declare class AnyNull extends NullTypesEnumValue { } declare type Args = T extends { [K: symbol]: { types: { operations: { [K in F]: { args: any; }; }; }; }; } ? T[symbol]['types']['operations'][F]['args'] : any; declare class DbNull extends NullTypesEnumValue { } export declare namespace Decimal { export type Constructor = typeof Decimal; export type Instance = Decimal; export type Rounding = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8; export type Modulo = Rounding | 9; export type Value = string | number | Decimal; // export interface Config { precision?: number; rounding?: Rounding; toExpNeg?: number; toExpPos?: number; minE?: number; maxE?: number; crypto?: boolean; modulo?: Modulo; defaults?: boolean; } } export declare class Decimal { readonly d: number[]; readonly e: number; readonly s: number; constructor(n: Decimal.Value); absoluteValue(): Decimal; abs(): Decimal; ceil(): Decimal; clampedTo(min: Decimal.Value, max: Decimal.Value): Decimal; clamp(min: Decimal.Value, max: Decimal.Value): Decimal; comparedTo(n: Decimal.Value): number; cmp(n: Decimal.Value): number; cosine(): Decimal; cos(): Decimal; cubeRoot(): Decimal; cbrt(): Decimal; decimalPlaces(): number; dp(): number; dividedBy(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; div(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; dividedToIntegerBy(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; divToInt(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; equals(n: Decimal.Value): boolean; eq(n: Decimal.Value): boolean; floor(): Decimal; greaterThan(n: Decimal.Value): boolean; gt(n: Decimal.Value): boolean; greaterThanOrEqualTo(n: Decimal.Value): boolean; gte(n: Decimal.Value): boolean; hyperbolicCosine(): Decimal; cosh(): Decimal; hyperbolicSine(): Decimal; sinh(): Decimal; hyperbolicTangent(): Decimal; tanh(): Decimal; inverseCosine(): Decimal; acos(): Decimal; inverseHyperbolicCosine(): Decimal; acosh(): Decimal; inverseHyperbolicSine(): Decimal; asinh(): Decimal; inverseHyperbolicTangent(): Decimal; atanh(): Decimal; inverseSine(): Decimal; asin(): Decimal; inverseTangent(): Decimal; atan(): Decimal; isFinite(): boolean; isInteger(): boolean; isInt(): boolean; isNaN(): boolean; isNegative(): boolean; isNeg(): boolean; isPositive(): boolean; isPos(): boolean; isZero(): boolean; lessThan(n: Decimal.Value): boolean; lt(n: Decimal.Value): boolean; lessThanOrEqualTo(n: Decimal.Value): boolean; lte(n: Decimal.Value): boolean; logarithm(n?: Decimal.Value): Decimal; log(n?: Decimal.Value): Decimal; minus(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; sub(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; modulo(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; mod(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; naturalExponential(): Decimal; exp(): Decimal; naturalLogarithm(): Decimal; ln(): Decimal; negated(): Decimal; neg(): Decimal; plus(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; add(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; precision(includeZeros?: boolean): number; sd(includeZeros?: boolean): number; round(): Decimal; sine() : Decimal; sin() : Decimal; squareRoot(): Decimal; sqrt(): Decimal; tangent() : Decimal; tan() : Decimal; times(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; mul(n: Decimal.Value) : Decimal; toBinary(significantDigits?: number): string; toBinary(significantDigits: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): string; toDecimalPlaces(decimalPlaces?: number): Decimal; toDecimalPlaces(decimalPlaces: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): Decimal; toDP(decimalPlaces?: number): Decimal; toDP(decimalPlaces: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): Decimal; toExponential(decimalPlaces?: number): string; toExponential(decimalPlaces: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): string; toFixed(decimalPlaces?: number): string; toFixed(decimalPlaces: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): string; toFraction(max_denominator?: Decimal.Value): Decimal[]; toHexadecimal(significantDigits?: number): string; toHexadecimal(significantDigits: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): string; toHex(significantDigits?: number): string; toHex(significantDigits: number, rounding?: Decimal.Rounding): string; toJSON(): string; toNearest(n: Decimal.Value, rounding?: Decimal.Rounding): Decimal; toNumber(): number; toOctal(significantDigits?: number): string; toOctal(significantDigits: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): string; toPower(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; pow(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; toPrecision(significantDigits?: number): string; toPrecision(significantDigits: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): string; toSignificantDigits(significantDigits?: number): Decimal; toSignificantDigits(significantDigits: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): Decimal; toSD(significantDigits?: number): Decimal; toSD(significantDigits: number, rounding: Decimal.Rounding): Decimal; toString(): string; truncated(): Decimal; trunc(): Decimal; valueOf(): string; static abs(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static acos(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static acosh(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static add(x: Decimal.Value, y: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static asin(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static asinh(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static atan(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static atanh(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static atan2(y: Decimal.Value, x: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static cbrt(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static ceil(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static clamp(n: Decimal.Value, min: Decimal.Value, max: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static clone(object?: Decimal.Config): Decimal.Constructor; static config(object: Decimal.Config): Decimal.Constructor; static cos(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static cosh(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static div(x: Decimal.Value, y: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static exp(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static floor(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static hypot(...n: Decimal.Value[]): Decimal; static isDecimal(object: any): object is Decimal; static ln(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static log(n: Decimal.Value, base?: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static log2(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static log10(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static max(...n: Decimal.Value[]): Decimal; static min(...n: Decimal.Value[]): Decimal; static mod(x: Decimal.Value, y: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static mul(x: Decimal.Value, y: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static noConflict(): Decimal.Constructor; // Browser only static pow(base: Decimal.Value, exponent: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static random(significantDigits?: number): Decimal; static round(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static set(object: Decimal.Config): Decimal.Constructor; static sign(n: Decimal.Value): number; static sin(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static sinh(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static sqrt(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static sub(x: Decimal.Value, y: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static sum(...n: Decimal.Value[]): Decimal; static tan(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static tanh(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static trunc(n: Decimal.Value): Decimal; static readonly default?: Decimal.Constructor; static readonly Decimal?: Decimal.Constructor; static readonly precision: number; static readonly rounding: Decimal.Rounding; static readonly toExpNeg: number; static readonly toExpPos: number; static readonly minE: number; static readonly maxE: number; static readonly crypto: boolean; static readonly modulo: Decimal.Modulo; static readonly ROUND_UP: 0; static readonly ROUND_DOWN: 1; static readonly ROUND_CEIL: 2; static readonly ROUND_FLOOR: 3; static readonly ROUND_HALF_UP: 4; static readonly ROUND_HALF_DOWN: 5; static readonly ROUND_HALF_EVEN: 6; static readonly ROUND_HALF_CEIL: 7; static readonly ROUND_HALF_FLOOR: 8; static readonly EUCLID: 9; } declare type Exact = (A extends unknown ? (W extends A ? { [K in keyof A]: Exact; } : W) : never) | (A extends Narrowable ? A : never); export declare function getRuntime(): GetRuntimeOutput; declare type GetRuntimeOutput = { id: Runtime; prettyName: string; isEdge: boolean; }; declare class JsonNull extends NullTypesEnumValue { } /** * Generates more strict variant of an enum which, unlike regular enum, * throws on non-existing property access. This can be useful in following situations: * - we have an API, that accepts both `undefined` and `SomeEnumType` as an input * - enum values are generated dynamically from DMMF. * * In that case, if using normal enums and no compile-time typechecking, using non-existing property * will result in `undefined` value being used, which will be accepted. Using strict enum * in this case will help to have a runtime exception, telling you that you are probably doing something wrong. * * Note: if you need to check for existence of a value in the enum you can still use either * `in` operator or `hasOwnProperty` function. * * @param definition * @returns */ export declare function makeStrictEnum>(definition: T): T; declare type Narrowable = string | number | bigint | boolean | []; declare class NullTypesEnumValue extends ObjectEnumValue { _getNamespace(): string; } /** * Base class for unique values of object-valued enums. */ declare abstract class ObjectEnumValue { constructor(arg?: symbol); abstract _getNamespace(): string; _getName(): string; toString(): string; } export declare const objectEnumValues: { classes: { DbNull: typeof DbNull; JsonNull: typeof JsonNull; AnyNull: typeof AnyNull; }; instances: { DbNull: DbNull; JsonNull: JsonNull; AnyNull: AnyNull; }; }; declare type Operation = 'findFirst' | 'findFirstOrThrow' | 'findUnique' | 'findUniqueOrThrow' | 'findMany' | 'create' | 'createMany' | 'createManyAndReturn' | 'update' | 'updateMany' | 'upsert' | 'delete' | 'deleteMany' | 'aggregate' | 'count' | 'groupBy' | '$queryRaw' | '$executeRaw' | '$queryRawUnsafe' | '$executeRawUnsafe' | 'findRaw' | 'aggregateRaw' | '$runCommandRaw'; declare namespace Public { export { validator } } export { Public } declare type Runtime = "edge-routine" | "workerd" | "deno" | "lagon" | "react-native" | "netlify" | "electron" | "node" | "bun" | "edge-light" | "fastly" | "unknown"; declare function validator(): (select: Exact) => S; declare function validator, O extends keyof C[M] & Operation>(client: C, model: M, operation: O): (select: Exact>) => S; declare function validator, O extends keyof C[M] & Operation, P extends keyof Args>(client: C, model: M, operation: O, prop: P): (select: Exact[P]>) => S; export { }