83 lines
2.3 KiB
83 lines
2.3 KiB
import { Command, LearnData } from '../modules'
import { Message } from 'discord.js'
import config from '../../config.json'
export default class extends Command {
public constructor() {
public async execute(msg: Message, args: string[]) {
if (!args[0] || !args[1]) {
return await msg.channel.send(
'```\n멒힌아 배워 (등록할 단어) (대답)\n```\n `_`를 대답에 쓰면 공백으로 바뀌ㅇ어요.',
const command = args[0]
const result = args[1].replaceAll('_', ' ')
const ignore = [
const disallowed = ['@everyone', '@here', `<@${config.bot.owner_ID}>`]
const db = await msg.client.chatBot.db.getConnection()
const [learn] = await db.execute<LearnData[]>(
'SELECT * FROM learn WHERE command = ?;',
if (learn[0]) {
if (msg.author.id !== learn[0].user_id) {
return msg.channel.send(
`해ㄷ당 단어는 이미 ${
(await msg.client.users.fetch(learn[0].user_id)).username
}님에게서 배웠어요.`,
for (const ig of ignore) {
if (command.includes(ig)) {
return msg.channel.send('해ㄷ당 단어는 배울ㄹ 수 없어요.')
for (const di of disallowed) {
if (result.includes(di)) {
return msg.channel.send('해당 단ㅇ어는 금지되어 있ㅅ어요.')
try {
await db.beginTransaction()
if (learn[0] && msg.author.id === learn[0].user_id) {
await db.execute('UPDATE learn SET result = ? WHERE command = ?;', [
await msg.channel.send(`${command}을/를 다시 배ㅂ웠어요.`)
} else {
await db.execute(
'INSERT INTO learn (command, result, user_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?);',
[command, result, msg.author.id],
await msg.channel.send(`${command}을/를 배웠ㅇ어요.`)
await db.commit()
} catch (err) {
await db.rollback()
await msg.channel.send('배우는데 오류ㄹ가 생겨서 배우지 못했어ㅇ요.')
} finally {