type BatchQueryOptionsCb = (args: BatchQueryOptionsCbArgs) => Promise<any>;
declare type BatchQueryOptionsCbArgs = {
args: BatchArgs;
query: (args: BatchArgs, __internalParams?: BatchInternalParams) => Promise<unknown[]>;
__internalParams: BatchInternalParams;
declare type BatchTransactionOptions = {
isolationLevel?: Transaction_2.IsolationLevel;
declare interface BinaryTargetsEnvValue {
fromEnvVar: string | null;
value: string;
native?: boolean;
export declare type Call<F extends Fn, P> = (F & {
params: P;
declare interface CallSite {
getLocation(): LocationInFile | null;
export declare type Cast<A, W> = A extends W ? A : W;
declare type Client = ReturnType<typeof getPrismaClient> extends new () => infer T ? T : never;
export declare type ClientArg = {
[MethodName in string]: unknown;
export declare type ClientArgs = {
client: ClientArg;
export declare type ClientBuiltInProp = keyof DynamicClientExtensionThisBuiltin<never, never, never, never>;
export declare type ClientOptionDef = undefined | {
[K in string]: any;
export declare type ClientOtherOps = {
$queryRaw<T = unknown>(query: TemplateStringsArray | Sql, ...values: any[]): PrismaPromise<T>;
$queryRawTyped<T>(query: TypedSql<unknown[], T>): PrismaPromise<T[]>;
$queryRawUnsafe<T = unknown>(query: string, ...values: any[]): PrismaPromise<T>;
$executeRaw(query: TemplateStringsArray | Sql, ...values: any[]): PrismaPromise<number>;
$executeRawUnsafe(query: string, ...values: any[]): PrismaPromise<number>;
$runCommandRaw(command: InputJsonObject): PrismaPromise<JsonObject>;
declare type ColumnType = (typeof ColumnTypeEnum)[keyof typeof ColumnTypeEnum];
declare const ColumnTypeEnum: {
readonly Int32: 0;
readonly Int64: 1;
readonly Float: 2;
readonly Double: 3;
readonly Numeric: 4;
readonly Boolean: 5;
readonly Character: 6;
readonly Text: 7;
readonly Date: 8;
readonly Time: 9;
readonly DateTime: 10;
readonly Json: 11;
readonly Enum: 12;
readonly Bytes: 13;
readonly Set: 14;
readonly Uuid: 15;
readonly Int32Array: 64;
readonly Int64Array: 65;
readonly FloatArray: 66;
readonly DoubleArray: 67;
readonly NumericArray: 68;
readonly BooleanArray: 69;
readonly CharacterArray: 70;
readonly TextArray: 71;
readonly DateArray: 72;
readonly TimeArray: 73;
readonly DateTimeArray: 74;
readonly JsonArray: 75;
readonly EnumArray: 76;
readonly BytesArray: 77;
readonly UuidArray: 78;
readonly UnknownNumber: 128;
export declare type Compute<T> = T extends Function ? T : {
[K in keyof T]: T[K];
} & unknown;
export declare type ComputeDeep<T> = T extends Function ? T : {
[K in keyof T]: ComputeDeep<T[K]>;
} & unknown;
declare type ComputedField = {
name: string;
needs: string[];
compute: ResultArgsFieldCompute;
declare type ComputedFieldsMap = {
[fieldName: string]: ComputedField;
declare type ConnectionInfo = {
schemaName?: string;
maxBindValues?: number;
declare type ConnectorType = 'mysql' | 'mongodb' | 'sqlite' | 'postgresql' | 'postgres' | 'sqlserver' | 'cockroachdb';
declare interface Context {
* Get a value from the context.
* @param key key which identifies a context value
getValue(key: symbol): unknown;
* Create a new context which inherits from this context and has
* the given key set to the given value.
* @param key context key for which to set the value
* @param value value to set for the given key
setValue(key: symbol, value: unknown): Context;
* Return a new context which inherits from this context but does
* not contain a value for the given key.
* @param key context key for which to clear a value
deleteValue(key: symbol): Context;
declare type Context_2<T> = T extends {
[K: symbol]: {
ctx: infer C;
} ? C & T & {
* @deprecated Use `$name` instead.
name?: string;
$name?: string;
$parent?: unknown;
} : T & {
* @deprecated Use `$name` instead.
name?: string;
$name?: string;
$parent?: unknown;
export declare type Count<O> = {
[K in keyof O]: Count<number>;
} & {};
declare type CustomDataProxyFetch = (fetch: Fetch) => Fetch;
declare class DataLoader<T = unknown> {
private options;
batches: {
[key: string]: Job[];
private tickActive;
constructor(options: DataLoaderOptions<T>);
request(request: T): Promise<any>;
private dispatchBatches;
get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string;
declare type DataLoaderOptions<T> = {
singleLoader: (request: T) => Promise<any>;
batchLoader: (request: T[]) => Promise<any[]>;
batchBy: (request: T) => string | undefined;
batchOrder: (requestA: T, requestB: T) => number;
declare type Datasource = {
url?: string;
declare type Datasources = {
[name in string]: Datasource;
declare class DbNull extends NullTypesEnumValue {
export declare const Debug: typeof debugCreate & {
enable(namespace: any): void;
disable(): any;
enabled(namespace: string): boolean;
log: (...args: string[]) => void;
formatters: {};
* Create a new debug instance with the given namespace.
* @example
* ```ts
* import Debug from '@prisma/debug'
* const debug = Debug('prisma:client')
* debug('Hello World')
* ```
declare function debugCreate(namespace: string): ((...args: any[]) => void) & {
color: string;
enabled: boolean;
namespace: string;
log: (...args: string[]) => void;
extend: () => void;
export declare namespace Decimal {
export type Constructor = typeof Decimal;
export type Instance = Decimal;
export type Rounding = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8;
export type Modulo = Rounding | 9;
export type Value = string | number | Decimal;
// http://mikemcl.github.io/decimal.js/#constructor-properties
export interface Config {
precision?: number;
rounding?: Rounding;
toExpNeg?: number;
toExpPos?: number;
minE?: number;
maxE?: number;
crypto?: boolean;
modulo?: Modulo;
defaults?: boolean;
export declare class Decimal {
readonly d: number[];
readonly e: number;
readonly s: number;
constructor(n: Decimal.Value);
absoluteValue(): Decimal;
abs(): Decimal;
ceil(): Decimal;
clampedTo(min: Decimal.Value, max: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
clamp(min: Decimal.Value, max: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
comparedTo(n: Decimal.Value): number;
cmp(n: Decimal.Value): number;
cosine(): Decimal;
cos(): Decimal;
cubeRoot(): Decimal;
cbrt(): Decimal;
decimalPlaces(): number;
dp(): number;
dividedBy(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
div(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
dividedToIntegerBy(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
divToInt(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
equals(n: Decimal.Value): boolean;
eq(n: Decimal.Value): boolean;
floor(): Decimal;
greaterThan(n: Decimal.Value): boolean;
gt(n: Decimal.Value): boolean;
greaterThanOrEqualTo(n: Decimal.Value): boolean;
gte(n: Decimal.Value): boolean;
hyperbolicCosine(): Decimal;
cosh(): Decimal;
hyperbolicSine(): Decimal;
sinh(): Decimal;
hyperbolicTangent(): Decimal;
tanh(): Decimal;
inverseCosine(): Decimal;
acos(): Decimal;
inverseHyperbolicCosine(): Decimal;
acosh(): Decimal;
inverseHyperbolicSine(): Decimal;
asinh(): Decimal;
inverseHyperbolicTangent(): Decimal;
atanh(): Decimal;
inverseSine(): Decimal;
asin(): Decimal;
inverseTangent(): Decimal;
atan(): Decimal;
isFinite(): boolean;
isInteger(): boolean;
isInt(): boolean;
isNaN(): boolean;
isNegative(): boolean;
isNeg(): boolean;
isPositive(): boolean;
isPos(): boolean;
isZero(): boolean;
lessThan(n: Decimal.Value): boolean;
lt(n: Decimal.Value): boolean;
lessThanOrEqualTo(n: Decimal.Value): boolean;
lte(n: Decimal.Value): boolean;
logarithm(n?: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
log(n?: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
minus(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
sub(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
modulo(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
mod(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
naturalExponential(): Decimal;
exp(): Decimal;
naturalLogarithm(): Decimal;
ln(): Decimal;
negated(): Decimal;
neg(): Decimal;
plus(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
add(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
precision(includeZeros?: boolean): number;
sd(includeZeros?: boolean): number;
round(): Decimal;
sine() : Decimal;
sin() : Decimal;
squareRoot(): Decimal;
sqrt(): Decimal;
tangent() : Decimal;
tan() : Decimal;
times(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
mul(n: Decimal.Value) : Decimal;
toBinary(significantDigits?: number): string;
toBinary(significantDigits: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): string;
toDecimalPlaces(decimalPlaces?: number): Decimal;
toDecimalPlaces(decimalPlaces: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): Decimal;
toDP(decimalPlaces?: number): Decimal;
toDP(decimalPlaces: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): Decimal;
toExponential(decimalPlaces?: number): string;
toExponential(decimalPlaces: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): string;
toFixed(decimalPlaces?: number): string;
toFixed(decimalPlaces: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): string;
toFraction(max_denominator?: Decimal.Value): Decimal[];
toHexadecimal(significantDigits?: number): string;
toHexadecimal(significantDigits: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): string;
toHex(significantDigits?: number): string;
toHex(significantDigits: number, rounding?: Decimal.Rounding): string;
toJSON(): string;
toNearest(n: Decimal.Value, rounding?: Decimal.Rounding): Decimal;
toNumber(): number;
toOctal(significantDigits?: number): string;
toOctal(significantDigits: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): string;
toPower(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
pow(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
toPrecision(significantDigits?: number): string;
toPrecision(significantDigits: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): string;
toSignificantDigits(significantDigits?: number): Decimal;
toSignificantDigits(significantDigits: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): Decimal;
toSD(significantDigits?: number): Decimal;
toSD(significantDigits: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): Decimal;
toString(): string;
truncated(): Decimal;
trunc(): Decimal;
valueOf(): string;
static abs(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static acos(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static acosh(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static add(x: Decimal.Value, y: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static asin(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static asinh(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static atan(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static atanh(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static atan2(y: Decimal.Value, x: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static cbrt(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static ceil(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static clamp(n: Decimal.Value, min: Decimal.Value, max: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static clone(object?: Decimal.Config): Decimal.Constructor;
static config(object: Decimal.Config): Decimal.Constructor;
static cos(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static cosh(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static div(x: Decimal.Value, y: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static exp(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static floor(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static hypot(...n: Decimal.Value[]): Decimal;
static isDecimal(object: any): object is Decimal;
static ln(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static log(n: Decimal.Value, base?: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static log2(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static log10(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static max(...n: Decimal.Value[]): Decimal;
static min(...n: Decimal.Value[]): Decimal;
static mod(x: Decimal.Value, y: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static mul(x: Decimal.Value, y: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static noConflict(): Decimal.Constructor; // Browser only
static pow(base: Decimal.Value, exponent: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static random(significantDigits?: number): Decimal;
static round(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static set(object: Decimal.Config): Decimal.Constructor;
static sign(n: Decimal.Value): number;
static sin(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static sinh(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static sqrt(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static sub(x: Decimal.Value, y: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static sum(...n: Decimal.Value[]): Decimal;
static tan(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static tanh(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static trunc(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal;
static readonly default?: Decimal.Constructor;
static readonly Decimal?: Decimal.Constructor;
static readonly precision: number;
static readonly rounding: Decimal.Rounding;
static readonly toExpNeg: number;
static readonly toExpPos: number;
static readonly minE: number;
static readonly maxE: number;
static readonly crypto: boolean;
static readonly modulo: Decimal.Modulo;
static readonly ROUND_UP: 0;
static readonly ROUND_DOWN: 1;
static readonly ROUND_CEIL: 2;
static readonly ROUND_FLOOR: 3;
static readonly ROUND_HALF_UP: 4;
static readonly ROUND_HALF_DOWN: 5;
static readonly ROUND_HALF_EVEN: 6;
static readonly ROUND_HALF_CEIL: 7;
static readonly ROUND_HALF_FLOOR: 8;
static readonly EUCLID: 9;
* Interface for any Decimal.js-like library
* Allows us to accept Decimal.js from different
* versions and some compatible alternatives
export declare interface DecimalJsLike {
d: number[];
e: number;
s: number;
toFixed(): string;
export declare type DefaultArgs = InternalArgs<{}, {}, {}, {}>;
export declare type DefaultSelection<Payload extends OperationPayload, Args = {}, ClientOptions = {}> = Args extends {
omit: infer LocalOmit;
} ? ApplyOmit<UnwrapPayload<{
default: Payload;
}>['default'], PatchFlat<LocalOmit, ExtractGlobalOmit<ClientOptions, Uncapitalize<Payload['name']>>>> : ApplyOmit<UnwrapPayload<{
default: Payload;
}>['default'], ExtractGlobalOmit<ClientOptions, Uncapitalize<Payload['name']>>>;
export declare function defineDmmfProperty(target: object, runtimeDataModel: RuntimeDataModel): void;
declare function defineExtension(ext: ExtensionArgs | ((client: Client) => Client)): (client: Client) => Client;
declare const denylist: readonly ["$connect", "$disconnect", "$on", "$transaction", "$use", "$extends"];
export declare type DevTypeMapDef = {
meta: {
modelProps: string;
model: {
[Model in PropertyKey]: {
[Operation in PropertyKey]: DevTypeMapFnDef;
other: {
[Operation in PropertyKey]: DevTypeMapFnDef;
export declare type DevTypeMapFnDef = {
args: any;
result: any;
payload: OperationPayload;
export declare namespace DMMF {
export type Document = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
datamodel: Datamodel;
schema: Schema;
mappings: Mappings;
export type Mappings = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
modelOperations: ModelMapping[];
otherOperations: {
read: string[];
write: string[];
export type OtherOperationMappings = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
read: string[];
write: string[];
export type DatamodelEnum = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
values: EnumValue[];
dbName?: string | null;
documentation?: string;
export type SchemaEnum = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
values: string[];
export type EnumValue = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
dbName: string | null;
export type Datamodel = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
models: Model[];
enums: DatamodelEnum[];
types: Model[];
indexes: Index[];
export type uniqueIndex = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
fields: string[];
export type PrimaryKey = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string | null;
fields: string[];
export type Model = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
dbName: string | null;
fields: Field[];
uniqueFields: string[][];
uniqueIndexes: uniqueIndex[];
documentation?: string;
primaryKey: PrimaryKey | null;
isGenerated?: boolean;
export type FieldKind = 'scalar' | 'object' | 'enum' | 'unsupported';
export type FieldNamespace = 'model' | 'prisma';
export type FieldLocation = 'scalar' | 'inputObjectTypes' | 'outputObjectTypes' | 'enumTypes' | 'fieldRefTypes';
export type Field = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
kind: FieldKind;
name: string;
isRequired: boolean;
isList: boolean;
isUnique: boolean;
isId: boolean;
isReadOnly: boolean;
isGenerated?: boolean;
isUpdatedAt?: boolean;
* Describes the data type in the same the way it is defined in the Prisma schema:
* BigInt, Boolean, Bytes, DateTime, Decimal, Float, Int, JSON, String, $ModelName
type: string;
dbName?: string | null;
hasDefaultValue: boolean;
default?: FieldDefault | FieldDefaultScalar | FieldDefaultScalar[];
relationFromFields?: string[];
relationToFields?: string[];
relationOnDelete?: string;
relationName?: string;
documentation?: string;
export type FieldDefault = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
args: any[];
export type FieldDefaultScalar = string | boolean | number;
export type Index = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
model: string;
type: IndexType;
isDefinedOnField: boolean;
name?: string;
dbName?: string;
algorithm?: string;
clustered?: boolean;
fields: IndexField[];
export type IndexType = 'id' | 'normal' | 'unique' | 'fulltext';
export type IndexField = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
sortOrder?: SortOrder;
length?: number;
operatorClass?: string;
export type SortOrder = 'asc' | 'desc';
export type Schema = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
rootQueryType?: string;
rootMutationType?: string;
inputObjectTypes: {
model?: InputType[];
prisma: InputType[];
outputObjectTypes: {
model: OutputType[];
prisma: OutputType[];
enumTypes: {
model?: SchemaEnum[];
prisma: SchemaEnum[];
fieldRefTypes: {
prisma?: FieldRefType[];
export type Query = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
args: SchemaArg[];
output: QueryOutput;
export type QueryOutput = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
isRequired: boolean;
isList: boolean;
export type TypeRef<AllowedLocations extends FieldLocation> = {
isList: boolean;
type: string;
location: AllowedLocations;
namespace?: FieldNamespace;
export type InputTypeRef = TypeRef<'scalar' | 'inputObjectTypes' | 'enumTypes' | 'fieldRefTypes'>;
export type SchemaArg = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
comment?: string;
isNullable: boolean;
isRequired: boolean;
inputTypes: InputTypeRef[];
deprecation?: Deprecation;
export type OutputType = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
fields: SchemaField[];
export type SchemaField = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
isNullable?: boolean;
outputType: OutputTypeRef;
args: SchemaArg[];
deprecation?: Deprecation;
documentation?: string;
export type OutputTypeRef = TypeRef<'scalar' | 'outputObjectTypes' | 'enumTypes'>;
export type Deprecation = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
sinceVersion: string;
reason: string;
plannedRemovalVersion?: string;
export type InputType = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
constraints: {
maxNumFields: number | null;
minNumFields: number | null;
fields?: string[];
meta?: {
source?: string;
fields: SchemaArg[];
export type FieldRefType = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
name: string;
allowTypes: FieldRefAllowType[];
fields: SchemaArg[];
export type FieldRefAllowType = TypeRef<'scalar' | 'enumTypes'>;
export type ModelMapping = ReadonlyDeep_2<{
model: string;
plural: string;
findUnique?: string | null;
findUniqueOrThrow?: string | null;
findFirst?: string | null;
findFirstOrThrow?: string | null;
findMany?: string | null;
create?: string | null;
createMany?: string | null;
createManyAndReturn?: string | null;
update?: string | null;
updateMany?: string | null;
upsert?: string | null;
delete?: string | null;
deleteMany?: string | null;
aggregate?: string | null;
groupBy?: string | null;
count?: string | null;
findRaw?: string | null;
aggregateRaw?: string | null;
export enum ModelAction {
findUnique = "findUnique",
findUniqueOrThrow = "findUniqueOrThrow",
findFirst = "findFirst",
findFirstOrThrow = "findFirstOrThrow",
findMany = "findMany",
create = "create",
createMany = "createMany",
createManyAndReturn = "createManyAndReturn",
update = "update",
updateMany = "updateMany",
upsert = "upsert",
delete = "delete",
deleteMany = "deleteMany",
groupBy = "groupBy",
count = "count",// TODO: count does not actually exist, why?
aggregate = "aggregate",
findRaw = "findRaw",
aggregateRaw = "aggregateRaw"
export declare interface DriverAdapter extends Queryable {
* Starts new transaction.
startTransaction(): Promise<Result_4<Transaction>>;
* Optional method that returns extra connection info
getConnectionInfo?(): Result_4<ConnectionInfo>;
/** Client */
export declare type DynamicClientExtensionArgs<C_, TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, TypeMapCb extends TypeMapCbDef, ExtArgs extends Record<string, any>, ClientOptions> = {
[P in keyof C_]: unknown;
} & {
[K: symbol]: {
ctx: Optional<DynamicClientExtensionThis<TypeMap, TypeMapCb, ExtArgs, ClientOptions>, ITXClientDenyList> & {
$parent: Optional<DynamicClientExtensionThis<TypeMap, TypeMapCb, ExtArgs, ClientOptions>, ITXClientDenyList>;
export declare type DynamicClientExtensionThis<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, TypeMapCb extends TypeMapCbDef, ExtArgs extends Record<string, any>, ClientOptions> = {
[P in keyof ExtArgs['client']]: Return<ExtArgs['client'][P]>;
} & {
[P in Exclude<TypeMap['meta']['modelProps'], keyof ExtArgs['client']>]: DynamicModelExtensionThis<TypeMap, ModelKey<TypeMap, P>, ExtArgs, ClientOptions>;
} & {
[P in Exclude<keyof TypeMap['other']['operations'], keyof ExtArgs['client']>]: P extends keyof ClientOtherOps ? ClientOtherOps[P] : never;
} & {
[P in Exclude<ClientBuiltInProp, keyof ExtArgs['client']>]: DynamicClientExtensionThisBuiltin<TypeMap, TypeMapCb, ExtArgs, ClientOptions>[P];
} & {
[K: symbol]: {
types: TypeMap['other'];
export declare type DynamicClientExtensionThisBuiltin<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, TypeMapCb extends TypeMapCbDef, ExtArgs extends Record<string, any>, ClientOptions> = {
$extends: ExtendsHook<'extends', TypeMapCb, ExtArgs, Call<TypeMapCb, {
extArgs: ExtArgs;
}>, ClientOptions>;
$transaction<P extends PrismaPromise<any>[]>(arg: [...P], options?: {
isolationLevel?: TypeMap['meta']['txIsolationLevel'];
}): Promise<UnwrapTuple<P>>;
$transaction<R>(fn: (client: Omit<DynamicClientExtensionThis<TypeMap, TypeMapCb, ExtArgs, ClientOptions>, ITXClientDenyList>) => Promise<R>, options?: {
maxWait?: number;
timeout?: number;
isolationLevel?: TypeMap['meta']['txIsolationLevel'];
}): Promise<R>;
$disconnect(): Promise<void>;
$connect(): Promise<void>;
/** Model */
export declare type DynamicModelExtensionArgs<M_, TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, TypeMapCb extends TypeMapCbDef, ExtArgs extends Record<string, any>, ClientOptions> = {
[K in keyof M_]: K extends '$allModels' ? {
[P in keyof M_[K]]?: unknown;
} & {
[K: symbol]: {};
} : K extends TypeMap['meta']['modelProps'] ? {
[P in keyof M_[K]]?: unknown;
} & {
[K: symbol]: {
ctx: DynamicModelExtensionThis<TypeMap, ModelKey<TypeMap, K>, ExtArgs, ClientOptions> & {
$parent: DynamicClientExtensionThis<TypeMap, TypeMapCb, ExtArgs, ClientOptions>;
} & {
$name: ModelKey<TypeMap, K>;
} & {
* @deprecated Use `$name` instead.
name: ModelKey<TypeMap, K>;
} : never;
export declare type DynamicModelExtensionFluentApi<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, M extends PropertyKey, P extends PropertyKey, Null, ClientOptions> = {
[K in keyof TypeMap['model'][M]['payload']['objects']]: <A>(args?: Exact<A, Path<TypeMap['model'][M]['operations'][P]['args']['select'], [K]>>) => PrismaPromise<Path<DynamicModelExtensionFnResultBase<TypeMap, M, {
select: {
[P in K]: A;
}, P, ClientOptions>, [K]> | Null> & DynamicModelExtensionFluentApi<TypeMap, (TypeMap['model'][M]['payload']['objects'][K] & {})['name'], P, Null | Select<TypeMap['model'][M]['payload']['objects'][K], null>, ClientOptions>;
export declare type DynamicModelExtensionFnResult<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, M extends PropertyKey, A, P extends PropertyKey, Null, ClientOptions> = P extends FluentOperation ? DynamicModelExtensionFluentApi<TypeMap, M, P, Null, ClientOptions> & PrismaPromise<DynamicModelExtensionFnResultBase<TypeMap, M, A, P, ClientOptions> | Null> : PrismaPromise<DynamicModelExtensionFnResultBase<TypeMap, M, A, P, ClientOptions>>;
export declare type DynamicModelExtensionFnResultBase<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, M extends PropertyKey, A, P extends PropertyKey, ClientOptions> = GetResult<TypeMap['model'][M]['payload'], A, P & Operation, ClientOptions>;
export declare type DynamicModelExtensionFnResultNull<P extends PropertyKey> = P extends 'findUnique' | 'findFirst' ? null : never;
export declare type DynamicModelExtensionOperationFn<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, M extends PropertyKey, P extends PropertyKey, ClientOptions> = {} extends TypeMap['model'][M]['operations'][P]['args'] ? <A extends TypeMap['model'][M]['operations'][P]['args']>(args?: Exact<A, TypeMap['model'][M]['operations'][P]['args']>) => DynamicModelExtensionFnResult<TypeMap, M, A, P, DynamicModelExtensionFnResultNull<P>, ClientOptions> : <A extends TypeMap['model'][M]['operations'][P]['args']>(args: Exact<A, TypeMap['model'][M]['operations'][P]['args']>) => DynamicModelExtensionFnResult<TypeMap, M, A, P, DynamicModelExtensionFnResultNull<P>, ClientOptions>;
export declare type DynamicModelExtensionThis<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, M extends PropertyKey, ExtArgs extends Record<string, any>, ClientOptions> = {
[P in keyof ExtArgs['model'][Uncapitalize<M & string>]]: Return<ExtArgs['model'][Uncapitalize<M & string>][P]>;
} & {
[P in Exclude<keyof TypeMap['model'][M]['operations'], keyof ExtArgs['model'][Uncapitalize<M & string>]>]: DynamicModelExtensionOperationFn<TypeMap, M, P, ClientOptions>;
} & {
[P in Exclude<'fields', keyof ExtArgs['model'][Uncapitalize<M & string>]>]: TypeMap['model'][M]['fields'];
} & {
[K: symbol]: {
types: TypeMap['model'][M];
/** Query */
export declare type DynamicQueryExtensionArgs<Q_, TypeMap extends TypeMapDef> = {
[K in keyof Q_]: K extends '$allOperations' ? (args: {
model?: string;
operation: string;
args: any;
query: (args: any) => PrismaPromise<any>;
}) => Promise<any> : K extends '$allModels' ? {
[P in keyof Q_[K] | keyof TypeMap['model'][keyof TypeMap['model']]['operations'] | '$allOperations']?: P extends '$allOperations' ? DynamicQueryExtensionCb<TypeMap, 'model', keyof TypeMap['model'], keyof TypeMap['model'][keyof TypeMap['model']]['operations']> : P extends keyof TypeMap['model'][keyof TypeMap['model']]['operations'] ? DynamicQueryExtensionCb<TypeMap, 'model', keyof TypeMap['model'], P> : never;
} : K extends TypeMap['meta']['modelProps'] ? {
[P in keyof Q_[K] | keyof TypeMap['model'][ModelKey<TypeMap, K>]['operations'] | '$allOperations']?: P extends '$allOperations' ? DynamicQueryExtensionCb<TypeMap, 'model', ModelKey<TypeMap, K>, keyof TypeMap['model'][ModelKey<TypeMap, K>]['operations']> : P extends keyof TypeMap['model'][ModelKey<TypeMap, K>]['operations'] ? DynamicQueryExtensionCb<TypeMap, 'model', ModelKey<TypeMap, K>, P> : never;
} : K extends keyof TypeMap['other']['operations'] ? DynamicQueryExtensionCb<[TypeMap], 0, 'other', K> : never;
export declare type DynamicQueryExtensionCb<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, _0 extends PropertyKey, _1 extends PropertyKey, _2 extends PropertyKey> = <A extends DynamicQueryExtensionCbArgs<TypeMap, _0, _1, _2>>(args: A) => Promise<TypeMap[_0][_1][_2]['result']>;
export declare type DynamicQueryExtensionCbArgs<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, _0 extends PropertyKey, _1 extends PropertyKey, _2 extends PropertyKey> = (_1 extends unknown ? _2 extends unknown ? {
args: DynamicQueryExtensionCbArgsArgs<TypeMap, _0, _1, _2>;
model: _0 extends 0 ? undefined : _1;
operation: _2;
query: <A extends DynamicQueryExtensionCbArgsArgs<TypeMap, _0, _1, _2>>(args: A) => PrismaPromise<TypeMap[_0][_1]['operations'][_2]['result']>;
} : never : never) & {
query: (args: DynamicQueryExtensionCbArgsArgs<TypeMap, _0, _1, _2>) => PrismaPromise<TypeMap[_0][_1]['operations'][_2]['result']>;
export declare type DynamicQueryExtensionCbArgsArgs<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, _0 extends PropertyKey, _1 extends PropertyKey, _2 extends PropertyKey> = _2 extends '$queryRaw' | '$executeRaw' ? Sql : TypeMap[_0][_1]['operations'][_2]['args'];
/** Result */
export declare type DynamicResultExtensionArgs<R_, TypeMap extends TypeMapDef> = {
[K in keyof R_]: {
[P in keyof R_[K]]?: {
needs?: DynamicResultExtensionNeeds<TypeMap, ModelKey<TypeMap, K>, R_[K][P]>;
compute(data: DynamicResultExtensionData<TypeMap, ModelKey<TypeMap, K>, R_[K][P]>): any;
export declare type DynamicResultExtensionData<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, M extends PropertyKey, S> = GetFindResult<TypeMap['model'][M]['payload'], {
select: S;
}, {}>;
export declare type DynamicResultExtensionNeeds<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, M extends PropertyKey, S> = {
[K in keyof S]: K extends keyof TypeMap['model'][M]['payload']['scalars'] ? S[K] : never;
} & {
[N in keyof TypeMap['model'][M]['payload']['scalars']]?: boolean;
* Placeholder value for "no text".
export declare const empty: Sql;
export declare type EmptyToUnknown<T> = T;
declare interface Engine<InteractiveTransactionPayload = unknown> {
/** The name of the engine. This is meant to be consumed externally */
readonly name: string;
onBeforeExit(callback: () => Promise<void>): void;
start(): Promise<void>;
stop(): Promise<void>;
version(forceRun?: boolean): Promise<string> | string;
request<T>(query: JsonQuery, options: RequestOptions_2<InteractiveTransactionPayload>): Promise<QueryEngineResult<T>>;
requestBatch<T>(queries: JsonQuery[], options: RequestBatchOptions<InteractiveTransactionPayload>): Promise<BatchQueryEngineResult<T>[]>;
transaction(action: 'start', headers: Transaction_2.TransactionHeaders, options: Transaction_2.Options): Promise<Transaction_2.InteractiveTransactionInfo<unknown>>;
transaction(action: 'commit', headers: Transaction_2.TransactionHeaders, info: Transaction_2.InteractiveTransactionInfo<unknown>): Promise<void>;
transaction(action: 'rollback', headers: Transaction_2.TransactionHeaders, info: Transaction_2.InteractiveTransactionInfo<unknown>): Promise<void>;
metrics(options: MetricsOptionsJson): Promise<Metrics>;
metrics(options: MetricsOptionsPrometheus): Promise<string>;
applyPendingMigrations(): Promise<void>;
declare interface EngineConfig {
cwd: string;
dirname: string;
datamodelPath: string;
enableDebugLogs?: boolean;
allowTriggerPanic?: boolean;
prismaPath?: string;
generator?: GeneratorConfig;
overrideDatasources: Datasources;
showColors?: boolean;
logQueries?: boolean;
logLevel?: 'info' | 'warn';
env: Record<string, string>;
flags?: string[];
clientVersion: string;
engineVersion: string;
previewFeatures?: string[];
engineEndpoint?: string;
activeProvider?: string;
logEmitter: LogEmitter;
transactionOptions: Transaction_2.Options;
* Instance of a Driver Adapter, e.g., like one provided by `@prisma/adapter-planetscale`.
* If set, this is only used in the library engine, and all queries would be performed through it,
* rather than Prisma's Rust drivers.
* @remarks only used by LibraryEngine.ts
adapter?: ErrorCapturingDriverAdapter;
* The contents of the schema encoded into a string
* @remarks only used by DataProxyEngine.ts
inlineSchema: string;
* The contents of the datasource url saved in a string
* @remarks only used by DataProxyEngine.ts
inlineDatasources: GetPrismaClientConfig['inlineDatasources'];
* The string hash that was produced for a given schema
* @remarks only used by DataProxyEngine.ts
inlineSchemaHash: string;
* The helper for interaction with OTEL tracing
* @remarks enabling is determined by the client and @prisma/instrumentation package
tracingHelper: TracingHelper;
* Information about whether we have not found a schema.prisma file in the
* default location, and that we fell back to finding the schema.prisma file
* in the current working directory. This usually means it has been bundled.
isBundled?: boolean;
* Web Assembly module loading configuration
engineWasm?: WasmLoadingConfig;
* Allows Accelerate to use runtime utilities from the client. These are
* necessary for the AccelerateEngine to function correctly.
accelerateUtils?: {
resolveDatasourceUrl: typeof resolveDatasourceUrl;
getBatchRequestPayload: typeof getBatchRequestPayload;
prismaGraphQLToJSError: typeof prismaGraphQLToJSError;
PrismaClientUnknownRequestError: typeof PrismaClientUnknownRequestError;
PrismaClientInitializationError: typeof PrismaClientInitializationError;
PrismaClientKnownRequestError: typeof PrismaClientKnownRequestError;
debug: (...args: any[]) => void;
engineVersion: string;
clientVersion: string;
declare type EngineEvent<E extends EngineEventType> = E extends QueryEventType ? QueryEvent : LogEvent;
declare type EngineEventType = QueryEventType | LogEventType;
declare type EngineProtocol = 'graphql' | 'json';
declare type EngineSpan = {
span: boolean;
name: string;
trace_id: string;
span_id: string;
parent_span_id: string;
start_time: [number, number];
end_time: [number, number];
attributes?: Record<string, string>;
links?: {
trace_id: string;
span_id: string;
declare type EngineSpanEvent = {
span: boolean;
spans: EngineSpan[];
declare type EnvPaths = {
rootEnvPath: string | null;
schemaEnvPath: string | undefined;
declare interface EnvValue {
fromEnvVar: null | string;
value: null | string;
export declare type Equals<A, B> = (<T>() => T extends A ? 1 : 2) extends (<T>() => T extends B ? 1 : 2) ? 1 : 0;
declare type Error_2 = {
kind: 'GenericJs';
id: number;
} | {
kind: 'UnsupportedNativeDataType';
type: string;
} | {
kind: 'Postgres';
code: string;
severity: string;
message: string;
detail: string | undefined;
column: string | undefined;
hint: string | undefined;
} | {
kind: 'Mysql';
code: number;
message: string;
state: string;
} | {
kind: 'Sqlite';
* Sqlite extended error code: https://www.sqlite.org/rescode.html
extendedCode: number;
message: string;
declare interface ErrorCapturingDriverAdapter extends DriverAdapter {
readonly errorRegistry: ErrorRegistry;
declare type ErrorFormat = 'pretty' | 'colorless' | 'minimal';
declare type ErrorRecord = {
error: unknown;
declare interface ErrorRegistry {
consumeError(id: number): ErrorRecord | undefined;
declare interface ErrorWithBatchIndex {
batchRequestIdx?: number;
declare type EventCallback<E extends ExtendedEventType> = [E] extends ['beforeExit'] ? () => Promise<void> : [E] extends [LogLevel] ? (event: EngineEvent<E>) => void : never;
export declare type Exact<A, W> = (A extends unknown ? (W extends A ? {
[K in keyof A]: Exact<A[K], W[K]>;
} : W) : never) | (A extends Narrowable ? A : never);
* Defines Exception.
* string or an object with one of (message or name or code) and optional stack
declare type Exception = ExceptionWithCode | ExceptionWithMessage | ExceptionWithName | string;
declare interface ExceptionWithCode {
code: string | number;
name?: string;
message?: string;
stack?: string;
declare interface ExceptionWithMessage {
code?: string | number;
message: string;
name?: string;
stack?: string;
declare interface ExceptionWithName {
code?: string | number;
message?: string;
name: string;
stack?: string;
declare type ExtendedEventType = LogLevel | 'beforeExit';
declare type ExtendedSpanOptions = SpanOptions & {
/** The name of the span */
name: string;
internal?: boolean;
middleware?: boolean;
/** Whether it propagates context (?=true) */
active?: boolean;
/** The context to append the span to */
context?: Context;
/** $extends, defineExtension */
export declare interface ExtendsHook<Variant extends 'extends' | 'define', TypeMapCb extends TypeMapCbDef, ExtArgs extends Record<string, any>, TypeMap extends TypeMapDef = Call<TypeMapCb, {
extArgs: ExtArgs;
}>, ClientOptions = {}> {
extArgs: ExtArgs;
<R_ extends {
[K in TypeMap['meta']['modelProps'] | '$allModels']?: unknown;
}, R, M_ extends {
[K in TypeMap['meta']['modelProps'] | '$allModels']?: unknown;
}, M, Q_ extends {
[K in TypeMap['meta']['modelProps'] | '$allModels' | keyof TypeMap['other']['operations'] | '$allOperations']?: unknown;
}, C_ extends {
[K in string]?: unknown;
}, C, Args extends InternalArgs = InternalArgs<R, M, {}, C>, MergedArgs extends InternalArgs = MergeExtArgs<TypeMap, ExtArgs, Args>>(extension: ((client: DynamicClientExtensionThis<TypeMap, TypeMapCb, ExtArgs, ClientOptions>) => {
$extends: {
extArgs: Args;
}) | {
name?: string;
query?: DynamicQueryExtensionArgs<Q_, TypeMap>;
result?: DynamicResultExtensionArgs<R_, TypeMap> & R;
model?: DynamicModelExtensionArgs<M_, TypeMap, TypeMapCb, ExtArgs, ClientOptions> & M;
client?: DynamicClientExtensionArgs<C_, TypeMap, TypeMapCb, ExtArgs, ClientOptions> & C;
}): {
extends: DynamicClientExtensionThis<Call<TypeMapCb, {
extArgs: MergedArgs;
}>, TypeMapCb, MergedArgs, ClientOptions>;
define: (client: any) => {
$extends: {
extArgs: Args;
export declare type ExtensionArgs = Optional<RequiredExtensionArgs>;
declare namespace Extensions {
export {
export { Extensions }
declare namespace Extensions_2 {
export {
RequiredExtensionArgs as UserArgs
export declare type ExtractGlobalOmit<Options, ModelName extends string> = Options extends {
omit: {
[K in ModelName]: infer GlobalOmit;
} ? GlobalOmit : {};
declare type Fetch = typeof nodeFetch;
* A reference to a specific field of a specific model
export declare interface FieldRef<Model, FieldType> {
readonly modelName: Model;
readonly name: string;
readonly typeName: FieldType;
readonly isList: boolean;
export declare type FluentOperation = 'findUnique' | 'findUniqueOrThrow' | 'findFirst' | 'findFirstOrThrow' | 'create' | 'update' | 'upsert' | 'delete';
export declare interface Fn<Params = unknown, Returns = unknown> {
params: Params;
returns: Returns;
declare interface GeneratorConfig {
name: string;
output: EnvValue | null;
isCustomOutput?: boolean;
provider: EnvValue;
config: {
/** `output` is a reserved name and will only be available directly at `generator.output` */
output?: never;
/** `provider` is a reserved name and will only be available directly at `generator.provider` */
provider?: never;
/** `binaryTargets` is a reserved name and will only be available directly at `generator.binaryTargets` */
binaryTargets?: never;
/** `previewFeatures` is a reserved name and will only be available directly at `generator.previewFeatures` */
previewFeatures?: never;
} & {
[key: string]: string | string[] | undefined;
binaryTargets: BinaryTargetsEnvValue[];
previewFeatures: string[];
envPaths?: EnvPaths;
sourceFilePath: string;
export declare type GetAggregateResult<P extends OperationPayload, A> = {
[K in keyof A as K extends Aggregate ? K : never]: K extends '_count' ? A[K] extends true ? number : Count<A[K]> : {
[J in keyof A[K] & string]: P['scalars'][J] | null;
declare function getBatchRequestPayload(batch: JsonQuery[], transaction?: TransactionOptions_2<unknown>): QueryEngineBatchRequest;
export declare type GetBatchResult = {
count: number;
export declare type GetCountResult<A> = A extends {
select: infer S;
} ? (S extends true ? number : Count<S>) : number;
declare function getExtensionContext<T>(that: T): Context_2<T>;
export declare type GetFindResult<P extends OperationPayload, A, ClientOptions> = Equals<A, any> extends 1 ? DefaultSelection<P, A, ClientOptions> : A extends {
select: infer S extends object;
} & Record<string, unknown> | {
include: infer I extends object;
} & Record<string, unknown> ? {
[K in keyof S | keyof I as (S & I)[K] extends false | undefined | null ? never : K]: (S & I)[K] extends object ? P extends SelectablePayloadFields<K, (infer O)[]> ? O extends OperationPayload ? GetFindResult<O, (S & I)[K], ClientOptions>[] : never : P extends SelectablePayloadFields<K, infer O | null> ? O extends OperationPayload ? GetFindResult<O, (S & I)[K], ClientOptions> | SelectField<P, K> & null : never : K extends '_count' ? Count<GetFindResult<P, (S & I)[K], ClientOptions>> : never : P extends SelectablePayloadFields<K, (infer O)[]> ? O extends OperationPayload ? DefaultSelection<O, {}, ClientOptions>[] : never : P extends SelectablePayloadFields<K, infer O | null> ? O extends OperationPayload ? DefaultSelection<O, {}, ClientOptions> | SelectField<P, K> & null : never : P extends {
scalars: {
[k in K]: infer O;
} ? O : K extends '_count' ? Count<P['objects']> : never;
} & (A extends {
include: any;
} & Record<string, unknown> ? DefaultSelection<P, A, ClientOptions> : unknown) : DefaultSelection<P, A, ClientOptions>;
export declare type GetGroupByResult<P extends OperationPayload, A> = A extends {
by: string[];
} ? Array<GetAggregateResult<P, A> & {
[K in A['by'][number]]: P['scalars'][K];
}> : A extends {
by: string;
} ? Array<GetAggregateResult<P, A> & {
[K in A['by']]: P['scalars'][K];
}> : {}[];
export declare type GetOmit<BaseKeys extends string, R extends InternalArgs['result'][string]> = {
[K in (string extends keyof R ? never : keyof R) | BaseKeys]?: boolean;
export declare type GetPayloadResult<Base extends Record<any, any>, R extends InternalArgs['result'][string], KR extends keyof R = string extends keyof R ? never : keyof R> = unknown extends R ? Base : {
[K in KR | keyof Base]: K extends KR ? R[K] extends () => {
compute: (...args: any) => infer C;
} ? C : never : Base[K];
export declare function getPrismaClient(config: GetPrismaClientConfig): {
new (optionsArg?: PrismaClientOptions): {
_originalClient: any;
_runtimeDataModel: RuntimeDataModel;
_requestHandler: RequestHandler;
_connectionPromise?: Promise<any> | undefined;
_disconnectionPromise?: Promise<any> | undefined;
_engineConfig: EngineConfig;
_accelerateEngineConfig: AccelerateEngineConfig;
_clientVersion: string;
_errorFormat: ErrorFormat;
_tracingHelper: TracingHelper;
_metrics: MetricsClient;
_middlewares: MiddlewareHandler<QueryMiddleware>;
_previewFeatures: string[];
_activeProvider: string;
_globalOmit?: GlobalOmitOptions | undefined;
_extensions: MergedExtensionsList;
_engine: Engine;
* A fully constructed/applied Client that references the parent
* PrismaClient. This is used for Client extensions only.
_appliedParent: any;
_createPrismaPromise: PrismaPromiseFactory;
* Hook a middleware into the client
* @param middleware to hook
$use(middleware: QueryMiddleware): void;
$on<E extends ExtendedEventType>(eventType: E, callback: EventCallback<E>): void;
$connect(): Promise<void>;
* Disconnect from the database
$disconnect(): Promise<void>;
* Executes a raw query and always returns a number
$executeRawInternal(transaction: PrismaPromiseTransaction | undefined, clientMethod: string, args: RawQueryArgs, middlewareArgsMapper?: MiddlewareArgsMapper<unknown, unknown>): Promise<number>;
* Executes a raw query provided through a safe tag function
* @see https://github.com/prisma/prisma/issues/7142
* @param query
* @param values
* @returns
$executeRaw(query: TemplateStringsArray | Sql, ...values: any[]): PrismaPromise_2<unknown>;
* Unsafe counterpart of `$executeRaw` that is susceptible to SQL injections
* @see https://github.com/prisma/prisma/issues/7142
* @param query
* @param values
* @returns
$executeRawUnsafe(query: string, ...values: RawValue[]): PrismaPromise_2<unknown>;
* Executes a raw command only for MongoDB
* @param command
* @returns
$runCommandRaw(command: Record<string, JsInputValue>): PrismaPromise_2<unknown>;
* Executes a raw query and returns selected data
$queryRawInternal(transaction: PrismaPromiseTransaction | undefined, clientMethod: string, args: RawQueryArgs, middlewareArgsMapper?: MiddlewareArgsMapper<unknown, unknown>): Promise<any>;
* Executes a raw query provided through a safe tag function
* @see https://github.com/prisma/prisma/issues/7142
* @param query
* @param values
* @returns
$queryRaw(query: TemplateStringsArray | Sql, ...values: any[]): PrismaPromise_2<unknown>;
* Counterpart to $queryRaw, that returns strongly typed results
* @param typedSql
$queryRawTyped(typedSql: UnknownTypedSql): PrismaPromise_2<unknown>;
* Unsafe counterpart of `$queryRaw` that is susceptible to SQL injections
* @see https://github.com/prisma/prisma/issues/7142
* @param query
* @param values
* @returns
$queryRawUnsafe(query: string, ...values: RawValue[]): PrismaPromise_2<unknown>;
* Execute a batch of requests in a transaction
* @param requests
* @param options
_transactionWithArray({ promises, options, }: {
promises: Array<PrismaPromise_2<any>>;
options?: BatchTransactionOptions;
}): Promise<any>;
* Perform a long-running transaction
* @param callback
* @param options
* @returns
_transactionWithCallback({ callback, options, }: {
callback: (client: Client) => Promise<unknown>;
options?: Options;
}): Promise<unknown>;
_createItxClient(transaction: PrismaPromiseInteractiveTransaction): Client;
* Execute queries within a transaction
* @param input a callback or a query list
* @param options to set timeouts (callback)
* @returns
$transaction(input: any, options?: any): Promise<any>;
* Runs the middlewares over params before executing a request
* @param internalParams
* @returns
_request(internalParams: InternalRequestParams): Promise<any>;
_executeRequest({ args, clientMethod, dataPath, callsite, action, model, argsMapper, transaction, unpacker, otelParentCtx, customDataProxyFetch, }: InternalRequestParams): Promise<any>;
readonly $metrics: MetricsClient;
* Shortcut for checking a preview flag
* @param feature preview flag
* @returns
_hasPreviewFlag(feature: string): boolean;
$applyPendingMigrations(): Promise<void>;
$extends: typeof $extends;
readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
* Config that is stored into the generated client. When the generated client is
* loaded, this same config is passed to {@link getPrismaClient} which creates a
* closure with that config around a non-instantiated [[PrismaClient]].
declare type GetPrismaClientConfig = {
runtimeDataModel: RuntimeDataModel;
generator?: GeneratorConfig;
relativeEnvPaths: {
rootEnvPath?: string | null;
schemaEnvPath?: string | null;
relativePath: string;
dirname: string;
filename?: string;
clientVersion: string;
engineVersion: string;
datasourceNames: string[];
activeProvider: ActiveConnectorType;
* The contents of the schema encoded into a string
* @remarks only used for the purpose of data proxy
inlineSchema: string;
* A special env object just for the data proxy edge runtime.
* Allows bundlers to inject their own env variables (Vercel).
* Allows platforms to declare global variables as env (Workers).
* @remarks only used for the purpose of data proxy
injectableEdgeEnv?: () => LoadedEnv;
* The contents of the datasource url saved in a string.
* This can either be an env var name or connection string.
* It is needed by the client to connect to the Data Proxy.
* @remarks only used for the purpose of data proxy
inlineDatasources: {
[name in string]: {
url: EnvValue;
* The string hash that was produced for a given schema
* @remarks only used for the purpose of data proxy
inlineSchemaHash: string;
* A marker to indicate that the client was not generated via `prisma
* generate` but was generated via `generate --postinstall` script instead.
* @remarks used to error for Vercel/Netlify for schema caching issues
postinstall?: boolean;
* Information about the CI where the Prisma Client has been generated. The
* name of the CI environment is stored at generation time because CI
* information is not always available at runtime. Moreover, the edge client
* has no notion of environment variables, so this works around that.
* @remarks used to error for Vercel/Netlify for schema caching issues
ciName?: string;
* Information about whether we have not found a schema.prisma file in the
* default location, and that we fell back to finding the schema.prisma file
* in the current working directory. This usually means it has been bundled.
isBundled?: boolean;
* A boolean that is `false` when the client was generated with --no-engine. At
* runtime, this means the client will be bound to be using the Data Proxy.
copyEngine?: boolean;
* Optional wasm loading configuration
engineWasm?: WasmLoadingConfig;
export declare type GetResult<Payload extends OperationPayload, Args, OperationName extends Operation = 'findUniqueOrThrow', ClientOptions = {}> = {
findUnique: GetFindResult<Payload, Args, ClientOptions> | null;
findUniqueOrThrow: GetFindResult<Payload, Args, ClientOptions>;
findFirst: GetFindResult<Payload, Args, ClientOptions> | null;
findFirstOrThrow: GetFindResult<Payload, Args, ClientOptions>;
findMany: GetFindResult<Payload, Args, ClientOptions>[];
create: GetFindResult<Payload, Args, ClientOptions>;
createMany: GetBatchResult;
createManyAndReturn: GetFindResult<Payload, Args, ClientOptions>[];
update: GetFindResult<Payload, Args, ClientOptions>;
updateMany: GetBatchResult;
upsert: GetFindResult<Payload, Args, ClientOptions>;
delete: GetFindResult<Payload, Args, ClientOptions>;
deleteMany: GetBatchResult;
aggregate: GetAggregateResult<Payload, Args>;
count: GetCountResult<Args>;
groupBy: GetGroupByResult<Payload, Args>;
$queryRaw: unknown;
$queryRawTyped: unknown;
$executeRaw: number;
$queryRawUnsafe: unknown;
$executeRawUnsafe: number;
$runCommandRaw: JsonObject;
findRaw: JsonObject;
aggregateRaw: JsonObject;
export declare function getRuntime(): GetRuntimeOutput;
declare type GetRuntimeOutput = {
id: Runtime;
prettyName: string;
isEdge: boolean;
export declare type GetSelect<Base extends Record<any, any>, R extends InternalArgs['result'][string], KR extends keyof R = string extends keyof R ? never : keyof R> = {
[K in KR | keyof Base]?: K extends KR ? boolean : Base[K];
declare type GlobalOmitOptions = {
[modelName: string]: {
[fieldName: string]: boolean;
declare type HandleErrorParams = {
args: JsArgs;
error: any;
clientMethod: string;
callsite?: CallSite;
transaction?: PrismaPromiseTransaction;
modelName?: string;
globalOmit?: GlobalOmitOptions;
* Defines High-Resolution Time.
* The first number, HrTime[0], is UNIX Epoch time in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
* The second number, HrTime[1], represents the partial second elapsed since Unix Epoch time represented by first number in nanoseconds.
* For example, 2021-01-01T12:30:10.150Z in UNIX Epoch time in milliseconds is represented as 1609504210150.
* The first number is calculated by converting and truncating the Epoch time in milliseconds to seconds:
* HrTime[0] = Math.trunc(1609504210150 / 1000) = 1609504210.
* The second number is calculated by converting the digits after the decimal point of the subtraction, (1609504210150 / 1000) - HrTime[0], to nanoseconds:
* HrTime[1] = Number((1609504210.150 - HrTime[0]).toFixed(9)) * 1e9 = 150000000.
* This is represented in HrTime format as [1609504210, 150000000].
declare type HrTime = [number, number];
* Matches a JSON array.
* Unlike \`JsonArray\`, readonly arrays are assignable to this type.
export declare interface InputJsonArray extends ReadonlyArray<InputJsonValue | null> {
* Matches a JSON object.
* Unlike \`JsonObject\`, this type allows undefined and read-only properties.
export declare type InputJsonObject = {
readonly [Key in string]?: InputJsonValue | null;
* Matches any valid value that can be used as an input for operations like
* create and update as the value of a JSON field. Unlike \`JsonValue\`, this
* type allows read-only arrays and read-only object properties and disallows
* \`null\` at the top level.
* \`null\` cannot be used as the value of a JSON field because its meaning
* would be ambiguous. Use \`Prisma.JsonNull\` to store the JSON null value or
* \`Prisma.DbNull\` to clear the JSON value and set the field to the database
* NULL value instead.
* @see https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/working-with-fields/working-with-json-fields#filtering-by-null-values
export declare type InputJsonValue = string | number | boolean | InputJsonObject | InputJsonArray | {
toJSON(): unknown;
declare type InteractiveTransactionInfo<Payload = unknown> = {
* Transaction ID returned by the query engine.
id: string;
* Arbitrary payload the meaning of which depends on the `Engine` implementation.
* For example, `DataProxyEngine` needs to associate different API endpoints with transactions.
* In `LibraryEngine` and `BinaryEngine` it is currently not used.
payload: Payload;
declare type InteractiveTransactionOptions<Payload> = Transaction_2.InteractiveTransactionInfo<Payload>;
export declare type InternalArgs<R = {
[K in string]: {
[K in string]: unknown;
}, M = {
[K in string]: {
[K in string]: unknown;
}, Q = {
[K in string]: {
[K in string]: unknown;
}, C = {
[K in string]: unknown;
}> = {
result: {
[K in keyof R]: {
[P in keyof R[K]]: () => R[K][P];
model: {
[K in keyof M]: {
[P in keyof M[K]]: () => M[K][P];
query: {
[K in keyof Q]: {
[P in keyof Q[K]]: () => Q[K][P];
client: {
[K in keyof C]: () => C[K];
declare type InternalRequestParams = {
* The original client method being called.
* Even though the rootField / operation can be changed,
* this method stays as it is, as it's what the user's
* code looks like
clientMethod: string;
* Name of js model that triggered the request. Might be used
* for warnings or error messages
jsModelName?: string;
callsite?: CallSite;
transaction?: PrismaPromiseTransaction;
unpacker?: Unpacker;
otelParentCtx?: Context;
/** Used to "desugar" a user input into an "expanded" one */
argsMapper?: (args?: UserArgs_2) => UserArgs_2;
/** Used to convert args for middleware and back */
middlewareArgsMapper?: MiddlewareArgsMapper<unknown, unknown>;
/** Used for Accelerate client extension via Data Proxy */
customDataProxyFetch?: (fetch: Fetch) => Fetch;
} & Omit<QueryMiddlewareParams, 'runInTransaction'>;
declare enum IsolationLevel {
ReadUncommitted = "ReadUncommitted",
ReadCommitted = "ReadCommitted",
RepeatableRead = "RepeatableRead",
Snapshot = "Snapshot",
Serializable = "Serializable"
export declare type ITXClientDenyList = (typeof denylist)[number];
export declare const itxClientDenyList: readonly (string | symbol)[];
declare interface Job {
resolve: (data: any) => void;
reject: (data: any) => void;
request: any;
* Create a SQL query for a list of values.
export declare function join(values: readonly RawValue[], separator?: string, prefix?: string, suffix?: string): Sql;
export declare type JsArgs = {
select?: Selection_2;
include?: Selection_2;
omit?: Omission;
[argName: string]: JsInputValue;
export declare type JsInputValue = null | undefined | string | number | boolean | bigint | Uint8Array | Date | DecimalJsLike | ObjectEnumValue | RawParameters | JsonConvertible | FieldRef<string, unknown> | JsInputValue[] | {
[key: string]: JsInputValue;
declare type JsonArgumentValue = number | string | boolean | null | RawTaggedValue | JsonArgumentValue[] | {
[key: string]: JsonArgumentValue;
* From https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/
* Matches a JSON array.
export declare interface JsonArray extends Array<JsonValue> {
declare type JsonBatchQuery = {
batch: JsonQuery[];
transaction?: {
isolationLevel?: Transaction_2.IsolationLevel;
export declare interface JsonConvertible {
toJSON(): unknown;
declare type JsonFieldSelection = {
arguments?: Record<string, JsonArgumentValue> | RawTaggedValue;
selection: JsonSelectionSet;
declare class JsonNull extends NullTypesEnumValue {
* From https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/
* Matches a JSON object.
* This type can be useful to enforce some input to be JSON-compatible or as a super-type to be extended from.
export declare type JsonObject = {
[Key in string]?: JsonValue;
declare type JsonQuery = {
modelName?: string;
action: JsonQueryAction;
query: JsonFieldSelection;
declare type JsonQueryAction = 'findUnique' | 'findUniqueOrThrow' | 'findFirst' | 'findFirstOrThrow' | 'findMany' | 'createOne' | 'createMany' | 'createManyAndReturn' | 'updateOne' | 'updateMany' | 'deleteOne' | 'deleteMany' | 'upsertOne' | 'aggregate' | 'groupBy' | 'executeRaw' | 'queryRaw' | 'runCommandRaw' | 'findRaw' | 'aggregateRaw';
declare type JsonSelectionSet = {
$scalars?: boolean;
$composites?: boolean;
} & {
[fieldName: string]: boolean | JsonFieldSelection;
* From https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/
* Matches any valid JSON value.
export declare type JsonValue = string | number | boolean | JsonObject | JsonArray | null;
export declare type JsOutputValue = null | string | number | boolean | bigint | Uint8Array | Date | Decimal | JsOutputValue[] | {
[key: string]: JsOutputValue;
export declare type JsPromise<T> = Promise<T> & {};
declare type KnownErrorParams = {
code: string;
clientVersion: string;
meta?: Record<string, unknown>;
batchRequestIdx?: number;
* A pointer from the current {@link Span} to another span in the same trace or
* in a different trace.
* Few examples of Link usage.
* 1. Batch Processing: A batch of elements may contain elements associated
* with one or more traces/spans. Since there can only be one parent
* SpanContext, Link is used to keep reference to SpanContext of all
* elements in the batch.
* 2. Public Endpoint: A SpanContext in incoming client request on a public
* endpoint is untrusted from service provider perspective. In such case it
* is advisable to start a new trace with appropriate sampling decision.
* However, it is desirable to associate incoming SpanContext to new trace
* initiated on service provider side so two traces (from Client and from
* Service Provider) can be correlated.
declare interface Link {
/** The {@link SpanContext} of a linked span. */
context: SpanContext;
/** A set of {@link SpanAttributes} on the link. */
attributes?: SpanAttributes;
/** Count of attributes of the link that were dropped due to collection limits */
droppedAttributesCount?: number;
declare type LoadedEnv = {
message?: string;
parsed: {
[x: string]: string;
} | undefined;
declare type LocationInFile = {
fileName: string;
lineNumber: number | null;
columnNumber: number | null;
declare type LogDefinition = {
level: LogLevel;
emit: 'stdout' | 'event';
* Typings for the events we emit.
* @remarks
* If this is updated, our edge runtime shim needs to be updated as well.
declare type LogEmitter = {
on<E extends EngineEventType>(event: E, listener: (event: EngineEvent<E>) => void): LogEmitter;
emit(event: QueryEventType, payload: QueryEvent): boolean;
emit(event: LogEventType, payload: LogEvent): boolean;
declare type LogEvent = {
timestamp: Date;
message: string;
target: string;
declare type LogEventType = 'info' | 'warn' | 'error';
declare type LogLevel = 'info' | 'query' | 'warn' | 'error';
* Generates more strict variant of an enum which, unlike regular enum,
* throws on non-existing property access. This can be useful in following situations:
* - we have an API, that accepts both `undefined` and `SomeEnumType` as an input
* - enum values are generated dynamically from DMMF.
* In that case, if using normal enums and no compile-time typechecking, using non-existing property
* will result in `undefined` value being used, which will be accepted. Using strict enum
* in this case will help to have a runtime exception, telling you that you are probably doing something wrong.
* Note: if you need to check for existence of a value in the enum you can still use either
* `in` operator or `hasOwnProperty` function.
* @param definition
* @returns
export declare function makeStrictEnum<T extends Record<PropertyKey, string | number>>(definition: T): T;
export declare function makeTypedQueryFactory(sql: string): (...values: any[]) => TypedSql<any[], unknown>;
* Class that holds the list of all extensions, applied to particular instance,
* as well as resolved versions of the components that need to apply on
* different levels. Main idea of this class: avoid re-resolving as much of the
* stuff as possible when new extensions are added while also delaying the
* resolve until the point it is actually needed. For example, computed fields
* of the model won't be resolved unless the model is actually queried. Neither
* adding extensions with `client` component only cause other components to
* recompute.
declare class MergedExtensionsList {
private head?;
private constructor();
static empty(): MergedExtensionsList;
static single(extension: ExtensionArgs): MergedExtensionsList;
isEmpty(): boolean;
append(extension: ExtensionArgs): MergedExtensionsList;
getAllComputedFields(dmmfModelName: string): ComputedFieldsMap | undefined;
getAllClientExtensions(): ClientArg | undefined;
getAllModelExtensions(dmmfModelName: string): ModelArg | undefined;
getAllQueryCallbacks(jsModelName: string, operation: string): any;
getAllBatchQueryCallbacks(): BatchQueryOptionsCb[];
export declare type MergeExtArgs<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, ExtArgs extends Record<any, any>, Args extends Record<any, any>> = ComputeDeep<ExtArgs & Args & AllModelsToStringIndex<TypeMap, Args, 'result'> & AllModelsToStringIndex<TypeMap, Args, 'model'>>;
export declare type Metric<T> = {
key: string;
value: T;
labels: Record<string, string>;
description: string;
export declare type MetricHistogram = {
buckets: MetricHistogramBucket[];
sum: number;
count: number;
export declare type MetricHistogramBucket = [maxValue: number, count: number];
export declare type Metrics = {
counters: Metric<number>[];
gauges: Metric<number>[];
histograms: Metric<MetricHistogram>[];
export declare class MetricsClient {
private _engine;
constructor(engine: Engine);
* Returns all metrics gathered up to this point in prometheus format.
* Result of this call can be exposed directly to prometheus scraping endpoint
* @param options
* @returns
prometheus(options?: MetricsOptions): Promise<string>;
* Returns all metrics gathered up to this point in prometheus format.
* @param options
* @returns
json(options?: MetricsOptions): Promise<Metrics>;
declare type MetricsOptions = {
* Labels to add to every metrics in key-value format
globalLabels?: Record<string, string>;
declare type MetricsOptionsCommon = {
globalLabels?: Record<string, string>;
declare type MetricsOptionsJson = {
format: 'json';
} & MetricsOptionsCommon;
declare type MetricsOptionsPrometheus = {
format: 'prometheus';
} & MetricsOptionsCommon;
declare type MiddlewareArgsMapper<RequestArgs, MiddlewareArgs> = {
requestArgsToMiddlewareArgs(requestArgs: RequestArgs): MiddlewareArgs;
middlewareArgsToRequestArgs(middlewareArgs: MiddlewareArgs): RequestArgs;
declare class MiddlewareHandler<M extends Function> {
private _middlewares;
use(middleware: M): void;
get(id: number): M | undefined;
has(id: number): boolean;
length(): number;
export declare type ModelArg = {
[MethodName in string]: unknown;
export declare type ModelArgs = {
model: {
[ModelName in string]: ModelArg;
export declare type ModelKey<TypeMap extends TypeMapDef, M extends PropertyKey> = M extends keyof TypeMap['model'] ? M : Capitalize<M & string>;
export declare type ModelQueryOptionsCb = (args: ModelQueryOptionsCbArgs) => Promise<any>;
export declare type ModelQueryOptionsCbArgs = {
model: string;
operation: string;
args: JsArgs;
query: (args: JsArgs) => Promise<unknown>;
export declare type NameArgs = {
name?: string;
export declare type Narrow<A> = {
[K in keyof A]: A[K] extends Function ? A[K] : Narrow<A[K]>;
} | (A extends Narrowable ? A : never);
export declare type Narrowable = string | number | bigint | boolean | [];
export declare type NeverToUnknown<T> = [T] extends [never] ? unknown : T;
* Imitates `fetch` via `https` to only suit our needs, it does nothing more.
* This is because we cannot bundle `node-fetch` as it uses many other Node.js
* utilities, while also bloating our bundles. This approach is much leaner.
* @param url
* @param options
* @returns
declare function nodeFetch(url: string, options?: RequestOptions): Promise<RequestResponse>;
declare class NodeHeaders {
readonly headers: Map<string, string>;
constructor(init?: Record<any, any>);
append(name: string, value: string): void;
delete(name: string): void;
get(name: string): string | null;
has(name: string): boolean;
set(name: string, value: string): void;
forEach(callbackfn: (value: string, key: string, parent: this) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* @deprecated Please don´t rely on type checks to this error anymore.
* This will become a regular `PrismaClientKnownRequestError` with code `P2025`
* in the future major version of the client.
* Instead of `error instanceof Prisma.NotFoundError` use `error.code === "P2025"`.
export declare class NotFoundError extends PrismaClientKnownRequestError {
constructor(message: string, clientVersion: string);
declare class NullTypesEnumValue extends ObjectEnumValue {
_getNamespace(): string;
* List of Prisma enums that must use unique objects instead of strings as their values.
export declare const objectEnumNames: string[];
* Base class for unique values of object-valued enums.
export declare abstract class ObjectEnumValue {
constructor(arg?: symbol);
abstract _getNamespace(): string;
_getName(): string;
toString(): string;
export declare const objectEnumValues: {
classes: {
DbNull: typeof DbNull;
JsonNull: typeof JsonNull;
AnyNull: typeof AnyNull;
instances: {
DbNull: DbNull;
JsonNull: JsonNull;
AnyNull: AnyNull;
declare const officialPrismaAdapters: readonly ["@prisma/adapter-planetscale", "@prisma/adapter-neon", "@prisma/adapter-libsql", "@prisma/adapter-d1", "@prisma/adapter-pg", "@prisma/adapter-pg-worker"];
export declare type Omission = Record<string, boolean>;
declare type Omit_2<T, K extends string | number | symbol> = {
[P in keyof T as P extends K ? never : P]: T[P];
export { Omit_2 as Omit }
export declare type OmitValue<Omit, Key> = Key extends keyof Omit ? Omit[Key] : false;
export declare type Operation = 'findFirst' | 'findFirstOrThrow' | 'findUnique' | 'findUniqueOrThrow' | 'findMany' | 'create' | 'createMany' | 'createManyAndReturn' | 'update' | 'updateMany' | 'upsert' | 'delete' | 'deleteMany' | 'aggregate' | 'count' | 'groupBy' | '$queryRaw' | '$executeRaw' | '$queryRawUnsafe' | '$executeRawUnsafe' | 'findRaw' | 'aggregateRaw' | '$runCommandRaw';
export declare type OperationPayload = {
name: string;
scalars: {
[ScalarName in string]: unknown;
objects: {
[ObjectName in string]: unknown;
composites: {
[CompositeName in string]: unknown;
export declare type Optional<O, K extends keyof any = keyof O> = {
[P in K & keyof O]?: O[P];
} & {
[P in Exclude<keyof O, K>]: O[P];
export declare type OptionalFlat<T> = {
[K in keyof T]?: T[K];
export declare type OptionalKeys<O> = {
[K in keyof O]-?: {} extends Pick_2<O, K> ? K : never;
}[keyof O];
declare type Options = {
maxWait?: number;
timeout?: number;
isolationLevel?: IsolationLevel;
declare type Options_2 = {
clientVersion: string;
export declare type Or<A extends 1 | 0, B extends 1 | 0> = {
0: {
0: 0;
1: 1;
1: {
0: 1;
1: 1;
export declare type PatchFlat<O1, O2> = O1 & Omit_2<O2, keyof O1>;
export declare type Path<O, P, Default = never> = O extends unknown ? P extends [infer K, ...infer R] ? K extends keyof O ? Path<O[K], R> : Default : O : never;
export declare type Payload<T, F extends Operation = never> = T extends {
[K: symbol]: {
types: {
payload: any;
} ? T[symbol]['types']['payload'] : any;
export declare type PayloadToResult<P, O extends Record_2<any, any> = RenameAndNestPayloadKeys<P>> = {
[K in keyof O]?: O[K][K] extends any[] ? PayloadToResult<O[K][K][number]>[] : O[K][K] extends object ? PayloadToResult<O[K][K]> : O[K][K];
declare type Pick_2<T, K extends string | number | symbol> = {
[P in keyof T as P extends K ? P : never]: T[P];
export { Pick_2 as Pick }
export declare class PrismaClientInitializationError extends Error {
clientVersion: string;
errorCode?: string;
retryable?: boolean;
constructor(message: string, clientVersion: string, errorCode?: string);
get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string;
export declare class PrismaClientKnownRequestError extends Error implements ErrorWithBatchIndex {
code: string;
meta?: Record<string, unknown>;
clientVersion: string;
batchRequestIdx?: number;
constructor(message: string, { code, clientVersion, meta, batchRequestIdx }: KnownErrorParams);
get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string;
export declare type PrismaClientOptions = {
* Overwrites the primary datasource url from your schema.prisma file
datasourceUrl?: string;
* Instance of a Driver Adapter, e.g., like one provided by `@prisma/adapter-planetscale.
adapter?: DriverAdapter | null;
* Overwrites the datasource url from your schema.prisma file
datasources?: Datasources;
* @default "colorless"
errorFormat?: ErrorFormat;
* The default values for Transaction options
* maxWait ?= 2000
* timeout ?= 5000
transactionOptions?: Transaction_2.Options;
* @example
* \`\`\`
* // Defaults to stdout
* log: ['query', 'info', 'warn']
* // Emit as events
* log: [
* { emit: 'stdout', level: 'query' },
* { emit: 'stdout', level: 'info' },
* { emit: 'stdout', level: 'warn' }
* ]
* \`\`\`
* Read more in our [docs](https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/tools-and-interfaces/prisma-client/logging#the-log-option).
log?: Array<LogLevel | LogDefinition>;
omit?: GlobalOmitOptions;
* @internal
* You probably don't want to use this. \`__internal\` is used by internal tooling.
__internal?: {
debug?: boolean;
engine?: {
cwd?: string;
binaryPath?: string;
endpoint?: string;
allowTriggerPanic?: boolean;
/** This can be used for testing purposes */
configOverride?: (config: GetPrismaClientConfig) => GetPrismaClientConfig;
export declare class PrismaClientRustPanicError extends Error {
clientVersion: string;
constructor(message: string, clientVersion: string);
get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string;
export declare class PrismaClientUnknownRequestError extends Error implements ErrorWithBatchIndex {
clientVersion: string;
batchRequestIdx?: number;
constructor(message: string, { clientVersion, batchRequestIdx }: UnknownErrorParams);
get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string;
export declare class PrismaClientValidationError extends Error {
name: string;
clientVersion: string;
constructor(message: string, { clientVersion }: Options_2);
get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string;
declare function prismaGraphQLToJSError({ error, user_facing_error }: RequestError, clientVersion: string, activeProvider: string): PrismaClientKnownRequestError | PrismaClientUnknownRequestError;
export declare interface PrismaPromise<T> extends Promise<T> {
[Symbol.toStringTag]: 'PrismaPromise';
* Prisma's `Promise` that is backwards-compatible. All additions on top of the
* original `Promise` are optional so that it can be backwards-compatible.
* @see [[createPrismaPromise]]
declare interface PrismaPromise_2<A> extends Promise<A> {
* Extension of the original `.then` function
* @param onfulfilled same as regular promises
* @param onrejected same as regular promises
* @param transaction transaction options
then<R1 = A, R2 = never>(onfulfilled?: (value: A) => R1 | PromiseLike<R1>, onrejected?: (error: unknown) => R2 | PromiseLike<R2>, transaction?: PrismaPromiseTransaction): Promise<R1 | R2>;
* Extension of the original `.catch` function
* @param onrejected same as regular promises
* @param transaction transaction options
catch<R = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => R | PromiseLike<R>) | undefined | null, transaction?: PrismaPromiseTransaction): Promise<A | R>;
* Extension of the original `.finally` function
* @param onfinally same as regular promises
* @param transaction transaction options
finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null, transaction?: PrismaPromiseTransaction): Promise<A>;
* Called when executing a batch of regular tx
* @param transaction transaction options for batch tx
requestTransaction?(transaction: PrismaPromiseBatchTransaction): PromiseLike<unknown>;
declare type PrismaPromiseBatchTransaction = {
kind: 'batch';
id: number;
isolationLevel?: IsolationLevel;
index: number;
lock: PromiseLike<void>;
declare type PrismaPromiseCallback = (transaction?: PrismaPromiseTransaction) => PrismaPromise_2<unknown>;
* Creates a [[PrismaPromise]]. It is Prisma's implementation of `Promise` which
* is essentially a proxy for `Promise`. All the transaction-compatible client
* methods return one, this allows for pre-preparing queries without executing
* them until `.then` is called. It's the foundation of Prisma's query batching.
* @param callback that will be wrapped within our promise implementation
* @see [[PrismaPromise]]
* @returns
declare type PrismaPromiseFactory = (callback: PrismaPromiseCallback) => PrismaPromise_2<unknown>;
declare type PrismaPromiseInteractiveTransaction<PayloadType = unknown> = {
kind: 'itx';
id: string;
payload: PayloadType;
declare type PrismaPromiseTransaction<PayloadType = unknown> = PrismaPromiseBatchTransaction | PrismaPromiseInteractiveTransaction<PayloadType>;
export declare const PrivateResultType: unique symbol;
declare namespace Public {
export {
export { Public }
declare namespace Public_2 {
export {
declare type Query = {
sql: string;
args: Array<unknown>;
argTypes: Array<ArgType>;
declare interface Queryable {
readonly provider: 'mysql' | 'postgres' | 'sqlite';
readonly adapterName: (typeof officialPrismaAdapters)[number] | (string & {});
* Execute a query given as SQL, interpolating the given parameters,
* and returning the type-aware result set of the query.
* This is the preferred way of executing `SELECT` queries.
queryRaw(params: Query): Promise<Result_4<ResultSet>>;
* Execute a query given as SQL, interpolating the given parameters,
* and returning the number of affected rows.
* This is the preferred way of executing `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `DELETE` queries,
* as well as transactional queries.
executeRaw(params: Query): Promise<Result_4<number>>;
declare type QueryEngineBatchGraphQLRequest = {
batch: QueryEngineRequest[];
transaction?: boolean;
isolationLevel?: Transaction_2.IsolationLevel;
declare type QueryEngineBatchRequest = QueryEngineBatchGraphQLRequest | JsonBatchQuery;
declare type QueryEngineConfig = {
datamodel: string;
configDir: string;
logQueries: boolean;
ignoreEnvVarErrors: boolean;
datasourceOverrides: Record<string, string>;
env: Record<string, string | undefined>;
logLevel: QueryEngineLogLevel;
telemetry?: QueryEngineTelemetry;
engineProtocol: EngineProtocol;
declare interface QueryEngineConstructor {
new (config: QueryEngineConfig, logger: (log: string) => void, adapter?: ErrorCapturingDriverAdapter): QueryEngineInstance;
declare type QueryEngineInstance = {
connect(headers: string): Promise<void>;
disconnect(headers: string): Promise<void>;
* @param requestStr JSON.stringified `QueryEngineRequest | QueryEngineBatchRequest`
* @param headersStr JSON.stringified `QueryEngineRequestHeaders`
query(requestStr: string, headersStr: string, transactionId?: string): Promise<string>;
sdlSchema(): Promise<string>;
dmmf(traceparent: string): Promise<string>;
startTransaction(options: string, traceHeaders: string): Promise<string>;
commitTransaction(id: string, traceHeaders: string): Promise<string>;
rollbackTransaction(id: string, traceHeaders: string): Promise<string>;
metrics(options: string): Promise<string>;
applyPendingMigrations(): Promise<void>;
declare type QueryEngineLogLevel = 'trace' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'off';
declare type QueryEngineRequest = {
query: string;
variables: Object;
declare type QueryEngineResult<T> = {
data: T;
elapsed: number;
declare type QueryEngineTelemetry = {
enabled: Boolean;
endpoint: string;
declare type QueryEvent = {
timestamp: Date;
query: string;
params: string;
duration: number;
target: string;
declare type QueryEventType = 'query';
declare type QueryMiddleware = (params: QueryMiddlewareParams, next: (params: QueryMiddlewareParams) => Promise<unknown>) => Promise<unknown>;
declare type QueryMiddlewareParams = {
/** The model this is executed on */
model?: string;
/** The action that is being handled */
action: Action;
/** TODO what is this */
dataPath: string[];
/** TODO what is this */
runInTransaction: boolean;
args?: UserArgs_2;
export declare type QueryOptions = {
query: {
[ModelName in string]: {
[ModelAction in string]: ModelQueryOptionsCb;
} | QueryOptionsCb;
export declare type QueryOptionsCb = (args: QueryOptionsCbArgs) => Promise<any>;
export declare type QueryOptionsCbArgs = {
model?: string;
operation: string;
args: JsArgs | RawQueryArgs;
query: (args: JsArgs | RawQueryArgs) => Promise<unknown>;
* Create raw SQL statement.
export declare function raw(value: string): Sql;
export declare type RawParameters = {
__prismaRawParameters__: true;
values: string;
export declare type RawQueryArgs = Sql | UnknownTypedSql | [query: string, ...values: RawValue[]];
declare type RawTaggedValue = {
$type: 'Raw';
value: unknown;
* Supported value or SQL instance.
export declare type RawValue = Value | Sql;
export declare type ReadonlyDeep<T> = {
readonly [K in keyof T]: ReadonlyDeep<T[K]>;
declare type ReadonlyDeep_2<O> = {
+readonly [K in keyof O]: ReadonlyDeep_2<O[K]>;
declare type Record_2<T extends string | number | symbol, U> = {
[P in T]: U;
export { Record_2 as Record }
export declare type RenameAndNestPayloadKeys<P> = {
[K in keyof P as K extends 'scalars' | 'objects' | 'composites' ? keyof P[K] : never]: P[K];
declare type RequestBatchOptions<InteractiveTransactionPayload> = {
transaction?: TransactionOptions_2<InteractiveTransactionPayload>;
traceparent?: string;
numTry?: number;
containsWrite: boolean;
customDataProxyFetch?: (fetch: Fetch) => Fetch;
declare interface RequestError {
error: string;
user_facing_error: {
is_panic: boolean;
message: string;
meta?: Record<string, unknown>;
error_code?: string;
batch_request_idx?: number;
declare class RequestHandler {
client: Client;
dataloader: DataLoader<RequestParams>;
private logEmitter?;
constructor(client: Client, logEmitter?: LogEmitter);
request(params: RequestParams): Promise<any>;
mapQueryEngineResult({ dataPath, unpacker }: RequestParams, response: QueryEngineResult<any>): any;
* Handles the error and logs it, logging the error is done synchronously waiting for the event
* handlers to finish.
handleAndLogRequestError(params: HandleErrorParams): never;
handleRequestError({ error, clientMethod, callsite, transaction, args, modelName, globalOmit, }: HandleErrorParams): never;
sanitizeMessage(message: any): any;
unpack(data: unknown, dataPath: string[], unpacker?: Unpacker): any;
get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string;
declare type RequestOptions = {
method?: string;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
body?: string;
declare type RequestOptions_2<InteractiveTransactionPayload> = {
traceparent?: string;
numTry?: number;
interactiveTransaction?: InteractiveTransactionOptions<InteractiveTransactionPayload>;
isWrite: boolean;
customDataProxyFetch?: (fetch: Fetch) => Fetch;
declare type RequestParams = {
modelName?: string;
action: Action;
protocolQuery: JsonQuery;
dataPath: string[];
clientMethod: string;
callsite?: CallSite;
transaction?: PrismaPromiseTransaction;
extensions: MergedExtensionsList;
args?: any;
headers?: Record<string, string>;
unpacker?: Unpacker;
otelParentCtx?: Context;
otelChildCtx?: Context;
globalOmit?: GlobalOmitOptions;
customDataProxyFetch?: (fetch: Fetch) => Fetch;
declare type RequestResponse = {
ok: boolean;
url: string;
statusText?: string;
status: number;
headers: NodeHeaders;
text: () => Promise<string>;
json: () => Promise<any>;
declare type RequiredExtensionArgs = NameArgs & ResultArgs & ModelArgs & ClientArgs & QueryOptions;
export { RequiredExtensionArgs }
export { RequiredExtensionArgs as UserArgs }
export declare type RequiredKeys<O> = {
[K in keyof O]-?: {} extends Pick_2<O, K> ? never : K;
}[keyof O];
declare function resolveDatasourceUrl({ inlineDatasources, overrideDatasources, env, clientVersion, }: {
inlineDatasources: GetPrismaClientConfig['inlineDatasources'];
overrideDatasources: Datasources;
env: Record<string, string | undefined>;
clientVersion: string;
}): string;
export declare type Result<T, A, F extends Operation> = T extends {
[K: symbol]: {
types: {
payload: any;
} ? GetResult<T[symbol]['types']['payload'], A, F> : GetResult<{
composites: {};
objects: {};
scalars: {};
name: '';
}, {}, F>;
export declare type Result_2<T, A, F extends Operation> = Result<T, A, F>;
declare namespace Result_3 {
export {
declare type Result_4<T> = {
map<U>(fn: (value: T) => U): Result_4<U>;
flatMap<U>(fn: (value: T) => Result_4<U>): Result_4<U>;
} & ({
readonly ok: true;
readonly value: T;
} | {
readonly ok: false;
readonly error: Error_2;
export declare type ResultArg = {
[FieldName in string]: ResultFieldDefinition;
export declare type ResultArgs = {
result: {
[ModelName in string]: ResultArg;
export declare type ResultArgsFieldCompute = (model: any) => unknown;
export declare type ResultFieldDefinition = {
needs?: {
[FieldName in string]: boolean;
compute: ResultArgsFieldCompute;
declare interface ResultSet {
* List of column types appearing in a database query, in the same order as `columnNames`.
* They are used within the Query Engine to convert values from JS to Quaint values.
columnTypes: Array<ColumnType>;
* List of column names appearing in a database query, in the same order as `columnTypes`.
columnNames: Array<string>;
* List of rows retrieved from a database query.
* Each row is a list of values, whose length matches `columnNames` and `columnTypes`.
rows: Array<Array<unknown>>;
* The last ID of an `INSERT` statement, if any.
* This is required for `AUTO_INCREMENT` columns in databases based on MySQL and SQLite.
lastInsertId?: string;
export declare type Return<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => infer R ? R : T;
declare type Runtime = "edge-routine" | "workerd" | "deno" | "lagon" | "react-native" | "netlify" | "electron" | "node" | "bun" | "edge-light" | "fastly" | "unknown";
declare type RuntimeDataModel = {
readonly models: Record<string, RuntimeModel>;
readonly enums: Record<string, RuntimeEnum>;
readonly types: Record<string, RuntimeModel>;
declare type RuntimeEnum = Omit<DMMF.DatamodelEnum, 'name'>;
declare type RuntimeModel = Omit<DMMF.Model, 'name'>;
export declare type Select<T, U> = T extends U ? T : never;
export declare type SelectablePayloadFields<K extends PropertyKey, O> = {
objects: {
[k in K]: O;
} | {
composites: {
[k in K]: O;
export declare type SelectField<P extends SelectablePayloadFields<any, any>, K extends PropertyKey> = P extends {
objects: Record<K, any>;
} ? P['objects'][K] : P extends {
composites: Record<K, any>;
} ? P['composites'][K] : never;
declare type Selection_2 = Record<string, boolean | JsArgs>;
export { Selection_2 as Selection }
* An interface that represents a span. A span represents a single operation
* within a trace. Examples of span might include remote procedure calls or a
* in-process function calls to sub-components. A Trace has a single, top-level
* "root" Span that in turn may have zero or more child Spans, which in turn
* may have children.
* Spans are created by the {@link Tracer.startSpan} method.
declare interface Span {
* Returns the {@link SpanContext} object associated with this Span.
* Get an immutable, serializable identifier for this span that can be used
* to create new child spans. Returned SpanContext is usable even after the
* span ends.
* @returns the SpanContext object associated with this Span.
spanContext(): SpanContext;
* Sets an attribute to the span.
* Sets a single Attribute with the key and value passed as arguments.
* @param key the key for this attribute.
* @param value the value for this attribute. Setting a value null or
* undefined is invalid and will result in undefined behavior.
setAttribute(key: string, value: SpanAttributeValue): this;
* Sets attributes to the span.
* @param attributes the attributes that will be added.
* null or undefined attribute values
* are invalid and will result in undefined behavior.
setAttributes(attributes: SpanAttributes): this;
* Adds an event to the Span.
* @param name the name of the event.
* @param [attributesOrStartTime] the attributes that will be added; these are
* associated with this event. Can be also a start time
* if type is {@type TimeInput} and 3rd param is undefined
* @param [startTime] start time of the event.
addEvent(name: string, attributesOrStartTime?: SpanAttributes | TimeInput, startTime?: TimeInput): this;
* Adds a single link to the span.
* Links added after the creation will not affect the sampling decision.
* It is preferred span links be added at span creation.
* @param link the link to add.
addLink(link: Link): this;
* Adds multiple links to the span.
* Links added after the creation will not affect the sampling decision.
* It is preferred span links be added at span creation.
* @param links the links to add.
addLinks(links: Link[]): this;
* Sets a status to the span. If used, this will override the default Span
* status. Default is {@link SpanStatusCode.UNSET}. SetStatus overrides the value
* of previous calls to SetStatus on the Span.
* @param status the SpanStatus to set.
setStatus(status: SpanStatus): this;
* Updates the Span name.
* This will override the name provided via {@link Tracer.startSpan}.
* Upon this update, any sampling behavior based on Span name will depend on
* the implementation.
* @param name the Span name.
updateName(name: string): this;
* Marks the end of Span execution.
* Call to End of a Span MUST not have any effects on child spans. Those may
* still be running and can be ended later.
* Do not return `this`. The Span generally should not be used after it
* is ended so chaining is not desired in this context.
* @param [endTime] the time to set as Span's end time. If not provided,
* use the current time as the span's end time.
end(endTime?: TimeInput): void;
* Returns the flag whether this span will be recorded.
* @returns true if this Span is active and recording information like events
* with the `AddEvent` operation and attributes using `setAttributes`.
isRecording(): boolean;
* Sets exception as a span event
* @param exception the exception the only accepted values are string or Error
* @param [time] the time to set as Span's event time. If not provided,
* use the current time.
recordException(exception: Exception, time?: TimeInput): void;
* @deprecated please use {@link Attributes}
declare type SpanAttributes = Attributes;
* @deprecated please use {@link AttributeValue}
declare type SpanAttributeValue = AttributeValue;
declare type SpanCallback<R> = (span?: Span, context?: Context) => R;
* A SpanContext represents the portion of a {@link Span} which must be
* serialized and propagated along side of a {@link Baggage}.
declare interface SpanContext {
* The ID of the trace that this span belongs to. It is worldwide unique
* with practically sufficient probability by being made as 16 randomly
* generated bytes, encoded as a 32 lowercase hex characters corresponding to
* 128 bits.
traceId: string;
* The ID of the Span. It is globally unique with practically sufficient
* probability by being made as 8 randomly generated bytes, encoded as a 16
* lowercase hex characters corresponding to 64 bits.
spanId: string;
* Only true if the SpanContext was propagated from a remote parent.
isRemote?: boolean;
* Trace flags to propagate.
* It is represented as 1 byte (bitmap). Bit to represent whether trace is
* sampled or not. When set, the least significant bit documents that the
* caller may have recorded trace data. A caller who does not record trace
* data out-of-band leaves this flag unset.
* see {@link TraceFlags} for valid flag values.
traceFlags: number;
* Tracing-system-specific info to propagate.
* The tracestate field value is a `list` as defined below. The `list` is a
* series of `list-members` separated by commas `,`, and a list-member is a
* key/value pair separated by an equals sign `=`. Spaces and horizontal tabs
* surrounding `list-members` are ignored. There can be a maximum of 32
* `list-members` in a `list`.
* More Info: https://www.w3.org/TR/trace-context/#tracestate-field
* Examples:
* Single tracing system (generic format):
* tracestate: rojo=00f067aa0ba902b7
* Multiple tracing systems (with different formatting):
* tracestate: rojo=00f067aa0ba902b7,congo=t61rcWkgMzE
traceState?: TraceState;
declare enum SpanKind {
/** Default value. Indicates that the span is used internally. */
* Indicates that the span covers server-side handling of an RPC or other
* remote request.
* Indicates that the span covers the client-side wrapper around an RPC or
* other remote request.
* Indicates that the span describes producer sending a message to a
* broker. Unlike client and server, there is no direct critical path latency
* relationship between producer and consumer spans.
* Indicates that the span describes consumer receiving a message from a
* broker. Unlike client and server, there is no direct critical path latency
* relationship between producer and consumer spans.
* Options needed for span creation
declare interface SpanOptions {
* The SpanKind of a span
* @default {@link SpanKind.INTERNAL}
kind?: SpanKind;
/** A span's attributes */
attributes?: SpanAttributes;
/** {@link Link}s span to other spans */
links?: Link[];
/** A manually specified start time for the created `Span` object. */
startTime?: TimeInput;
/** The new span should be a root span. (Ignore parent from context). */
root?: boolean;
declare interface SpanStatus {
/** The status code of this message. */
code: SpanStatusCode;
/** A developer-facing error message. */
message?: string;
* An enumeration of status codes.
declare enum SpanStatusCode {
* The default status.
UNSET = 0,
* The operation has been validated by an Application developer or
* Operator to have completed successfully.
OK = 1,
* The operation contains an error.
* A SQL instance can be nested within each other to build SQL strings.
export declare class Sql {
readonly values: Value[];
readonly strings: string[];
constructor(rawStrings: readonly string[], rawValues: readonly RawValue[]);
get sql(): string;
get statement(): string;
get text(): string;
inspect(): {
sql: string;
statement: string;
text: string;
values: unknown[];
* Create a SQL object from a template string.
export declare function sqltag(strings: readonly string[], ...values: readonly RawValue[]): Sql;
* Defines TimeInput.
* hrtime, epoch milliseconds, performance.now() or Date
declare type TimeInput = HrTime | number | Date;
export declare type ToTuple<T> = T extends any[] ? T : [T];
declare interface TraceState {
* Create a new TraceState which inherits from this TraceState and has the
* given key set.
* The new entry will always be added in the front of the list of states.
* @param key key of the TraceState entry.
* @param value value of the TraceState entry.
set(key: string, value: string): TraceState;
* Return a new TraceState which inherits from this TraceState but does not
* contain the given key.
* @param key the key for the TraceState entry to be removed.
unset(key: string): TraceState;
* Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or `undefined` if
* this map contains no mapping for the key.
* @param key with which the specified value is to be associated.
* @returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or `undefined` if
* this map contains no mapping for the key.
get(key: string): string | undefined;
* Serializes the TraceState to a `list` as defined below. The `list` is a
* series of `list-members` separated by commas `,`, and a list-member is a
* key/value pair separated by an equals sign `=`. Spaces and horizontal tabs
* surrounding `list-members` are ignored. There can be a maximum of 32
* `list-members` in a `list`.
* @returns the serialized string.
serialize(): string;
declare interface TracingHelper {
isEnabled(): boolean;
getTraceParent(context?: Context): string;
createEngineSpan(engineSpanEvent: EngineSpanEvent): void;
getActiveContext(): Context | undefined;
runInChildSpan<R>(nameOrOptions: string | ExtendedSpanOptions, callback: SpanCallback<R>): R;
declare interface Transaction extends Queryable {
* Transaction options.
readonly options: TransactionOptions;
* Commit the transaction.
commit(): Promise<Result_4<void>>;
* Rolls back the transaction.
rollback(): Promise<Result_4<void>>;
declare namespace Transaction_2 {
export {
declare type TransactionHeaders = {
traceparent?: string;
declare type TransactionOptions = {
usePhantomQuery: boolean;
declare type TransactionOptions_2<InteractiveTransactionPayload> = {
kind: 'itx';
options: InteractiveTransactionOptions<InteractiveTransactionPayload>;
} | {
kind: 'batch';
options: BatchTransactionOptions;
export declare class TypedSql<Values extends readonly unknown[], Result> {
[PrivateResultType]: Result;
constructor(sql: string, values: Values);
get sql(): string;
get values(): Values;
export declare type TypeMapCbDef = Fn<{
extArgs: InternalArgs;
clientOptions: ClientOptionDef;
}, TypeMapDef>;
/** Shared */
export declare type TypeMapDef = Record<any, any>;
declare namespace Types {
export {
Result_3 as Result,
Extensions_2 as Extensions,
Public_2 as Public,
OperationPayload as Payload
export { Types }
declare type UnknownErrorParams = {
clientVersion: string;
batchRequestIdx?: number;
export declare type UnknownTypedSql = TypedSql<unknown[], unknown>;
declare type Unpacker = (data: any) => any;
export declare type UnwrapPayload<P> = {} extends P ? unknown : {
[K in keyof P]: P[K] extends {
scalars: infer S;
composites: infer C;
}[] ? Array<S & UnwrapPayload<C>> : P[K] extends {
scalars: infer S;
composites: infer C;
} | null ? S & UnwrapPayload<C> | Select<P[K], null> : never;
export declare type UnwrapPromise<P> = P extends Promise<infer R> ? R : P;
export declare type UnwrapTuple<Tuple extends readonly unknown[]> = {
[K in keyof Tuple]: K extends `${number}` ? Tuple[K] extends PrismaPromise<infer X> ? X : UnwrapPromise<Tuple[K]> : UnwrapPromise<Tuple[K]>;
* Input that flows from the user into the Client.
declare type UserArgs_2 = any;
declare namespace Utils {
export {
Omit_2 as Omit,
Pick_2 as Pick,
Record_2 as Record,
declare function validator<V>(): <S>(select: Exact<S, V>) => S;
declare function validator<C, M extends Exclude<keyof C, `$${string}`>, O extends keyof C[M] & Operation>(client: C, model: M, operation: O): <S>(select: Exact<S, Args<C[M], O>>) => S;
declare function validator<C, M extends Exclude<keyof C, `$${string}`>, O extends keyof C[M] & Operation, P extends keyof Args<C[M], O>>(client: C, model: M, operation: O, prop: P): <S>(select: Exact<S, Args<C[M], O>[P]>) => S;
* Values supported by SQL engine.
export declare type Value = unknown;
export declare function warnEnvConflicts(envPaths: any): void;
export declare const warnOnce: (key: string, message: string, ...args: unknown[]) => void;
declare type WasmLoadingConfig = {
* WASM-bindgen runtime for corresponding module
getRuntime: () => {
__wbg_set_wasm(exports: unknown): any;
QueryEngine: QueryEngineConstructor;
* Loads the raw wasm module for the wasm query engine. This configuration is
* generated specifically for each type of client, eg. Node.js client and Edge
* clients will have different implementations.
* @remarks this is a callback on purpose, we only load the wasm if needed.
* @remarks only used by LibraryEngine.ts
getQueryEngineWasmModule: () => Promise<unknown>;
export { }