/** * Client **/ import * as runtime from './runtime/library.js'; import $Types = runtime.Types // general types import $Public = runtime.Types.Public import $Utils = runtime.Types.Utils import $Extensions = runtime.Types.Extensions import $Result = runtime.Types.Result export type PrismaPromise = $Public.PrismaPromise /** * Model learn * */ export type learn = $Result.DefaultSelection /** * Model nsfw_content * */ export type nsfw_content = $Result.DefaultSelection /** * Model statement * */ export type statement = $Result.DefaultSelection /** * ## Prisma Client ʲˢ * * Type-safe database client for TypeScript & Node.js * @example * ``` * const prisma = new PrismaClient() * // Fetch zero or more Learns * const learns = await prisma.learn.findMany() * ``` * * * Read more in our [docs](https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/tools-and-interfaces/prisma-client). */ export class PrismaClient< ClientOptions extends Prisma.PrismaClientOptions = Prisma.PrismaClientOptions, U = 'log' extends keyof ClientOptions ? ClientOptions['log'] extends Array ? Prisma.GetEvents : never : never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs > { [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap['other'] } /** * ## Prisma Client ʲˢ * * Type-safe database client for TypeScript & Node.js * @example * ``` * const prisma = new PrismaClient() * // Fetch zero or more Learns * const learns = await prisma.learn.findMany() * ``` * * * Read more in our [docs](https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/tools-and-interfaces/prisma-client). */ constructor(optionsArg ?: Prisma.Subset); $on(eventType: V, callback: (event: V extends 'query' ? Prisma.QueryEvent : Prisma.LogEvent) => void): void; /** * Connect with the database */ $connect(): $Utils.JsPromise; /** * Disconnect from the database */ $disconnect(): $Utils.JsPromise; /** * Add a middleware * @deprecated since 4.16.0. For new code, prefer client extensions instead. * @see https://pris.ly/d/extensions */ $use(cb: Prisma.Middleware): void /** * Executes a prepared raw query and returns the number of affected rows. * @example * ``` * const result = await prisma.$executeRaw`UPDATE User SET cool = ${true} WHERE email = ${'user@email.com'};` * ``` * * Read more in our [docs](https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/tools-and-interfaces/prisma-client/raw-database-access). */ $executeRaw(query: TemplateStringsArray | Prisma.Sql, ...values: any[]): Prisma.PrismaPromise; /** * Executes a raw query and returns the number of affected rows. * Susceptible to SQL injections, see documentation. * @example * ``` * const result = await prisma.$executeRawUnsafe('UPDATE User SET cool = $1 WHERE email = $2 ;', true, 'user@email.com') * ``` * * Read more in our [docs](https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/tools-and-interfaces/prisma-client/raw-database-access). */ $executeRawUnsafe(query: string, ...values: any[]): Prisma.PrismaPromise; /** * Performs a prepared raw query and returns the `SELECT` data. * @example * ``` * const result = await prisma.$queryRaw`SELECT * FROM User WHERE id = ${1} OR email = ${'user@email.com'};` * ``` * * Read more in our [docs](https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/tools-and-interfaces/prisma-client/raw-database-access). */ $queryRaw(query: TemplateStringsArray | Prisma.Sql, ...values: any[]): Prisma.PrismaPromise; /** * Performs a raw query and returns the `SELECT` data. * Susceptible to SQL injections, see documentation. * @example * ``` * const result = await prisma.$queryRawUnsafe('SELECT * FROM User WHERE id = $1 OR email = $2;', 1, 'user@email.com') * ``` * * Read more in our [docs](https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/tools-and-interfaces/prisma-client/raw-database-access). */ $queryRawUnsafe(query: string, ...values: any[]): Prisma.PrismaPromise; /** * Allows the running of a sequence of read/write operations that are guaranteed to either succeed or fail as a whole. * @example * ``` * const [george, bob, alice] = await prisma.$transaction([ * prisma.user.create({ data: { name: 'George' } }), * prisma.user.create({ data: { name: 'Bob' } }), * prisma.user.create({ data: { name: 'Alice' } }), * ]) * ``` * * Read more in our [docs](https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/transactions). */ $transaction

[]>(arg: [...P], options?: { isolationLevel?: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel }): $Utils.JsPromise> $transaction(fn: (prisma: Omit) => $Utils.JsPromise, options?: { maxWait?: number, timeout?: number, isolationLevel?: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel }): $Utils.JsPromise $extends: $Extensions.ExtendsHook<"extends", Prisma.TypeMapCb, ExtArgs> /** * `prisma.learn`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **learn** model. * Example usage: * ```ts * // Fetch zero or more Learns * const learns = await prisma.learn.findMany() * ``` */ get learn(): Prisma.learnDelegate; /** * `prisma.nsfw_content`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **nsfw_content** model. * Example usage: * ```ts * // Fetch zero or more Nsfw_contents * const nsfw_contents = await prisma.nsfw_content.findMany() * ``` */ get nsfw_content(): Prisma.nsfw_contentDelegate; /** * `prisma.statement`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **statement** model. * Example usage: * ```ts * // Fetch zero or more Statements * const statements = await prisma.statement.findMany() * ``` */ get statement(): Prisma.statementDelegate; } export namespace Prisma { export import DMMF = runtime.DMMF export type PrismaPromise = $Public.PrismaPromise /** * Validator */ export import validator = runtime.Public.validator /** * Prisma Errors */ export import PrismaClientKnownRequestError = runtime.PrismaClientKnownRequestError export import PrismaClientUnknownRequestError = runtime.PrismaClientUnknownRequestError export import PrismaClientRustPanicError = runtime.PrismaClientRustPanicError export import PrismaClientInitializationError = runtime.PrismaClientInitializationError export import PrismaClientValidationError = runtime.PrismaClientValidationError export import NotFoundError = runtime.NotFoundError /** * Re-export of sql-template-tag */ export import sql = runtime.sqltag export import empty = runtime.empty export import join = runtime.join export import raw = runtime.raw export import Sql = runtime.Sql /** * Decimal.js */ export import Decimal = runtime.Decimal export type DecimalJsLike = runtime.DecimalJsLike /** * Metrics */ export type Metrics = runtime.Metrics export type Metric = runtime.Metric export type MetricHistogram = runtime.MetricHistogram export type MetricHistogramBucket = runtime.MetricHistogramBucket /** * Extensions */ export import Extension = $Extensions.UserArgs export import getExtensionContext = runtime.Extensions.getExtensionContext export import Args = $Public.Args export import Payload = $Public.Payload export import Result = $Public.Result export import Exact = $Public.Exact /** * Prisma Client JS version: 5.19.1 * Query Engine version: 69d742ee20b815d88e17e54db4a2a7a3b30324e3 */ export type PrismaVersion = { client: string } export const prismaVersion: PrismaVersion /** * Utility Types */ export import JsonObject = runtime.JsonObject export import JsonArray = runtime.JsonArray export import JsonValue = runtime.JsonValue export import InputJsonObject = runtime.InputJsonObject export import InputJsonArray = runtime.InputJsonArray export import InputJsonValue = runtime.InputJsonValue /** * Types of the values used to represent different kinds of `null` values when working with JSON fields. * * @see https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/working-with-fields/working-with-json-fields#filtering-on-a-json-field */ namespace NullTypes { /** * Type of `Prisma.DbNull`. * * You cannot use other instances of this class. Please use the `Prisma.DbNull` value. * * @see https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/working-with-fields/working-with-json-fields#filtering-on-a-json-field */ class DbNull { private DbNull: never private constructor() } /** * Type of `Prisma.JsonNull`. * * You cannot use other instances of this class. Please use the `Prisma.JsonNull` value. * * @see https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/working-with-fields/working-with-json-fields#filtering-on-a-json-field */ class JsonNull { private JsonNull: never private constructor() } /** * Type of `Prisma.AnyNull`. * * You cannot use other instances of this class. Please use the `Prisma.AnyNull` value. * * @see https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/working-with-fields/working-with-json-fields#filtering-on-a-json-field */ class AnyNull { private AnyNull: never private constructor() } } /** * Helper for filtering JSON entries that have `null` on the database (empty on the db) * * @see https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/working-with-fields/working-with-json-fields#filtering-on-a-json-field */ export const DbNull: NullTypes.DbNull /** * Helper for filtering JSON entries that have JSON `null` values (not empty on the db) * * @see https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/working-with-fields/working-with-json-fields#filtering-on-a-json-field */ export const JsonNull: NullTypes.JsonNull /** * Helper for filtering JSON entries that are `Prisma.DbNull` or `Prisma.JsonNull` * * @see https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/working-with-fields/working-with-json-fields#filtering-on-a-json-field */ export const AnyNull: NullTypes.AnyNull type SelectAndInclude = { select: any include: any } type SelectAndOmit = { select: any omit: any } /** * Get the type of the value, that the Promise holds. */ export type PromiseType> = T extends PromiseLike ? U : T; /** * Get the return type of a function which returns a Promise. */ export type PromiseReturnType $Utils.JsPromise> = PromiseType> /** * From T, pick a set of properties whose keys are in the union K */ type Prisma__Pick = { [P in K]: T[P]; }; export type Enumerable = T | Array; export type RequiredKeys = { [K in keyof T]-?: {} extends Prisma__Pick ? never : K }[keyof T] export type TruthyKeys = keyof { [K in keyof T as T[K] extends false | undefined | null ? never : K]: K } export type TrueKeys = TruthyKeys>> /** * Subset * @desc From `T` pick properties that exist in `U`. Simple version of Intersection */ export type Subset = { [key in keyof T]: key extends keyof U ? T[key] : never; }; /** * SelectSubset * @desc From `T` pick properties that exist in `U`. Simple version of Intersection. * Additionally, it validates, if both select and include are present. If the case, it errors. */ export type SelectSubset = { [key in keyof T]: key extends keyof U ? T[key] : never } & (T extends SelectAndInclude ? 'Please either choose `select` or `include`.' : T extends SelectAndOmit ? 'Please either choose `select` or `omit`.' : {}) /** * Subset + Intersection * @desc From `T` pick properties that exist in `U` and intersect `K` */ export type SubsetIntersection = { [key in keyof T]: key extends keyof U ? T[key] : never } & K type Without = { [P in Exclude]?: never }; /** * XOR is needed to have a real mutually exclusive union type * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42123407/does-typescript-support-mutually-exclusive-types */ type XOR = T extends object ? U extends object ? (Without & U) | (Without & T) : U : T /** * Is T a Record? */ type IsObject = T extends Array ? False : T extends Date ? False : T extends Uint8Array ? False : T extends BigInt ? False : T extends object ? True : False /** * If it's T[], return T */ export type UnEnumerate = T extends Array ? U : T /** * From ts-toolbelt */ type __Either = Omit & { // Merge all but K [P in K]: Prisma__Pick // With K possibilities }[K] type EitherStrict = Strict<__Either> type EitherLoose = ComputeRaw<__Either> type _Either< O extends object, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean > = { 1: EitherStrict 0: EitherLoose }[strict] type Either< O extends object, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1 > = O extends unknown ? _Either : never export type Union = any type PatchUndefined = { [K in keyof O]: O[K] extends undefined ? At : O[K] } & {} /** Helper Types for "Merge" **/ export type IntersectOf = ( U extends unknown ? (k: U) => void : never ) extends (k: infer I) => void ? I : never export type Overwrite = { [K in keyof O]: K extends keyof O1 ? O1[K] : O[K]; } & {}; type _Merge = IntersectOf; }>>; type Key = string | number | symbol; type AtBasic = K extends keyof O ? O[K] : never; type AtStrict = O[K & keyof O]; type AtLoose = O extends unknown ? AtStrict : never; export type At = { 1: AtStrict; 0: AtLoose; }[strict]; export type ComputeRaw = A extends Function ? A : { [K in keyof A]: A[K]; } & {}; export type OptionalFlat = { [K in keyof O]?: O[K]; } & {}; type _Record = { [P in K]: T; }; // cause typescript not to expand types and preserve names type NoExpand = T extends unknown ? T : never; // this type assumes the passed object is entirely optional type AtLeast = NoExpand< O extends unknown ? | (K extends keyof O ? { [P in K]: O[P] } & O : O) | {[P in keyof O as P extends K ? K : never]-?: O[P]} & O : never>; type _Strict = U extends unknown ? U & OptionalFlat<_Record, keyof U>, never>> : never; export type Strict = ComputeRaw<_Strict>; /** End Helper Types for "Merge" **/ export type Merge = ComputeRaw<_Merge>>; /** A [[Boolean]] */ export type Boolean = True | False // /** // 1 // */ export type True = 1 /** 0 */ export type False = 0 export type Not = { 0: 1 1: 0 }[B] export type Extends = [A1] extends [never] ? 0 // anything `never` is false : A1 extends A2 ? 1 : 0 export type Has = Not< Extends, U1> > export type Or = { 0: { 0: 0 1: 1 } 1: { 0: 1 1: 1 } }[B1][B2] export type Keys = U extends unknown ? keyof U : never type Cast = A extends B ? A : B; export const type: unique symbol; /** * Used by group by */ export type GetScalarType = O extends object ? { [P in keyof T]: P extends keyof O ? O[P] : never } : never type FieldPaths< T, U = Omit > = IsObject extends True ? U : T type GetHavingFields = { [K in keyof T]: Or< Or, Extends<'AND', K>>, Extends<'NOT', K> > extends True ? // infer is only needed to not hit TS limit // based on the brilliant idea of Pierre-Antoine Mills // https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/30188#issuecomment-478938437 T[K] extends infer TK ? GetHavingFields extends object ? Merge> : never> : never : {} extends FieldPaths ? never : K }[keyof T] /** * Convert tuple to union */ type _TupleToUnion = T extends (infer E)[] ? E : never type TupleToUnion = _TupleToUnion type MaybeTupleToUnion = T extends any[] ? TupleToUnion : T /** * Like `Pick`, but additionally can also accept an array of keys */ type PickEnumerable | keyof T> = Prisma__Pick> /** * Exclude all keys with underscores */ type ExcludeUnderscoreKeys = T extends `_${string}` ? never : T export type FieldRef = runtime.FieldRef type FieldRefInputType = Model extends never ? never : FieldRef export const ModelName: { learn: 'learn', nsfw_content: 'nsfw_content', statement: 'statement' }; export type ModelName = (typeof ModelName)[keyof typeof ModelName] export type Datasources = { db?: Datasource } interface TypeMapCb extends $Utils.Fn<{extArgs: $Extensions.InternalArgs, clientOptions: PrismaClientOptions }, $Utils.Record> { returns: Prisma.TypeMap } export type TypeMap = { meta: { modelProps: "learn" | "nsfw_content" | "statement" txIsolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel } model: { learn: { payload: Prisma.$learnPayload fields: Prisma.learnFieldRefs operations: { findUnique: { args: Prisma.learnFindUniqueArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult | null } findUniqueOrThrow: { args: Prisma.learnFindUniqueOrThrowArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } findFirst: { args: Prisma.learnFindFirstArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult | null } findFirstOrThrow: { args: Prisma.learnFindFirstOrThrowArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } findMany: { args: Prisma.learnFindManyArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult[] } create: { args: Prisma.learnCreateArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } createMany: { args: Prisma.learnCreateManyArgs result: BatchPayload } delete: { args: Prisma.learnDeleteArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } update: { args: Prisma.learnUpdateArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } deleteMany: { args: Prisma.learnDeleteManyArgs result: BatchPayload } updateMany: { args: Prisma.learnUpdateManyArgs result: BatchPayload } upsert: { args: Prisma.learnUpsertArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } aggregate: { args: Prisma.LearnAggregateArgs result: $Utils.Optional } groupBy: { args: Prisma.learnGroupByArgs result: $Utils.Optional[] } count: { args: Prisma.learnCountArgs result: $Utils.Optional | number } } } nsfw_content: { payload: Prisma.$nsfw_contentPayload fields: Prisma.nsfw_contentFieldRefs operations: { findUnique: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentFindUniqueArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult | null } findUniqueOrThrow: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentFindUniqueOrThrowArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } findFirst: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentFindFirstArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult | null } findFirstOrThrow: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentFindFirstOrThrowArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } findMany: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentFindManyArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult[] } create: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentCreateArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } createMany: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentCreateManyArgs result: BatchPayload } delete: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentDeleteArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } update: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentUpdateArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } deleteMany: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentDeleteManyArgs result: BatchPayload } updateMany: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentUpdateManyArgs result: BatchPayload } upsert: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentUpsertArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } aggregate: { args: Prisma.Nsfw_contentAggregateArgs result: $Utils.Optional } groupBy: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentGroupByArgs result: $Utils.Optional[] } count: { args: Prisma.nsfw_contentCountArgs result: $Utils.Optional | number } } } statement: { payload: Prisma.$statementPayload fields: Prisma.statementFieldRefs operations: { findUnique: { args: Prisma.statementFindUniqueArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult | null } findUniqueOrThrow: { args: Prisma.statementFindUniqueOrThrowArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } findFirst: { args: Prisma.statementFindFirstArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult | null } findFirstOrThrow: { args: Prisma.statementFindFirstOrThrowArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } findMany: { args: Prisma.statementFindManyArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult[] } create: { args: Prisma.statementCreateArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } createMany: { args: Prisma.statementCreateManyArgs result: BatchPayload } delete: { args: Prisma.statementDeleteArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } update: { args: Prisma.statementUpdateArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } deleteMany: { args: Prisma.statementDeleteManyArgs result: BatchPayload } updateMany: { args: Prisma.statementUpdateManyArgs result: BatchPayload } upsert: { args: Prisma.statementUpsertArgs result: $Utils.PayloadToResult } aggregate: { args: Prisma.StatementAggregateArgs result: $Utils.Optional } groupBy: { args: Prisma.statementGroupByArgs result: $Utils.Optional[] } count: { args: Prisma.statementCountArgs result: $Utils.Optional | number } } } } } & { other: { payload: any operations: { $executeRaw: { args: [query: TemplateStringsArray | Prisma.Sql, ...values: any[]], result: any } $executeRawUnsafe: { args: [query: string, ...values: any[]], result: any } $queryRaw: { args: [query: TemplateStringsArray | Prisma.Sql, ...values: any[]], result: any } $queryRawUnsafe: { args: [query: string, ...values: any[]], result: any } } } } export const defineExtension: $Extensions.ExtendsHook<"define", Prisma.TypeMapCb, $Extensions.DefaultArgs> export type DefaultPrismaClient = PrismaClient export type ErrorFormat = 'pretty' | 'colorless' | 'minimal' export interface PrismaClientOptions { /** * Overwrites the datasource url from your schema.prisma file */ datasources?: Datasources /** * Overwrites the datasource url from your schema.prisma file */ datasourceUrl?: string /** * @default "colorless" */ errorFormat?: ErrorFormat /** * @example * ``` * // Defaults to stdout * log: ['query', 'info', 'warn', 'error'] * * // Emit as events * log: [ * { emit: 'stdout', level: 'query' }, * { emit: 'stdout', level: 'info' }, * { emit: 'stdout', level: 'warn' } * { emit: 'stdout', level: 'error' } * ] * ``` * Read more in our [docs](https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/tools-and-interfaces/prisma-client/logging#the-log-option). */ log?: (LogLevel | LogDefinition)[] /** * The default values for transactionOptions * maxWait ?= 2000 * timeout ?= 5000 */ transactionOptions?: { maxWait?: number timeout?: number isolationLevel?: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel } } /* Types for Logging */ export type LogLevel = 'info' | 'query' | 'warn' | 'error' export type LogDefinition = { level: LogLevel emit: 'stdout' | 'event' } export type GetLogType = T extends LogDefinition ? T['emit'] extends 'event' ? T['level'] : never : never export type GetEvents = T extends Array ? GetLogType | GetLogType | GetLogType | GetLogType : never export type QueryEvent = { timestamp: Date query: string params: string duration: number target: string } export type LogEvent = { timestamp: Date message: string target: string } /* End Types for Logging */ export type PrismaAction = | 'findUnique' | 'findUniqueOrThrow' | 'findMany' | 'findFirst' | 'findFirstOrThrow' | 'create' | 'createMany' | 'createManyAndReturn' | 'update' | 'updateMany' | 'upsert' | 'delete' | 'deleteMany' | 'executeRaw' | 'queryRaw' | 'aggregate' | 'count' | 'runCommandRaw' | 'findRaw' | 'groupBy' /** * These options are being passed into the middleware as "params" */ export type MiddlewareParams = { model?: ModelName action: PrismaAction args: any dataPath: string[] runInTransaction: boolean } /** * The `T` type makes sure, that the `return proceed` is not forgotten in the middleware implementation */ export type Middleware = ( params: MiddlewareParams, next: (params: MiddlewareParams) => $Utils.JsPromise, ) => $Utils.JsPromise // tested in getLogLevel.test.ts export function getLogLevel(log: Array): LogLevel | undefined; /** * `PrismaClient` proxy available in interactive transactions. */ export type TransactionClient = Omit export type Datasource = { url?: string } /** * Count Types */ /** * Models */ /** * Model learn */ export type AggregateLearn = { _count: LearnCountAggregateOutputType | null _avg: LearnAvgAggregateOutputType | null _sum: LearnSumAggregateOutputType | null _min: LearnMinAggregateOutputType | null _max: LearnMaxAggregateOutputType | null } export type LearnAvgAggregateOutputType = { id: number | null } export type LearnSumAggregateOutputType = { id: number | null } export type LearnMinAggregateOutputType = { id: number | null command: string | null result: string | null user_id: string | null created_at: Date | null } export type LearnMaxAggregateOutputType = { id: number | null command: string | null result: string | null user_id: string | null created_at: Date | null } export type LearnCountAggregateOutputType = { id: number command: number result: number user_id: number created_at: number _all: number } export type LearnAvgAggregateInputType = { id?: true } export type LearnSumAggregateInputType = { id?: true } export type LearnMinAggregateInputType = { id?: true command?: true result?: true user_id?: true created_at?: true } export type LearnMaxAggregateInputType = { id?: true command?: true result?: true user_id?: true created_at?: true } export type LearnCountAggregateInputType = { id?: true command?: true result?: true user_id?: true created_at?: true _all?: true } export type LearnAggregateArgs = { /** * Filter which learn to aggregate. */ where?: learnWhereInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/sorting Sorting Docs} * * Determine the order of learns to fetch. */ orderBy?: learnOrderByWithRelationInput | learnOrderByWithRelationInput[] /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination#cursor-based-pagination Cursor Docs} * * Sets the start position */ cursor?: learnWhereUniqueInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Take `±n` learns from the position of the cursor. */ take?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Skip the first `n` learns. */ skip?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Count returned learns **/ _count?: true | LearnCountAggregateInputType /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Select which fields to average **/ _avg?: LearnAvgAggregateInputType /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Select which fields to sum **/ _sum?: LearnSumAggregateInputType /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Select which fields to find the minimum value **/ _min?: LearnMinAggregateInputType /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Select which fields to find the maximum value **/ _max?: LearnMaxAggregateInputType } export type GetLearnAggregateType = { [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateLearn]: P extends '_count' | 'count' ? T[P] extends true ? number : GetScalarType : GetScalarType } export type learnGroupByArgs = { where?: learnWhereInput orderBy?: learnOrderByWithAggregationInput | learnOrderByWithAggregationInput[] by: LearnScalarFieldEnum[] | LearnScalarFieldEnum having?: learnScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput take?: number skip?: number _count?: LearnCountAggregateInputType | true _avg?: LearnAvgAggregateInputType _sum?: LearnSumAggregateInputType _min?: LearnMinAggregateInputType _max?: LearnMaxAggregateInputType } export type LearnGroupByOutputType = { id: number command: string result: string user_id: string created_at: Date _count: LearnCountAggregateOutputType | null _avg: LearnAvgAggregateOutputType | null _sum: LearnSumAggregateOutputType | null _min: LearnMinAggregateOutputType | null _max: LearnMaxAggregateOutputType | null } type GetLearnGroupByPayload = Prisma.PrismaPromise< Array< PickEnumerable & { [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof LearnGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count' ? T[P] extends boolean ? number : GetScalarType : GetScalarType } > > export type learnSelect = $Extensions.GetSelect<{ id?: boolean command?: boolean result?: boolean user_id?: boolean created_at?: boolean }, ExtArgs["result"]["learn"]> export type learnSelectScalar = { id?: boolean command?: boolean result?: boolean user_id?: boolean created_at?: boolean } export type $learnPayload = { name: "learn" objects: {} scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{ id: number command: string result: string user_id: string created_at: Date }, ExtArgs["result"]["learn"]> composites: {} } type learnGetPayload = $Result.GetResult type learnCountArgs = Omit & { select?: LearnCountAggregateInputType | true } export interface learnDelegate { [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap['model']['learn'], meta: { name: 'learn' } } /** * Find zero or one Learn that matches the filter. * @param {learnFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Learn * @example * // Get one Learn * const learn = await prisma.learn.findUnique({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) */ findUnique(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__learnClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs> /** * Find one Learn that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'` * if no matches were found. * @param {learnFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Learn * @example * // Get one Learn * const learn = await prisma.learn.findUniqueOrThrow({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) */ findUniqueOrThrow(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__learnClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Find the first Learn that matches the filter. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {learnFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Learn * @example * // Get one Learn * const learn = await prisma.learn.findFirst({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) */ findFirst(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma__learnClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs> /** * Find the first Learn that matches the filter or * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {learnFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Learn * @example * // Get one Learn * const learn = await prisma.learn.findFirstOrThrow({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) */ findFirstOrThrow(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma__learnClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Find zero or more Learns that matches the filter. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {learnFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only. * @example * // Get all Learns * const learns = await prisma.learn.findMany() * * // Get first 10 Learns * const learns = await prisma.learn.findMany({ take: 10 }) * * // Only select the `id` * const learnWithIdOnly = await prisma.learn.findMany({ select: { id: true } }) * */ findMany(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult, T, "findMany">> /** * Create a Learn. * @param {learnCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Learn. * @example * // Create one Learn * const Learn = await prisma.learn.create({ * data: { * // ... data to create a Learn * } * }) * */ create(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__learnClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Create many Learns. * @param {learnCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Learns. * @example * // Create many Learns * const learn = await prisma.learn.createMany({ * data: [ * // ... provide data here * ] * }) * */ createMany(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma.PrismaPromise /** * Delete a Learn. * @param {learnDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Learn. * @example * // Delete one Learn * const Learn = await prisma.learn.delete({ * where: { * // ... filter to delete one Learn * } * }) * */ delete(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__learnClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Update one Learn. * @param {learnUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Learn. * @example * // Update one Learn * const learn = await prisma.learn.update({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * }, * data: { * // ... provide data here * } * }) * */ update(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__learnClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Delete zero or more Learns. * @param {learnDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Learns to delete. * @example * // Delete a few Learns * const { count } = await prisma.learn.deleteMany({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) * */ deleteMany(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma.PrismaPromise /** * Update zero or more Learns. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {learnUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows. * @example * // Update many Learns * const learn = await prisma.learn.updateMany({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * }, * data: { * // ... provide data here * } * }) * */ updateMany(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma.PrismaPromise /** * Create or update one Learn. * @param {learnUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Learn. * @example * // Update or create a Learn * const learn = await prisma.learn.upsert({ * create: { * // ... data to create a Learn * }, * update: { * // ... in case it already exists, update * }, * where: { * // ... the filter for the Learn we want to update * } * }) */ upsert(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__learnClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Count the number of Learns. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {learnCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Learns to count. * @example * // Count the number of Learns * const count = await prisma.learn.count({ * where: { * // ... the filter for the Learns we want to count * } * }) **/ count( args?: Subset, ): Prisma.PrismaPromise< T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any> ? T['select'] extends true ? number : GetScalarType : number > /** * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Learn. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {LearnAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields. * @example * // Ordered by age ascending * // Where email contains prisma.io * // Limited to the 10 users * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({ * _avg: { * age: true, * }, * where: { * email: { * contains: "prisma.io", * }, * }, * orderBy: { * age: "asc", * }, * take: 10, * }) **/ aggregate(args: Subset): Prisma.PrismaPromise> /** * Group by Learn. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {learnGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments. * @example * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({ * by: ['city', 'createdAt'], * orderBy: { * createdAt: true * }, * _count: { * _all: true * }, * }) * **/ groupBy< T extends learnGroupByArgs, HasSelectOrTake extends Or< Extends<'skip', Keys>, Extends<'take', Keys> >, OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake ? { orderBy: learnGroupByArgs['orderBy'] } : { orderBy?: learnGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }, OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys>>, ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion, ByValid extends Has, HavingFields extends GetHavingFields, HavingValid extends Has, ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False, InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.` : HavingValid extends False ? { [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields ? never : P extends string ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".` : [ Error, 'Field ', P, ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`, ] }[HavingFields] : 'take' extends Keys ? 'orderBy' extends Keys ? ByValid extends True ? {} : { [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields ? never : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"` }[OrderFields] : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"' : 'skip' extends Keys ? 'orderBy' extends Keys ? ByValid extends True ? {} : { [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields ? never : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"` }[OrderFields] : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"' : ByValid extends True ? {} : { [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields ? never : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"` }[OrderFields] >(args: SubsetIntersection & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetLearnGroupByPayload : Prisma.PrismaPromise /** * Fields of the learn model */ readonly fields: learnFieldRefs; } /** * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for learn. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`? * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in * https://github.com/prisma/prisma-client-js/issues/707 */ export interface Prisma__learnClient extends Prisma.PrismaPromise { readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise" /** * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed. */ then(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise /** * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback. */ catch(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise /** * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback. */ finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise } /** * Fields of the learn model */ interface learnFieldRefs { readonly id: FieldRef<"learn", 'Int'> readonly command: FieldRef<"learn", 'String'> readonly result: FieldRef<"learn", 'String'> readonly user_id: FieldRef<"learn", 'String'> readonly created_at: FieldRef<"learn", 'DateTime'> } // Custom InputTypes /** * learn findUnique */ export type learnFindUniqueArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the learn */ select?: learnSelect | null /** * Filter, which learn to fetch. */ where: learnWhereUniqueInput } /** * learn findUniqueOrThrow */ export type learnFindUniqueOrThrowArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the learn */ select?: learnSelect | null /** * Filter, which learn to fetch. */ where: learnWhereUniqueInput } /** * learn findFirst */ export type learnFindFirstArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the learn */ select?: learnSelect | null /** * Filter, which learn to fetch. */ where?: learnWhereInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/sorting Sorting Docs} * * Determine the order of learns to fetch. */ orderBy?: learnOrderByWithRelationInput | learnOrderByWithRelationInput[] /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination#cursor-based-pagination Cursor Docs} * * Sets the position for searching for learns. */ cursor?: learnWhereUniqueInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Take `±n` learns from the position of the cursor. */ take?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Skip the first `n` learns. */ skip?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/distinct Distinct Docs} * * Filter by unique combinations of learns. */ distinct?: LearnScalarFieldEnum | LearnScalarFieldEnum[] } /** * learn findFirstOrThrow */ export type learnFindFirstOrThrowArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the learn */ select?: learnSelect | null /** * Filter, which learn to fetch. */ where?: learnWhereInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/sorting Sorting Docs} * * Determine the order of learns to fetch. */ orderBy?: learnOrderByWithRelationInput | learnOrderByWithRelationInput[] /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination#cursor-based-pagination Cursor Docs} * * Sets the position for searching for learns. */ cursor?: learnWhereUniqueInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Take `±n` learns from the position of the cursor. */ take?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Skip the first `n` learns. */ skip?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/distinct Distinct Docs} * * Filter by unique combinations of learns. */ distinct?: LearnScalarFieldEnum | LearnScalarFieldEnum[] } /** * learn findMany */ export type learnFindManyArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the learn */ select?: learnSelect | null /** * Filter, which learns to fetch. */ where?: learnWhereInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/sorting Sorting Docs} * * Determine the order of learns to fetch. */ orderBy?: learnOrderByWithRelationInput | learnOrderByWithRelationInput[] /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination#cursor-based-pagination Cursor Docs} * * Sets the position for listing learns. */ cursor?: learnWhereUniqueInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Take `±n` learns from the position of the cursor. */ take?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Skip the first `n` learns. */ skip?: number distinct?: LearnScalarFieldEnum | LearnScalarFieldEnum[] } /** * learn create */ export type learnCreateArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the learn */ select?: learnSelect | null /** * The data needed to create a learn. */ data: XOR } /** * learn createMany */ export type learnCreateManyArgs = { /** * The data used to create many learns. */ data: learnCreateManyInput | learnCreateManyInput[] skipDuplicates?: boolean } /** * learn update */ export type learnUpdateArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the learn */ select?: learnSelect | null /** * The data needed to update a learn. */ data: XOR /** * Choose, which learn to update. */ where: learnWhereUniqueInput } /** * learn updateMany */ export type learnUpdateManyArgs = { /** * The data used to update learns. */ data: XOR /** * Filter which learns to update */ where?: learnWhereInput } /** * learn upsert */ export type learnUpsertArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the learn */ select?: learnSelect | null /** * The filter to search for the learn to update in case it exists. */ where: learnWhereUniqueInput /** * In case the learn found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new learn with this data. */ create: XOR /** * In case the learn was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data. */ update: XOR } /** * learn delete */ export type learnDeleteArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the learn */ select?: learnSelect | null /** * Filter which learn to delete. */ where: learnWhereUniqueInput } /** * learn deleteMany */ export type learnDeleteManyArgs = { /** * Filter which learns to delete */ where?: learnWhereInput } /** * learn without action */ export type learnDefaultArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the learn */ select?: learnSelect | null } /** * Model nsfw_content */ export type AggregateNsfw_content = { _count: Nsfw_contentCountAggregateOutputType | null _avg: Nsfw_contentAvgAggregateOutputType | null _sum: Nsfw_contentSumAggregateOutputType | null _min: Nsfw_contentMinAggregateOutputType | null _max: Nsfw_contentMaxAggregateOutputType | null } export type Nsfw_contentAvgAggregateOutputType = { id: number | null } export type Nsfw_contentSumAggregateOutputType = { id: number | null } export type Nsfw_contentMinAggregateOutputType = { id: number | null text: string | null created_at: Date | null persona: string | null } export type Nsfw_contentMaxAggregateOutputType = { id: number | null text: string | null created_at: Date | null persona: string | null } export type Nsfw_contentCountAggregateOutputType = { id: number text: number created_at: number persona: number _all: number } export type Nsfw_contentAvgAggregateInputType = { id?: true } export type Nsfw_contentSumAggregateInputType = { id?: true } export type Nsfw_contentMinAggregateInputType = { id?: true text?: true created_at?: true persona?: true } export type Nsfw_contentMaxAggregateInputType = { id?: true text?: true created_at?: true persona?: true } export type Nsfw_contentCountAggregateInputType = { id?: true text?: true created_at?: true persona?: true _all?: true } export type Nsfw_contentAggregateArgs = { /** * Filter which nsfw_content to aggregate. */ where?: nsfw_contentWhereInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/sorting Sorting Docs} * * Determine the order of nsfw_contents to fetch. */ orderBy?: nsfw_contentOrderByWithRelationInput | nsfw_contentOrderByWithRelationInput[] /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination#cursor-based-pagination Cursor Docs} * * Sets the start position */ cursor?: nsfw_contentWhereUniqueInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Take `±n` nsfw_contents from the position of the cursor. */ take?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Skip the first `n` nsfw_contents. */ skip?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Count returned nsfw_contents **/ _count?: true | Nsfw_contentCountAggregateInputType /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Select which fields to average **/ _avg?: Nsfw_contentAvgAggregateInputType /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Select which fields to sum **/ _sum?: Nsfw_contentSumAggregateInputType /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Select which fields to find the minimum value **/ _min?: Nsfw_contentMinAggregateInputType /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Select which fields to find the maximum value **/ _max?: Nsfw_contentMaxAggregateInputType } export type GetNsfw_contentAggregateType = { [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateNsfw_content]: P extends '_count' | 'count' ? T[P] extends true ? number : GetScalarType : GetScalarType } export type nsfw_contentGroupByArgs = { where?: nsfw_contentWhereInput orderBy?: nsfw_contentOrderByWithAggregationInput | nsfw_contentOrderByWithAggregationInput[] by: Nsfw_contentScalarFieldEnum[] | Nsfw_contentScalarFieldEnum having?: nsfw_contentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput take?: number skip?: number _count?: Nsfw_contentCountAggregateInputType | true _avg?: Nsfw_contentAvgAggregateInputType _sum?: Nsfw_contentSumAggregateInputType _min?: Nsfw_contentMinAggregateInputType _max?: Nsfw_contentMaxAggregateInputType } export type Nsfw_contentGroupByOutputType = { id: number text: string created_at: Date | null persona: string _count: Nsfw_contentCountAggregateOutputType | null _avg: Nsfw_contentAvgAggregateOutputType | null _sum: Nsfw_contentSumAggregateOutputType | null _min: Nsfw_contentMinAggregateOutputType | null _max: Nsfw_contentMaxAggregateOutputType | null } type GetNsfw_contentGroupByPayload = Prisma.PrismaPromise< Array< PickEnumerable & { [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof Nsfw_contentGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count' ? T[P] extends boolean ? number : GetScalarType : GetScalarType } > > export type nsfw_contentSelect = $Extensions.GetSelect<{ id?: boolean text?: boolean created_at?: boolean persona?: boolean }, ExtArgs["result"]["nsfw_content"]> export type nsfw_contentSelectScalar = { id?: boolean text?: boolean created_at?: boolean persona?: boolean } export type $nsfw_contentPayload = { name: "nsfw_content" objects: {} scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{ id: number text: string created_at: Date | null persona: string }, ExtArgs["result"]["nsfw_content"]> composites: {} } type nsfw_contentGetPayload = $Result.GetResult type nsfw_contentCountArgs = Omit & { select?: Nsfw_contentCountAggregateInputType | true } export interface nsfw_contentDelegate { [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap['model']['nsfw_content'], meta: { name: 'nsfw_content' } } /** * Find zero or one Nsfw_content that matches the filter. * @param {nsfw_contentFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Nsfw_content * @example * // Get one Nsfw_content * const nsfw_content = await prisma.nsfw_content.findUnique({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) */ findUnique(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__nsfw_contentClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs> /** * Find one Nsfw_content that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'` * if no matches were found. * @param {nsfw_contentFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Nsfw_content * @example * // Get one Nsfw_content * const nsfw_content = await prisma.nsfw_content.findUniqueOrThrow({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) */ findUniqueOrThrow(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__nsfw_contentClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Find the first Nsfw_content that matches the filter. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {nsfw_contentFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Nsfw_content * @example * // Get one Nsfw_content * const nsfw_content = await prisma.nsfw_content.findFirst({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) */ findFirst(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma__nsfw_contentClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs> /** * Find the first Nsfw_content that matches the filter or * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {nsfw_contentFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Nsfw_content * @example * // Get one Nsfw_content * const nsfw_content = await prisma.nsfw_content.findFirstOrThrow({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) */ findFirstOrThrow(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma__nsfw_contentClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Find zero or more Nsfw_contents that matches the filter. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {nsfw_contentFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only. * @example * // Get all Nsfw_contents * const nsfw_contents = await prisma.nsfw_content.findMany() * * // Get first 10 Nsfw_contents * const nsfw_contents = await prisma.nsfw_content.findMany({ take: 10 }) * * // Only select the `id` * const nsfw_contentWithIdOnly = await prisma.nsfw_content.findMany({ select: { id: true } }) * */ findMany(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult, T, "findMany">> /** * Create a Nsfw_content. * @param {nsfw_contentCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Nsfw_content. * @example * // Create one Nsfw_content * const Nsfw_content = await prisma.nsfw_content.create({ * data: { * // ... data to create a Nsfw_content * } * }) * */ create(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__nsfw_contentClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Create many Nsfw_contents. * @param {nsfw_contentCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Nsfw_contents. * @example * // Create many Nsfw_contents * const nsfw_content = await prisma.nsfw_content.createMany({ * data: [ * // ... provide data here * ] * }) * */ createMany(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma.PrismaPromise /** * Delete a Nsfw_content. * @param {nsfw_contentDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Nsfw_content. * @example * // Delete one Nsfw_content * const Nsfw_content = await prisma.nsfw_content.delete({ * where: { * // ... filter to delete one Nsfw_content * } * }) * */ delete(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__nsfw_contentClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Update one Nsfw_content. * @param {nsfw_contentUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Nsfw_content. * @example * // Update one Nsfw_content * const nsfw_content = await prisma.nsfw_content.update({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * }, * data: { * // ... provide data here * } * }) * */ update(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__nsfw_contentClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Delete zero or more Nsfw_contents. * @param {nsfw_contentDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Nsfw_contents to delete. * @example * // Delete a few Nsfw_contents * const { count } = await prisma.nsfw_content.deleteMany({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) * */ deleteMany(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma.PrismaPromise /** * Update zero or more Nsfw_contents. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {nsfw_contentUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows. * @example * // Update many Nsfw_contents * const nsfw_content = await prisma.nsfw_content.updateMany({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * }, * data: { * // ... provide data here * } * }) * */ updateMany(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma.PrismaPromise /** * Create or update one Nsfw_content. * @param {nsfw_contentUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Nsfw_content. * @example * // Update or create a Nsfw_content * const nsfw_content = await prisma.nsfw_content.upsert({ * create: { * // ... data to create a Nsfw_content * }, * update: { * // ... in case it already exists, update * }, * where: { * // ... the filter for the Nsfw_content we want to update * } * }) */ upsert(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__nsfw_contentClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Count the number of Nsfw_contents. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {nsfw_contentCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Nsfw_contents to count. * @example * // Count the number of Nsfw_contents * const count = await prisma.nsfw_content.count({ * where: { * // ... the filter for the Nsfw_contents we want to count * } * }) **/ count( args?: Subset, ): Prisma.PrismaPromise< T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any> ? T['select'] extends true ? number : GetScalarType : number > /** * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Nsfw_content. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {Nsfw_contentAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields. * @example * // Ordered by age ascending * // Where email contains prisma.io * // Limited to the 10 users * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({ * _avg: { * age: true, * }, * where: { * email: { * contains: "prisma.io", * }, * }, * orderBy: { * age: "asc", * }, * take: 10, * }) **/ aggregate(args: Subset): Prisma.PrismaPromise> /** * Group by Nsfw_content. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {nsfw_contentGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments. * @example * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({ * by: ['city', 'createdAt'], * orderBy: { * createdAt: true * }, * _count: { * _all: true * }, * }) * **/ groupBy< T extends nsfw_contentGroupByArgs, HasSelectOrTake extends Or< Extends<'skip', Keys>, Extends<'take', Keys> >, OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake ? { orderBy: nsfw_contentGroupByArgs['orderBy'] } : { orderBy?: nsfw_contentGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }, OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys>>, ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion, ByValid extends Has, HavingFields extends GetHavingFields, HavingValid extends Has, ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False, InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.` : HavingValid extends False ? { [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields ? never : P extends string ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".` : [ Error, 'Field ', P, ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`, ] }[HavingFields] : 'take' extends Keys ? 'orderBy' extends Keys ? ByValid extends True ? {} : { [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields ? never : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"` }[OrderFields] : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"' : 'skip' extends Keys ? 'orderBy' extends Keys ? ByValid extends True ? {} : { [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields ? never : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"` }[OrderFields] : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"' : ByValid extends True ? {} : { [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields ? never : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"` }[OrderFields] >(args: SubsetIntersection & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetNsfw_contentGroupByPayload : Prisma.PrismaPromise /** * Fields of the nsfw_content model */ readonly fields: nsfw_contentFieldRefs; } /** * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for nsfw_content. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`? * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in * https://github.com/prisma/prisma-client-js/issues/707 */ export interface Prisma__nsfw_contentClient extends Prisma.PrismaPromise { readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise" /** * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed. */ then(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise /** * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback. */ catch(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise /** * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback. */ finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise } /** * Fields of the nsfw_content model */ interface nsfw_contentFieldRefs { readonly id: FieldRef<"nsfw_content", 'Int'> readonly text: FieldRef<"nsfw_content", 'String'> readonly created_at: FieldRef<"nsfw_content", 'DateTime'> readonly persona: FieldRef<"nsfw_content", 'String'> } // Custom InputTypes /** * nsfw_content findUnique */ export type nsfw_contentFindUniqueArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the nsfw_content */ select?: nsfw_contentSelect | null /** * Filter, which nsfw_content to fetch. */ where: nsfw_contentWhereUniqueInput } /** * nsfw_content findUniqueOrThrow */ export type nsfw_contentFindUniqueOrThrowArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the nsfw_content */ select?: nsfw_contentSelect | null /** * Filter, which nsfw_content to fetch. */ where: nsfw_contentWhereUniqueInput } /** * nsfw_content findFirst */ export type nsfw_contentFindFirstArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the nsfw_content */ select?: nsfw_contentSelect | null /** * Filter, which nsfw_content to fetch. */ where?: nsfw_contentWhereInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/sorting Sorting Docs} * * Determine the order of nsfw_contents to fetch. */ orderBy?: nsfw_contentOrderByWithRelationInput | nsfw_contentOrderByWithRelationInput[] /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination#cursor-based-pagination Cursor Docs} * * Sets the position for searching for nsfw_contents. */ cursor?: nsfw_contentWhereUniqueInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Take `±n` nsfw_contents from the position of the cursor. */ take?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Skip the first `n` nsfw_contents. */ skip?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/distinct Distinct Docs} * * Filter by unique combinations of nsfw_contents. */ distinct?: Nsfw_contentScalarFieldEnum | Nsfw_contentScalarFieldEnum[] } /** * nsfw_content findFirstOrThrow */ export type nsfw_contentFindFirstOrThrowArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the nsfw_content */ select?: nsfw_contentSelect | null /** * Filter, which nsfw_content to fetch. */ where?: nsfw_contentWhereInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/sorting Sorting Docs} * * Determine the order of nsfw_contents to fetch. */ orderBy?: nsfw_contentOrderByWithRelationInput | nsfw_contentOrderByWithRelationInput[] /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination#cursor-based-pagination Cursor Docs} * * Sets the position for searching for nsfw_contents. */ cursor?: nsfw_contentWhereUniqueInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Take `±n` nsfw_contents from the position of the cursor. */ take?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Skip the first `n` nsfw_contents. */ skip?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/distinct Distinct Docs} * * Filter by unique combinations of nsfw_contents. */ distinct?: Nsfw_contentScalarFieldEnum | Nsfw_contentScalarFieldEnum[] } /** * nsfw_content findMany */ export type nsfw_contentFindManyArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the nsfw_content */ select?: nsfw_contentSelect | null /** * Filter, which nsfw_contents to fetch. */ where?: nsfw_contentWhereInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/sorting Sorting Docs} * * Determine the order of nsfw_contents to fetch. */ orderBy?: nsfw_contentOrderByWithRelationInput | nsfw_contentOrderByWithRelationInput[] /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination#cursor-based-pagination Cursor Docs} * * Sets the position for listing nsfw_contents. */ cursor?: nsfw_contentWhereUniqueInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Take `±n` nsfw_contents from the position of the cursor. */ take?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Skip the first `n` nsfw_contents. */ skip?: number distinct?: Nsfw_contentScalarFieldEnum | Nsfw_contentScalarFieldEnum[] } /** * nsfw_content create */ export type nsfw_contentCreateArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the nsfw_content */ select?: nsfw_contentSelect | null /** * The data needed to create a nsfw_content. */ data?: XOR } /** * nsfw_content createMany */ export type nsfw_contentCreateManyArgs = { /** * The data used to create many nsfw_contents. */ data: nsfw_contentCreateManyInput | nsfw_contentCreateManyInput[] skipDuplicates?: boolean } /** * nsfw_content update */ export type nsfw_contentUpdateArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the nsfw_content */ select?: nsfw_contentSelect | null /** * The data needed to update a nsfw_content. */ data: XOR /** * Choose, which nsfw_content to update. */ where: nsfw_contentWhereUniqueInput } /** * nsfw_content updateMany */ export type nsfw_contentUpdateManyArgs = { /** * The data used to update nsfw_contents. */ data: XOR /** * Filter which nsfw_contents to update */ where?: nsfw_contentWhereInput } /** * nsfw_content upsert */ export type nsfw_contentUpsertArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the nsfw_content */ select?: nsfw_contentSelect | null /** * The filter to search for the nsfw_content to update in case it exists. */ where: nsfw_contentWhereUniqueInput /** * In case the nsfw_content found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new nsfw_content with this data. */ create: XOR /** * In case the nsfw_content was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data. */ update: XOR } /** * nsfw_content delete */ export type nsfw_contentDeleteArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the nsfw_content */ select?: nsfw_contentSelect | null /** * Filter which nsfw_content to delete. */ where: nsfw_contentWhereUniqueInput } /** * nsfw_content deleteMany */ export type nsfw_contentDeleteManyArgs = { /** * Filter which nsfw_contents to delete */ where?: nsfw_contentWhereInput } /** * nsfw_content without action */ export type nsfw_contentDefaultArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the nsfw_content */ select?: nsfw_contentSelect | null } /** * Model statement */ export type AggregateStatement = { _count: StatementCountAggregateOutputType | null _avg: StatementAvgAggregateOutputType | null _sum: StatementSumAggregateOutputType | null _min: StatementMinAggregateOutputType | null _max: StatementMaxAggregateOutputType | null } export type StatementAvgAggregateOutputType = { id: number | null } export type StatementSumAggregateOutputType = { id: number | null } export type StatementMinAggregateOutputType = { id: number | null text: string | null search_text: string | null conversation: string | null created_at: Date | null in_response_to: string | null search_in_response_to: string | null persona: string | null } export type StatementMaxAggregateOutputType = { id: number | null text: string | null search_text: string | null conversation: string | null created_at: Date | null in_response_to: string | null search_in_response_to: string | null persona: string | null } export type StatementCountAggregateOutputType = { id: number text: number search_text: number conversation: number created_at: number in_response_to: number search_in_response_to: number persona: number _all: number } export type StatementAvgAggregateInputType = { id?: true } export type StatementSumAggregateInputType = { id?: true } export type StatementMinAggregateInputType = { id?: true text?: true search_text?: true conversation?: true created_at?: true in_response_to?: true search_in_response_to?: true persona?: true } export type StatementMaxAggregateInputType = { id?: true text?: true search_text?: true conversation?: true created_at?: true in_response_to?: true search_in_response_to?: true persona?: true } export type StatementCountAggregateInputType = { id?: true text?: true search_text?: true conversation?: true created_at?: true in_response_to?: true search_in_response_to?: true persona?: true _all?: true } export type StatementAggregateArgs = { /** * Filter which statement to aggregate. */ where?: statementWhereInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/sorting Sorting Docs} * * Determine the order of statements to fetch. */ orderBy?: statementOrderByWithRelationInput | statementOrderByWithRelationInput[] /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination#cursor-based-pagination Cursor Docs} * * Sets the start position */ cursor?: statementWhereUniqueInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Take `±n` statements from the position of the cursor. */ take?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Skip the first `n` statements. */ skip?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Count returned statements **/ _count?: true | StatementCountAggregateInputType /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Select which fields to average **/ _avg?: StatementAvgAggregateInputType /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Select which fields to sum **/ _sum?: StatementSumAggregateInputType /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Select which fields to find the minimum value **/ _min?: StatementMinAggregateInputType /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/aggregations Aggregation Docs} * * Select which fields to find the maximum value **/ _max?: StatementMaxAggregateInputType } export type GetStatementAggregateType = { [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateStatement]: P extends '_count' | 'count' ? T[P] extends true ? number : GetScalarType : GetScalarType } export type statementGroupByArgs = { where?: statementWhereInput orderBy?: statementOrderByWithAggregationInput | statementOrderByWithAggregationInput[] by: StatementScalarFieldEnum[] | StatementScalarFieldEnum having?: statementScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput take?: number skip?: number _count?: StatementCountAggregateInputType | true _avg?: StatementAvgAggregateInputType _sum?: StatementSumAggregateInputType _min?: StatementMinAggregateInputType _max?: StatementMaxAggregateInputType } export type StatementGroupByOutputType = { id: number text: string search_text: string conversation: string created_at: Date | null in_response_to: string | null search_in_response_to: string persona: string _count: StatementCountAggregateOutputType | null _avg: StatementAvgAggregateOutputType | null _sum: StatementSumAggregateOutputType | null _min: StatementMinAggregateOutputType | null _max: StatementMaxAggregateOutputType | null } type GetStatementGroupByPayload = Prisma.PrismaPromise< Array< PickEnumerable & { [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof StatementGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count' ? T[P] extends boolean ? number : GetScalarType : GetScalarType } > > export type statementSelect = $Extensions.GetSelect<{ id?: boolean text?: boolean search_text?: boolean conversation?: boolean created_at?: boolean in_response_to?: boolean search_in_response_to?: boolean persona?: boolean }, ExtArgs["result"]["statement"]> export type statementSelectScalar = { id?: boolean text?: boolean search_text?: boolean conversation?: boolean created_at?: boolean in_response_to?: boolean search_in_response_to?: boolean persona?: boolean } export type $statementPayload = { name: "statement" objects: {} scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{ id: number text: string search_text: string conversation: string created_at: Date | null in_response_to: string | null search_in_response_to: string persona: string }, ExtArgs["result"]["statement"]> composites: {} } type statementGetPayload = $Result.GetResult type statementCountArgs = Omit & { select?: StatementCountAggregateInputType | true } export interface statementDelegate { [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap['model']['statement'], meta: { name: 'statement' } } /** * Find zero or one Statement that matches the filter. * @param {statementFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Statement * @example * // Get one Statement * const statement = await prisma.statement.findUnique({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) */ findUnique(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__statementClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs> /** * Find one Statement that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'` * if no matches were found. * @param {statementFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Statement * @example * // Get one Statement * const statement = await prisma.statement.findUniqueOrThrow({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) */ findUniqueOrThrow(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__statementClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Find the first Statement that matches the filter. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {statementFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Statement * @example * // Get one Statement * const statement = await prisma.statement.findFirst({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) */ findFirst(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma__statementClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs> /** * Find the first Statement that matches the filter or * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {statementFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Statement * @example * // Get one Statement * const statement = await prisma.statement.findFirstOrThrow({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) */ findFirstOrThrow(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma__statementClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Find zero or more Statements that matches the filter. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {statementFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only. * @example * // Get all Statements * const statements = await prisma.statement.findMany() * * // Get first 10 Statements * const statements = await prisma.statement.findMany({ take: 10 }) * * // Only select the `id` * const statementWithIdOnly = await prisma.statement.findMany({ select: { id: true } }) * */ findMany(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult, T, "findMany">> /** * Create a Statement. * @param {statementCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Statement. * @example * // Create one Statement * const Statement = await prisma.statement.create({ * data: { * // ... data to create a Statement * } * }) * */ create(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__statementClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Create many Statements. * @param {statementCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Statements. * @example * // Create many Statements * const statement = await prisma.statement.createMany({ * data: [ * // ... provide data here * ] * }) * */ createMany(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma.PrismaPromise /** * Delete a Statement. * @param {statementDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Statement. * @example * // Delete one Statement * const Statement = await prisma.statement.delete({ * where: { * // ... filter to delete one Statement * } * }) * */ delete(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__statementClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Update one Statement. * @param {statementUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Statement. * @example * // Update one Statement * const statement = await prisma.statement.update({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * }, * data: { * // ... provide data here * } * }) * */ update(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__statementClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Delete zero or more Statements. * @param {statementDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Statements to delete. * @example * // Delete a few Statements * const { count } = await prisma.statement.deleteMany({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * } * }) * */ deleteMany(args?: SelectSubset>): Prisma.PrismaPromise /** * Update zero or more Statements. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {statementUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows. * @example * // Update many Statements * const statement = await prisma.statement.updateMany({ * where: { * // ... provide filter here * }, * data: { * // ... provide data here * } * }) * */ updateMany(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma.PrismaPromise /** * Create or update one Statement. * @param {statementUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Statement. * @example * // Update or create a Statement * const statement = await prisma.statement.upsert({ * create: { * // ... data to create a Statement * }, * update: { * // ... in case it already exists, update * }, * where: { * // ... the filter for the Statement we want to update * } * }) */ upsert(args: SelectSubset>): Prisma__statementClient<$Result.GetResult, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs> /** * Count the number of Statements. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {statementCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Statements to count. * @example * // Count the number of Statements * const count = await prisma.statement.count({ * where: { * // ... the filter for the Statements we want to count * } * }) **/ count( args?: Subset, ): Prisma.PrismaPromise< T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any> ? T['select'] extends true ? number : GetScalarType : number > /** * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Statement. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {StatementAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields. * @example * // Ordered by age ascending * // Where email contains prisma.io * // Limited to the 10 users * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({ * _avg: { * age: true, * }, * where: { * email: { * contains: "prisma.io", * }, * }, * orderBy: { * age: "asc", * }, * take: 10, * }) **/ aggregate(args: Subset): Prisma.PrismaPromise> /** * Group by Statement. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there. * Read more here: https://pris.ly/d/null-undefined * @param {statementGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments. * @example * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({ * by: ['city', 'createdAt'], * orderBy: { * createdAt: true * }, * _count: { * _all: true * }, * }) * **/ groupBy< T extends statementGroupByArgs, HasSelectOrTake extends Or< Extends<'skip', Keys>, Extends<'take', Keys> >, OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake ? { orderBy: statementGroupByArgs['orderBy'] } : { orderBy?: statementGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }, OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys>>, ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion, ByValid extends Has, HavingFields extends GetHavingFields, HavingValid extends Has, ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False, InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.` : HavingValid extends False ? { [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields ? never : P extends string ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".` : [ Error, 'Field ', P, ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`, ] }[HavingFields] : 'take' extends Keys ? 'orderBy' extends Keys ? ByValid extends True ? {} : { [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields ? never : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"` }[OrderFields] : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"' : 'skip' extends Keys ? 'orderBy' extends Keys ? ByValid extends True ? {} : { [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields ? never : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"` }[OrderFields] : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"' : ByValid extends True ? {} : { [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields ? never : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"` }[OrderFields] >(args: SubsetIntersection & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetStatementGroupByPayload : Prisma.PrismaPromise /** * Fields of the statement model */ readonly fields: statementFieldRefs; } /** * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for statement. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`? * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in * https://github.com/prisma/prisma-client-js/issues/707 */ export interface Prisma__statementClient extends Prisma.PrismaPromise { readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise" /** * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed. */ then(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise /** * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback. */ catch(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise /** * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback. */ finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise } /** * Fields of the statement model */ interface statementFieldRefs { readonly id: FieldRef<"statement", 'Int'> readonly text: FieldRef<"statement", 'String'> readonly search_text: FieldRef<"statement", 'String'> readonly conversation: FieldRef<"statement", 'String'> readonly created_at: FieldRef<"statement", 'DateTime'> readonly in_response_to: FieldRef<"statement", 'String'> readonly search_in_response_to: FieldRef<"statement", 'String'> readonly persona: FieldRef<"statement", 'String'> } // Custom InputTypes /** * statement findUnique */ export type statementFindUniqueArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the statement */ select?: statementSelect | null /** * Filter, which statement to fetch. */ where: statementWhereUniqueInput } /** * statement findUniqueOrThrow */ export type statementFindUniqueOrThrowArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the statement */ select?: statementSelect | null /** * Filter, which statement to fetch. */ where: statementWhereUniqueInput } /** * statement findFirst */ export type statementFindFirstArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the statement */ select?: statementSelect | null /** * Filter, which statement to fetch. */ where?: statementWhereInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/sorting Sorting Docs} * * Determine the order of statements to fetch. */ orderBy?: statementOrderByWithRelationInput | statementOrderByWithRelationInput[] /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination#cursor-based-pagination Cursor Docs} * * Sets the position for searching for statements. */ cursor?: statementWhereUniqueInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Take `±n` statements from the position of the cursor. */ take?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Skip the first `n` statements. */ skip?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/distinct Distinct Docs} * * Filter by unique combinations of statements. */ distinct?: StatementScalarFieldEnum | StatementScalarFieldEnum[] } /** * statement findFirstOrThrow */ export type statementFindFirstOrThrowArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the statement */ select?: statementSelect | null /** * Filter, which statement to fetch. */ where?: statementWhereInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/sorting Sorting Docs} * * Determine the order of statements to fetch. */ orderBy?: statementOrderByWithRelationInput | statementOrderByWithRelationInput[] /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination#cursor-based-pagination Cursor Docs} * * Sets the position for searching for statements. */ cursor?: statementWhereUniqueInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Take `±n` statements from the position of the cursor. */ take?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Skip the first `n` statements. */ skip?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/distinct Distinct Docs} * * Filter by unique combinations of statements. */ distinct?: StatementScalarFieldEnum | StatementScalarFieldEnum[] } /** * statement findMany */ export type statementFindManyArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the statement */ select?: statementSelect | null /** * Filter, which statements to fetch. */ where?: statementWhereInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/sorting Sorting Docs} * * Determine the order of statements to fetch. */ orderBy?: statementOrderByWithRelationInput | statementOrderByWithRelationInput[] /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination#cursor-based-pagination Cursor Docs} * * Sets the position for listing statements. */ cursor?: statementWhereUniqueInput /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Take `±n` statements from the position of the cursor. */ take?: number /** * {@link https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/pagination Pagination Docs} * * Skip the first `n` statements. */ skip?: number distinct?: StatementScalarFieldEnum | StatementScalarFieldEnum[] } /** * statement create */ export type statementCreateArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the statement */ select?: statementSelect | null /** * The data needed to create a statement. */ data: XOR } /** * statement createMany */ export type statementCreateManyArgs = { /** * The data used to create many statements. */ data: statementCreateManyInput | statementCreateManyInput[] skipDuplicates?: boolean } /** * statement update */ export type statementUpdateArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the statement */ select?: statementSelect | null /** * The data needed to update a statement. */ data: XOR /** * Choose, which statement to update. */ where: statementWhereUniqueInput } /** * statement updateMany */ export type statementUpdateManyArgs = { /** * The data used to update statements. */ data: XOR /** * Filter which statements to update */ where?: statementWhereInput } /** * statement upsert */ export type statementUpsertArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the statement */ select?: statementSelect | null /** * The filter to search for the statement to update in case it exists. */ where: statementWhereUniqueInput /** * In case the statement found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new statement with this data. */ create: XOR /** * In case the statement was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data. */ update: XOR } /** * statement delete */ export type statementDeleteArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the statement */ select?: statementSelect | null /** * Filter which statement to delete. */ where: statementWhereUniqueInput } /** * statement deleteMany */ export type statementDeleteManyArgs = { /** * Filter which statements to delete */ where?: statementWhereInput } /** * statement without action */ export type statementDefaultArgs = { /** * Select specific fields to fetch from the statement */ select?: statementSelect | null } /** * Enums */ export const TransactionIsolationLevel: { ReadUncommitted: 'ReadUncommitted', ReadCommitted: 'ReadCommitted', RepeatableRead: 'RepeatableRead', Serializable: 'Serializable' }; export type TransactionIsolationLevel = (typeof TransactionIsolationLevel)[keyof typeof TransactionIsolationLevel] export const LearnScalarFieldEnum: { id: 'id', command: 'command', result: 'result', user_id: 'user_id', created_at: 'created_at' }; export type LearnScalarFieldEnum = (typeof LearnScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof LearnScalarFieldEnum] export const Nsfw_contentScalarFieldEnum: { id: 'id', text: 'text', created_at: 'created_at', persona: 'persona' }; export type Nsfw_contentScalarFieldEnum = (typeof Nsfw_contentScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof Nsfw_contentScalarFieldEnum] export const StatementScalarFieldEnum: { id: 'id', text: 'text', search_text: 'search_text', conversation: 'conversation', created_at: 'created_at', in_response_to: 'in_response_to', search_in_response_to: 'search_in_response_to', persona: 'persona' }; export type StatementScalarFieldEnum = (typeof StatementScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof StatementScalarFieldEnum] export const SortOrder: { asc: 'asc', desc: 'desc' }; export type SortOrder = (typeof SortOrder)[keyof typeof SortOrder] export const NullsOrder: { first: 'first', last: 'last' }; export type NullsOrder = (typeof NullsOrder)[keyof typeof NullsOrder] /** * Field references */ /** * Reference to a field of type 'Int' */ export type IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> = FieldRefInputType<$PrismaModel, 'Int'> /** * Reference to a field of type 'String' */ export type StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> = FieldRefInputType<$PrismaModel, 'String'> /** * Reference to a field of type 'DateTime' */ export type DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> = FieldRefInputType<$PrismaModel, 'DateTime'> /** * Reference to a field of type 'Float' */ export type FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> = FieldRefInputType<$PrismaModel, 'Float'> /** * Deep Input Types */ export type learnWhereInput = { AND?: learnWhereInput | learnWhereInput[] OR?: learnWhereInput[] NOT?: learnWhereInput | learnWhereInput[] id?: IntFilter<"learn"> | number command?: StringFilter<"learn"> | string result?: StringFilter<"learn"> | string user_id?: StringFilter<"learn"> | string created_at?: DateTimeFilter<"learn"> | Date | string } export type learnOrderByWithRelationInput = { id?: SortOrder command?: SortOrder result?: SortOrder user_id?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrder } export type learnWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{ id?: number AND?: learnWhereInput | learnWhereInput[] OR?: learnWhereInput[] NOT?: learnWhereInput | learnWhereInput[] command?: StringFilter<"learn"> | string result?: StringFilter<"learn"> | string user_id?: StringFilter<"learn"> | string created_at?: DateTimeFilter<"learn"> | Date | string }, "id"> export type learnOrderByWithAggregationInput = { id?: SortOrder command?: SortOrder result?: SortOrder user_id?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrder _count?: learnCountOrderByAggregateInput _avg?: learnAvgOrderByAggregateInput _max?: learnMaxOrderByAggregateInput _min?: learnMinOrderByAggregateInput _sum?: learnSumOrderByAggregateInput } export type learnScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = { AND?: learnScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | learnScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] OR?: learnScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] NOT?: learnScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | learnScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] id?: IntWithAggregatesFilter<"learn"> | number command?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"learn"> | string result?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"learn"> | string user_id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"learn"> | string created_at?: DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter<"learn"> | Date | string } export type nsfw_contentWhereInput = { AND?: nsfw_contentWhereInput | nsfw_contentWhereInput[] OR?: nsfw_contentWhereInput[] NOT?: nsfw_contentWhereInput | nsfw_contentWhereInput[] id?: IntFilter<"nsfw_content"> | number text?: StringFilter<"nsfw_content"> | string created_at?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"nsfw_content"> | Date | string | null persona?: StringFilter<"nsfw_content"> | string } export type nsfw_contentOrderByWithRelationInput = { id?: SortOrder text?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder persona?: SortOrder } export type nsfw_contentWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{ id?: number AND?: nsfw_contentWhereInput | nsfw_contentWhereInput[] OR?: nsfw_contentWhereInput[] NOT?: nsfw_contentWhereInput | nsfw_contentWhereInput[] text?: StringFilter<"nsfw_content"> | string created_at?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"nsfw_content"> | Date | string | null persona?: StringFilter<"nsfw_content"> | string }, "id"> export type nsfw_contentOrderByWithAggregationInput = { id?: SortOrder text?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder persona?: SortOrder _count?: nsfw_contentCountOrderByAggregateInput _avg?: nsfw_contentAvgOrderByAggregateInput _max?: nsfw_contentMaxOrderByAggregateInput _min?: nsfw_contentMinOrderByAggregateInput _sum?: nsfw_contentSumOrderByAggregateInput } export type nsfw_contentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = { AND?: nsfw_contentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | nsfw_contentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] OR?: nsfw_contentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] NOT?: nsfw_contentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | nsfw_contentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] id?: IntWithAggregatesFilter<"nsfw_content"> | number text?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"nsfw_content"> | string created_at?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"nsfw_content"> | Date | string | null persona?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"nsfw_content"> | string } export type statementWhereInput = { AND?: statementWhereInput | statementWhereInput[] OR?: statementWhereInput[] NOT?: statementWhereInput | statementWhereInput[] id?: IntFilter<"statement"> | number text?: StringFilter<"statement"> | string search_text?: StringFilter<"statement"> | string conversation?: StringFilter<"statement"> | string created_at?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"statement"> | Date | string | null in_response_to?: StringNullableFilter<"statement"> | string | null search_in_response_to?: StringFilter<"statement"> | string persona?: StringFilter<"statement"> | string } export type statementOrderByWithRelationInput = { id?: SortOrder text?: SortOrder search_text?: SortOrder conversation?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder in_response_to?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder search_in_response_to?: SortOrder persona?: SortOrder } export type statementWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{ id?: number AND?: statementWhereInput | statementWhereInput[] OR?: statementWhereInput[] NOT?: statementWhereInput | statementWhereInput[] text?: StringFilter<"statement"> | string search_text?: StringFilter<"statement"> | string conversation?: StringFilter<"statement"> | string created_at?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"statement"> | Date | string | null in_response_to?: StringNullableFilter<"statement"> | string | null search_in_response_to?: StringFilter<"statement"> | string persona?: StringFilter<"statement"> | string }, "id"> export type statementOrderByWithAggregationInput = { id?: SortOrder text?: SortOrder search_text?: SortOrder conversation?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder in_response_to?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder search_in_response_to?: SortOrder persona?: SortOrder _count?: statementCountOrderByAggregateInput _avg?: statementAvgOrderByAggregateInput _max?: statementMaxOrderByAggregateInput _min?: statementMinOrderByAggregateInput _sum?: statementSumOrderByAggregateInput } export type statementScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = { AND?: statementScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | statementScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] OR?: statementScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] NOT?: statementScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | statementScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] id?: IntWithAggregatesFilter<"statement"> | number text?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"statement"> | string search_text?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"statement"> | string conversation?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"statement"> | string created_at?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"statement"> | Date | string | null in_response_to?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"statement"> | string | null search_in_response_to?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"statement"> | string persona?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"statement"> | string } export type learnCreateInput = { command: string result: string user_id: string created_at?: Date | string } export type learnUncheckedCreateInput = { id?: number command: string result: string user_id: string created_at?: Date | string } export type learnUpdateInput = { command?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string result?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string user_id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string created_at?: DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string } export type learnUncheckedUpdateInput = { id?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number command?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string result?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string user_id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string created_at?: DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string } export type learnCreateManyInput = { id?: number command: string result: string user_id: string created_at?: Date | string } export type learnUpdateManyMutationInput = { command?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string result?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string user_id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string created_at?: DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string } export type learnUncheckedUpdateManyInput = { id?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number command?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string result?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string user_id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string created_at?: DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string } export type nsfw_contentCreateInput = { text?: string created_at?: Date | string | null persona?: string } export type nsfw_contentUncheckedCreateInput = { id?: number text?: string created_at?: Date | string | null persona?: string } export type nsfw_contentUpdateInput = { text?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string created_at?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null persona?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string } export type nsfw_contentUncheckedUpdateInput = { id?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number text?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string created_at?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null persona?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string } export type nsfw_contentCreateManyInput = { id?: number text?: string created_at?: Date | string | null persona?: string } export type nsfw_contentUpdateManyMutationInput = { text?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string created_at?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null persona?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string } export type nsfw_contentUncheckedUpdateManyInput = { id?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number text?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string created_at?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null persona?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string } export type statementCreateInput = { text: string search_text?: string conversation?: string created_at?: Date | string | null in_response_to?: string | null search_in_response_to?: string persona?: string } export type statementUncheckedCreateInput = { id?: number text: string search_text?: string conversation?: string created_at?: Date | string | null in_response_to?: string | null search_in_response_to?: string persona?: string } export type statementUpdateInput = { text?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string search_text?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string conversation?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string created_at?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null in_response_to?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null search_in_response_to?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string persona?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string } export type statementUncheckedUpdateInput = { id?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number text?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string search_text?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string conversation?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string created_at?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null in_response_to?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null search_in_response_to?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string persona?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string } export type statementCreateManyInput = { id?: number text: string search_text?: string conversation?: string created_at?: Date | string | null in_response_to?: string | null search_in_response_to?: string persona?: string } export type statementUpdateManyMutationInput = { text?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string search_text?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string conversation?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string created_at?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null in_response_to?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null search_in_response_to?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string persona?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string } export type statementUncheckedUpdateManyInput = { id?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number text?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string search_text?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string conversation?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string created_at?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null in_response_to?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null search_in_response_to?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string persona?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string } export type IntFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: number[] notIn?: number[] lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> | number } export type StringFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: string[] notIn?: string[] lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel> | string } export type DateTimeFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: Date[] | string[] notIn?: Date[] | string[] lt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedDateTimeFilter<$PrismaModel> | Date | string } export type learnCountOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder command?: SortOrder result?: SortOrder user_id?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrder } export type learnAvgOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder } export type learnMaxOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder command?: SortOrder result?: SortOrder user_id?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrder } export type learnMinOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder command?: SortOrder result?: SortOrder user_id?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrder } export type learnSumOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder } export type IntWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: number[] notIn?: number[] lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | number _count?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> _avg?: NestedFloatFilter<$PrismaModel> _sum?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> _min?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> _max?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> } export type StringWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: string[] notIn?: string[] lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | string _count?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> _min?: NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel> _max?: NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel> } export type DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: Date[] | string[] notIn?: Date[] | string[] lt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedDateTimeWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | Date | string _count?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> _min?: NestedDateTimeFilter<$PrismaModel> _max?: NestedDateTimeFilter<$PrismaModel> } export type DateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null in?: Date[] | string[] | null notIn?: Date[] | string[] | null lt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | Date | string | null } export type SortOrderInput = { sort: SortOrder nulls?: NullsOrder } export type nsfw_contentCountOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder text?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrder persona?: SortOrder } export type nsfw_contentAvgOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder } export type nsfw_contentMaxOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder text?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrder persona?: SortOrder } export type nsfw_contentMinOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder text?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrder persona?: SortOrder } export type nsfw_contentSumOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder } export type DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null in?: Date[] | string[] | null notIn?: Date[] | string[] | null lt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedDateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | Date | string | null _count?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> _min?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> _max?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> } export type StringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null in?: string[] | null notIn?: string[] | null lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | string | null } export type statementCountOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder text?: SortOrder search_text?: SortOrder conversation?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrder in_response_to?: SortOrder search_in_response_to?: SortOrder persona?: SortOrder } export type statementAvgOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder } export type statementMaxOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder text?: SortOrder search_text?: SortOrder conversation?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrder in_response_to?: SortOrder search_in_response_to?: SortOrder persona?: SortOrder } export type statementMinOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder text?: SortOrder search_text?: SortOrder conversation?: SortOrder created_at?: SortOrder in_response_to?: SortOrder search_in_response_to?: SortOrder persona?: SortOrder } export type statementSumOrderByAggregateInput = { id?: SortOrder } export type StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null in?: string[] | null notIn?: string[] | null lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | string | null _count?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> _min?: NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> _max?: NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> } export type StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput = { set?: string } export type DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput = { set?: Date | string } export type IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput = { set?: number increment?: number decrement?: number multiply?: number divide?: number } export type NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput = { set?: Date | string | null } export type NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput = { set?: string | null } export type NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: number[] notIn?: number[] lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> | number } export type NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: string[] notIn?: string[] lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel> | string } export type NestedDateTimeFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: Date[] | string[] notIn?: Date[] | string[] lt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedDateTimeFilter<$PrismaModel> | Date | string } export type NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: number[] notIn?: number[] lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | number _count?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> _avg?: NestedFloatFilter<$PrismaModel> _sum?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> _min?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> _max?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> } export type NestedFloatFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: number[] notIn?: number[] lt?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedFloatFilter<$PrismaModel> | number } export type NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: string[] notIn?: string[] lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | string _count?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> _min?: NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel> _max?: NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel> } export type NestedDateTimeWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> in?: Date[] | string[] notIn?: Date[] | string[] lt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedDateTimeWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | Date | string _count?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> _min?: NestedDateTimeFilter<$PrismaModel> _max?: NestedDateTimeFilter<$PrismaModel> } export type NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null in?: Date[] | string[] | null notIn?: Date[] | string[] | null lt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | Date | string | null } export type NestedDateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null in?: Date[] | string[] | null notIn?: Date[] | string[] | null lt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedDateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | Date | string | null _count?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> _min?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> _max?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> } export type NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null in?: number[] | null notIn?: number[] | null lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | number | null } export type NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null in?: string[] | null notIn?: string[] | null lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | string | null } export type NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = { equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null in?: string[] | null notIn?: string[] | null lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> not?: NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | string | null _count?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> _min?: NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> _max?: NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> } /** * Aliases for legacy arg types */ /** * @deprecated Use learnDefaultArgs instead */ export type learnArgs = learnDefaultArgs /** * @deprecated Use nsfw_contentDefaultArgs instead */ export type nsfw_contentArgs = nsfw_contentDefaultArgs /** * @deprecated Use statementDefaultArgs instead */ export type statementArgs = statementDefaultArgs /** * Batch Payload for updateMany & deleteMany & createMany */ export type BatchPayload = { count: number } /** * DMMF */ export const dmmf: runtime.BaseDMMF }